Mixed bag - Crossfit/Stronglifts/Spin



3 person teams - split reps anyway you want. One person works and one person must hold 15kg plate above shoulders for entire time.
  • 1000m row
  • 150 24kg KB American swings
  • 100 Sprawl to jump over reebok step
  • 50 Cal bike
Cap was 20 mins as it's a very mixed class.

Battered out the row, swings we did 30 each , then 20 each. Sprawls 20 each, then 10 each and one person finished another 10. I jumped on bike and smashed out 20 cals, partner did 20 leaving 10 for the finished. Finished in 14 mins something.

Barbell Class

1 Squat clean into 1 front squat into 1 jerk of your choice.

1 lift every 2 mins - ascending weights each set.

hit 50/55/60/63/65/68. My split jerk was rubbish today. Just no "pop" at all. Disappointing as my push jerk is 75kg and 68kg on a split was hard work.

Then singles for squat clean.

Hit 70/74/77/80/83/87 and 90kg for a 3kg PR. Chuffed with this as I'm aiming for 100kg for the end of the year as a personal target. Tried 93kg but nearly broke my wrists as I never got it far enough back in my fingers!
Sunday Night

In 2 Min complete
  • 20 cal assault bike
  • then max burpee box jumps overs
2 mins rest

Then 2 mins max row.

2 mins rest

Repeat for 3 rounds.

Managed 12/13/11 BBJO and

Row - screwed this up and wrote down distance instead of cals.
- 590m
- 540m
- 555m

Clean & jerk
Work up to 75% of 1RM - 55kg
Singles at 60/65/70/74 and 77kg for a 4.5kg PR.

Last week of the 6 week Nutrition challenge. Feeling good, lost about 5lbs but body fat is down for sure.

Monday morning

Squat Homework

1 set of 3 @ 110kg
4 set of 3 @ 112.5kg



40 seconds on/40 seconds off - 8 Rounds. Count cals each round.

15,14,13,14,13,13,12,13 (realised after 3 rounds that skier was on level 10!!!)

Snatch - worked up to 45kg (75%) - then hit 50/52/54/57 and missed a few at 60kg. PR is 60kg so not too fussed as wasn't firing on all cylinders today. A bit low on energy.

Some general weakness work today - didn't want to wreck myself before tonights squats.

  • 3 x 10 Dumbbell Chest Press
  • 4 x 10 lat pull down
  • 3 x 10 single arm dumbell row
  • 3 x 10 GHD
  • 3 x 1 mins plank (1 min rest)

Some toes to bar practise


Finding a 5 reps max - hopefully close to 3 rep max from last week as possible.

5 @ 100
5 @ 105
5 @ 110
2 @ 112.5kg (failed 3rd rep)

Happy with that - 115kg for 3 last week, and previous 5 rep max was 105kg.
Away Thursday/Friday.

Did a quick sweaty session on Saturday - running on the treadmill etc - nothing major.

Sunday Night


20 min max distance row - every 2 mins 30 seconds - 50 DU or 15 Burpees.

Went with DU but I was to cap them at 45 seconds long. Need to keep practising them.

Wasn't too bad - managed around 13-15 DU per 45 seconds and 3423m row in the time.


2 reps every 90 seconds - Squat Snatch at 80-85% of 1RM - 10 rounds.

My nemesis at the moment - anyway - worked up to 45kg and hit 16 of the 20 lifts in total. Felt better getting back into this as I've had a bit of a mental breakdown with Squat Snatch recently!


Squat Homework

1 set of 5 @ 105kg
4 sets of 5 @ 107.5kg

6 week Nutrition Challenge completed this morning. Lost 7lbs in total, Body Fat down from 17 to 15.5%. Will probably keep going with it a bit longer as I feel I'm doing OK with my training on the lower cal intake at the moment and then go back later in the year for a bit of bulking phase.


  • 2 mins max cal assault bike straight into
  • 2 mins max cal ski
  • 1 min rest
4 Rounds

Rounds 3 and 4 hurt bad.....

