Mixed bag - Crossfit/Stronglifts/Spin

Friday 9.30am Conditioning Class

Partner on/off (worked with the wife!!)

1 min on/1 min off x 3 rounds each station
  • 10 cal buy in skier into max V situps
  • 10 cal assult bike into max down and up
  • 10 Cal row into 20kg kettlebell cleans alt arms.
Good little sweaty session again. Going to smash the weekly comp WOD tomorrow along with some gymnastics practise as I have a slightly sore neck from yesterdays Headstands!

Weekly Comp WOD

  • 1 Round DT
  • 40 Cal Row
  • 1 Round DT
  • 40 x 24" Box Step ups with 2 x 22.5kg dumbells
  • 1 Round DT
  • 40 HSPU
12 Min Cap.

I knew going into this that it was all about the step ups. Sammy who is European Junior Crossfit champion got onto the Box step ups after just 4 mins, but took 6 mins to complete them!!

I scaled DT to 50kg as I had a slight niggle in my neck/shoulder still from Thursdays headstand practice. DT x 2 and Row were fine. Completed in just under 6 minutes. Box step ups were horrendous. It's soo hard with 45kg stepping up onto a box. I always tend to lead with my right leg, I tried to change to left a few times but just wasn't confident to use that lead. Anyway - struggled through and got the last of the step ups just inside the time. Very hard work.
Squat Homework - Sunday Night

Warm up then

2 x 7 @ 95kg
2 x 7 @ 100kg

Then whilst waiting for a pal to finish I did some quick weakness work - 2 x 5 min runs on Assault runner - Managed to get 913m and 1002m in 5 mins.

Conditioning - EMOM - 5 Rounds

  • 15 Cal Assualt Bike
  • 15 Call Skier
  • 50 DU (max single unders if scaled)
  • Maximum 24" Burpee Box jumps facing.
  • Rest
Tough shift again. Scale the reps if not finishing the work in around 40 seconds.

Did 15 cals Bike every round
15,12,12,12,12 ski
Single Unders - 60,65,75,66,65
BBJ - 12,10,10,10,10

Pretty happy with that. Really tough going.


Complex of 1 Hang Squat Clean, 2 Front Squats, 1 Full squat clean. 6 progressive sets, one every 3 minutes. Starting around 70% of 1RM

61kg, 66kg, 68kg, 70kg, 75kg missed on 5th set, but got it on the last set. Very pleased with this as my 1RM for squat clean is 80kg.

Then 5 minutes to find 1RM Hang Squat Clean - My hang squat clean PR is 74kg.

Did - 77kg, 80kg, 82.5kg, missed 85kg twice. Still 82.5kg is a 8.5kg PR!

Into week 3 now of the new program and feeling a bit more inline with it all - it was all a bit overwhleming in terms of the amount of work involved but really enjoying the challenge of it all.

Treated myself to some new shoes - Some nice Nike Metcon Free X. Needed something with a little more cushioning in them rather than the fairly flat (but very stable) Nano's. First time today with them and very pleased, feel very stable but extremely comfy
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Conditioning - 3km row with 6 shuttle runs every 2 mins 30 seconds.

Some fun in the sun for this one. Hard to pace as I've never really gone long on the rower but I guess that 2 minutes per 500m was a reasonable pace to hold. My max effort pace is around 1.38/40 when pushing short distances hard.

Team worked together today. Sammy is European Junior Champ (17) and Liam is a monster on the weights (squats 250kg!) - some of the girls are fast and strong as well so a good mix of people.

Finished in 14.22 which was 40 seconds behind the fastest male (Sammy) - happy with that and I think if I did it again I could go a little quicker for sure. Felt there was still a bit in the tank.

Then did some T2B work. EMOM for 10 mins. 4,3,2,3,2,3,3,2,1,4. Very pleased with this as it shows some good progress for me.

I'm the one in the blue!!


Early start as my son swims at 6am till 7.30am so decided to head in and get my work done in between dropping him off and picking him up.


10 mins max effort any machine (row, ski, bike) - Decide on bike - 145 cals in 10 mins. Not too bad. Again not having anything much previous to go on, I could have maybe gone a bit harder at the outset but I reckon that was around 90-95%. I know for the future I have something to work with now.


EMOM - Touch and Go.
  • 5 Clean and Jerk - Round 1
  • 4 Snatch - Round 2
6 Rounds of each - so each one done per minute. I went with 50kg for C&J and 40kg for Snatch. Tough going, I struggled in the middle a bit with the timing as there wasn't much break going every minute. Tecnhique started to break down towards the end a bit - a few were not touch and go and I think I missed a couple of reps here and there but happy to plug away at it.

Then 5 minutes weakness work - Double Unders - Again small improvements here. Still working on them.
Wednesday night Squat bootcamp

Another good session tonight - working on doubles ahead of next weeks test night.