Round 1 - Bike 32, Ski 31
Round 2 - Bike 31, Ski 30
Round 3 - Bike 30, Ski 29
Round 4 - Bike 31, Ski 29


2 reps every 90 seconds - Squat Cleans at 80-85% of 1RM - 10 rounds. 75kg for me. Hit all rounds/reps.
Good and bad night tonight.

Squat Bootcamp

Warmup - then 5 sets of 5 @ 110kg was the aim.

3 set of 5 @ 110kg
4th set managed 3 reps and then on my 4th rep failed (knees fell in a bit i think)
5th set dropped to 100kg for 5 reps.

Overall fairly happy as 10 days ago I'd only ever hit 1 set of 5 at 110kg in my life!

Failure is part of the game to help move forward.

5 x 500m assault runner ()

  • 2.15
  • 2.17
  • 2.17
  • 2.20
  • 2.10

7 rep hang power Snatch - 6 ascending sets


Stopped after 5 sets as my back was giving me grief from previous nights squats (running was also horrible with a bit of pain in the back)


back seemed better today. Only a quick session whilst my lad was at his kids crossfit session.

Core Wod

3 x 8 GHD situps (no weights)
3 x 8 GHD Back extensions (no weights)

Weakness work

5 x 5 Blue banded Pullups (EMOM)

1000m row time trial - 3.31.3 (13 second PB from 3 months ago) - Not done in a while so decided to give it a go. Happy with result.
Saturday was just some upper body weakness work (shoulders/lats etc)

Sunday night

Row 2 x 1000m (rest for as long as it takes you to row)
4 x 250m row - (rest as above)

Went out hard on the first 1000m aiming for similar time to Fridays effort. Managed to scrape under the 3.30 barrier.....:D:D

Second effort was decent at 3.32 as well.


Then 4 x 250m blast - 49.2/48.6/48.4 and then managed a massive 2.4 second PB on the last one - 46 seconds dead. Had a few people shouting/screaming at me to keep pushing. Really is good having people around you to help push you to your limit.



    • 2 Mins max reps sq clean @ 60% (54kg)
    • Rest 1 min
    • 2 Mins max reps sq clean @ 70% (63kg)
    • Rest 1 min
    • 2 Mins max reps sq clean @ 77.5% (70kg)
    • Rest 1 min
    • 2 Mins max reps sq clean @ 82.5% (74.5kg)
    • Rest 1 min
    • 2 Mins max reps sq clean @ 87.5% (79kg)
Tough going - legs like rubber!

Managed to get 16/11/8/6/3

Missed 2 reps in the last round - cleaned fine into my squat but legs had nothing to get it up.

Good session.

Conditioning Assault Bike

  • 1 min - 23 cals
  • 1 min rest
  • 2 min - 33 cals
  • 1 min rest
  • 3 min - 47 cals
  • 1 min rest
  • 4 min - 62 cals
  • 1 min rest
  • 5 min - 77 cals

Total 242 cals

Squat Bootcamp homework

5 x 5 @100kg. Down from 110kg due to niggling back pain.


1k ski erg
1k run
1k ski erg

12.58 - happy with this time - not much more on the ski. Run could have been a touch faster.


5 Red band strict pull ups EMOM into 5 x 30 seconds handstand holds against the wall every minute.


Sq Snatch

2mins max reps sq snatch 60% 35kg 11reps
2mins max reps sq snatch 70% 42.5kg 5reps
2mins max reps sq snatch 77.5% 45kg 5reps
2mins max reps sq snatch 82.5% 50kg 4reps
2mins max reps sq snatch 87.5% 52.5kg 1reps
1min rest in between

Still a tough one for me but work in progress. Missed 4 lifts in the last round -hit my last one!! So tiring Sq snatch!!!