Doubles at 95/100/105/110/113/115kg. Certainly another couple of kg in there but ran out of time - Pleased with that as my 1RM is 120kg.

Another frustrating days work!!:p:p

Lifting Complex - Hang Squat Snatch into Overhead Squat into full squat snatch.

Always a tough one - missed loads and loads of these but kept plugging away. Not getting too annoyed with myself as I know a lot of these are still newish to me.

Anyway - 30/35/37.5/40/42.5 all hit. Missed 45kg loads of time. I need to be a little more patient with them as I'm trying to get under a little to quick.

Then find 1RM Full Squat Snatch - hit 45kg on a single but missed tons at 47.5kg. She's a wicked mistress Mrs Snatch.:cool:

Conditioning Class

Working with the wife again - 10 reps each (I go , you go 10 each then 9 each etc) down to 1 rep before moving to next movement.
  • box jumps
  • Slam ball squat into ball slam
  • dumbell snatch
  • Alt leg V situps
  • Down and Up's
Did fairly well between us in the 20 mins - got through pretty much all of it bar the D&U's.....Also I did proper fast box jumps today (normally step up) and felt good. New Nike Metcon Free's feel really cushioned compared with my Nano 7's.

Looking forward to Sunday - First Dynamic Athlete Camp at the gym. About 50 people all there with various workouts etc - big team environment and some fun stuff as well.

Weekly comp WOD. No time cap.
  • 50 wall balls (9kg)
    40 green banded pull ups
    30 burpees over bar
    20 cleans (50kg)
    10 thrusters (40kg)
I needed to use a band for pull ups but that was still a huge weakness for me. Cleans could have been better in terms of stringing them together and Thrusters cost me time as I was totally blowing by then. 13.27 time wise. Very hard work for me!!
Busy few days so I'll update.


Dynamic Athlete Camp - Only been running the new program for 2 weeks but every 3 months or so they have a huge get together of all the atheles on the program - there are a number of people who run the program in another box/gym or from home etc. Think there was 54 people there on Sunday.

Conditioning in the Sunshine!!

2 rounds - starting on the ski at about 60% max and then building tempo and speed towards the runs at the end. Each station was 2 mins 30 seconds long and no breaks in between each station. 2 full rounds.
  • Ski Erg, 2:30
  • Down & Ups, 2:30
  • Medicine Ball Clean, 50 kg, 2:30
  • Assault Bike, 2:30
  • Shuttle Run, 2:30
  • Rest 2:30
Tough going but 8 people on at a time so great atmosphere.


Again working in groups of 4 and mixing up male/females etc - Clean and Jerk.

Singles at about 80% of your max - 6 rounds every 3 minutes. Then build to a 1RM. So did 65kg for singles and then did 67.5/70/72.5 and 75kg. Happy with this as my previous was 74kg I think. Felt a little twinge in the knee so decided to call it there.


Pull ups - Mini EMOM - max set every minute for 4 rounds, then half the number every 30 seconds for 6 rounds. I still using a band but plugging away with the pull ups.

Comp WOD

This was optional at the end of the day as there has been a lot pilled into the day so far and I decided to leave it to later in the week. It was a 16 min time cap and the 2 guys in my group went for it so I had been waiting around judging for 32 mins before it came to my turn. Just wasn't feeling it so will do it later in the week.

Cracking day, great atmosphere with 50 odd people there all working together etc. Really good day.


Assault Air Runner : 800/600/400/200 m at 100%, rest 2 mins in between. I hate running.......
  • Assault Air Runner, 800 m | 3:36
  • Assault Air Runner, 600 m | 2:39
  • Assault Air Runner, 400 m | 1:38
  • Assault Air Runner, 200 m | 0:40
Nothing more to say here.....


Squat Snatch - 6 set of 2 every 3 minutes at 80%.

2 sets of 2 @ 35kg and then 4 sets of 2 @ 37.5kg.

Then push for heavy single. Managed 40kg/42.5/45 and 47.5kg for a new PR. Had 50kg but just lost balance on it. Pleased with this as some good progression over the last week on squat snatch. Great couple of tips from gym owner about my technique that really helped me today.

Onward and upwards.

6am solo session!

Couple of mini WOD's

EMOM - 6 rounds - complete both movements in the minute.
  • 10 9kg wall balls
  • 6 burpee ball jump overs
All completed - took about 45 seconds per round.

Mini Engine WOD - 6 min cap.
  • Run 400m
  • 20 burpee box jump overs
  • Run 400m
Finished in 5.50.

4 sets of 10 reps - Lat pull down (40kg)

Gymnastics - Banded pull ups

7 reps EMOM - 4 rounds, then half that (3 or 4 reps) every 30 seconds for 8 rounds.

Double under practise.

Back tonight for 1RM back squat testing.
Back Squat test night.

Good but frustrating night.

Worked up to singles at 100/105/110/115/118 and then did 121kg for a new PR (1kg) - I felt good so went to 123kg but failed twice. Not so much on the strength, more technical failure as I was on my toes a bit too much both times. Good to PR but slightly disappointed not to get a little more than 1kg.

Still onwards and upwards with the program.

PT session

3 sets of 5 GHD - woohoo - finally got the stupid mental block of getting stuck at the bottom out of my head! For some reason this was just a mental thing but finally got over it!!

2 Hang Snatch into 1 OHS - EMOM - 8 mins (35kg)

Some other general snatch work/technique - nothing heavy just working on speed/elbows etc

Conditioning work

Every 2 minutes do
  • 15 Cal assault bike
  • 45 Double unders (Scaled to single unders )
4 Rounds - straight into

Every 2 minutes do
  • 15 Cal assault bike
  • 8 Burpee Box Jumps (24")
Time each set

1.10/1.15/1.18/1.23 then 1.30/1.30/1.33 (6 bbj this round) and finally 1.48 but all 8 bbj to finish.

Burst after that one as there was no rest at all hardly between sets!!

Barbell Cycling with Partner

Did this with one of the girls in the gym, she's had an amazing transformation over the last 15 months losing 5 stone.

3 Min Rounds

5 C&J for me, then partner goes 5 C&J, then back to me etc - max reps for the 3 mins. (I did 40kg, she did 30kg)

1 min rest

Same again but upping the weight - I was 45kg, she was 35kg, and then 3rd round 50kg, and 40kg for her. We got 126 reps total for the 3 rounds. Hard work with only 1 min rest between. Shoulders were blowing big time.

9.30 Conditioning Class

Worked with the wife on this one again.

6 min rounds - 3 stations
  1. buy in was 45 seconds of D&U's each for 2 rounds, then max cals on Bike for remaining 3 mins split how you want. Think we hit 58.
  2. buy in was 45 seconds of mountain climbers each for 2 rounds, then max ski cals for remaining 3 mins between you - didn't look at the numbers at the end! Too knackered
  3. buy in was 45 seconds of Russian KB swings each for 2 rounds, then max row cals. Again - didn't look as was done in by the end!
Who says you can't enjoy time with the wife!!:laugh::laugh:
Saturday Session

30 cal row into 100 single unders x 4 rounds for time. 11.56.
4 x 10 lat pull down @ 40kg
3 x 10 incline press @ 30kg

Short session whilst son was at his crossfit class.

Monday morning


30 seconds on/ 30 off - 10 rounds. Max Cal Ski

Total of 107 Cals over the 10 sets straight into death by Double Unders starting at 15 and adding 5 every round (1 min rounds)

I did single unders and started with 20 and added 10 per round. Got 85 done in the round of 120. Calves on fire!!!


Complex : Power clean into Front Squat into STOH into Squat Clean into Front Squat into STOH.

6 Rounds - increasing weight each time. Managed to do 50/55/57/62 then failed 64.5kg on 5th set but got it on 6th set. STOH caused the fail - the rest are not to bad at that weight.
Monday - Squat Homework

Back to 10's - yuck - anyway - 3 sets of 10's @ 75% of 1RM - 90kg for me. 3 sets done fine. Could have gone a touch more probably.



  • 250m row
  • 250m run
8 Rounds. Actually quite enjoyed this one despite not liking running. Rowed inside and ran outside. Paced it pretty well, fairly even on the row each round and finished in 19.01 which I was very happy with. Even ran the last leg with one of the girls who was struggling after I'd finished! Of the 5 of us doing this I was the fastest by about 45 seconds which I was chuffed with.

The weakness work :
  • 10 Min EMOM - 5 green banded pull ups
  • 4 x 10 @ 40kg lat pull down
  • 3 x 5 ghd's
  • Double under practice - still officially rubbish at them.

- 1 min on/1 min off x 8 rounds.

Assault Bike Max Cals- all aboard the pain train......Anyway 24, 21, 21, 20, 20, 20, 20, 21 - total 167. Totally empty legs after.


6 sets to find max complex:
  • 1 power snatch
  • 1 OH squat
  • 1 SQ snatch
  • 1 OH squat
  • 1 SQ snatch
Legs wrecked after conditioning and lack of a proper breakfast!! Anyway - worked up to 40kg before ending it there with jelly legs in the OHS. Will probably go again tomorrow or Friday at this with no conditioning before it!
Squat Bootcamp

Building towards a heavy 5 rep max, then drop 10 kg and get some sets done.

So did 100kg, 105kg (which is a PR for 5 reps), then dropped to 95kg and got 5 sets of 5 done. Really trying to get some volume in the legs for now. Hard session but felt good.


Weakness work all the way in a PT session.

- 10 min EMOM - 5 Knees to Elbow plus 13 reps to finish
- 20kg Kettlebell Alt arm rows 4 x 10reps
- incline dumbbell bench press 3 x 10 reps
- Then Incline press into shoulder press 2 sets to failure.
- 5km Cybex Arc trainer - 8mins 49 seconds.
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