Also did

10 bicep curls into 10 lat pull downs - 4 rounds.
6 Incline press into 6 push ups

9.30 am Conditioning class

6 min stations, 1 min rest

Round 1 - 15 speed step ups onto box, 10 box jumps, 5 burpee box jumps. AMRAP
Round 2 - 18 butterfly situps, 12 HRPU, 12 air squats - AMRAP
Round 3 - 12 deadlifts (2 x 20kg kettlebells), 8 double KB cleans, 6 racked kettlebell lunges - AMRAP

Sweaty sweaty - didn't count reps myself just gave it my all on each round. Legs/quads onfire in the Round 1!!

10 am Lift Class

Since I'd already done squat cleans and squat snatch this week it was the same workout structure but Power cleans for me.

2mins max reps power clean 60% 50kg - 16 reps
2mins max reps power clean 70% 58kg - 11 reps
2mins max reps power clean 77.5% 64kg - 9 reps
2mins max reps power clean 82.5% 69kg - 7 reps
2mins max reps power clean 87.5% 72.5kg - 5 reps
1min rest in between

Heavy singles

84kg (1kg PR)
86.5kg (3.5kg PR)

Chuffed again with this for a Power clean as it's more than my own body weight for the first time. Also only 3.5kg off my best every squat clean.

Solid/tough weeks training but still loving every day in the place.
Extra squats this week.


1 x 10 @ 95kg
1 x 10 @ 97.5kg
1 x 10 @ 100kg


4 x 7 @ 105kg

Trying to get back on track.

Sunday Night

5 x 500m ski



Then 1 clean and jerk rep every 30 seconds - @80% of your 1RM for 30 reps!

62.5kg for me

Tough shift - cleans are fine - jerk is rubbish! Still just about managed to keep up! Doesn't sound hard but resetting each rep and going again was tough going on time!
  • 2000m row - 7 mins 25 seconds
  • 3 mins rest
  • 7 x 100m row sprints with 30 seconds rest in-between.

Pretty happy with that.

Lifting - same as Sunday but Power Snatch

One rep every 30 seconds - @80% of your 1RM for 30 reps! (48kg)

Felt ok - need to maybe retest my 1RM on Power Snatch as it's been about 6-8 weeks since I set 60kg as my PR

Trying to steer clear of too much leg work on a Wednesday morning as it's Squat Bootcamp at night

4 x 10 Lat Pulldown
4 x 10 bicep curls

3 x 10 single arm dumbell rows (22.5kg)

20 seconds engaged hang from bar EMOM - 5 mins
4 x 10 australian pull ups

3 x 10 GHD's

Squat Bootcamp at night

4 x 7 @ 107.5kg

Great night - PR for a single set of 7's and managed all 4 sets. Double "homework" last week has helped for sure. LOVE a good squat session when everyone is smashing it.

Truly disgusting - probably one of the worse I've ever done.

3 min round

    • 15 Cal Assault Bike
    • 15 alt arm Dumbell snatch (22.5kg)
    • into max burpee box jumps 24" (score counts for these)
90 seconds rest between rounds x 6 rounds!

Horrible - legs just totally gubbed after 4 rounds, every BBJ was a mental battle to tell my legs to actually work!

13,12,11,10,10,11 was my scores......Picture was taken at the end by one of the girls who was pushing/cheering me on as she had done it earlier in the week and knew the pain i was in!!


3 x 10 reps @ 100kg back squat.

Even got the wife squatting for the first time in her life! (50kg for 5 reps! not too bad)

Sunday night fun - 42nd birthday and in the gym - what is going on!!)


100m ski/100m row

14 minute timecap

Went out hard and was a little worried at the mid point but hung on well (aimed for 1:50 per 500m pace) - finished in 12 mins on the button. Pretty happy with this


Work to a 1RM Power Clean

worked up to 85kg, tried for 87kg (for PR) on 5 attempts but not happening. I have loads of room to drop down under it more - practise required.

Gymnastics - 3 T2B EMOM for 5 minutes.

Monday -

Arrived 30 mins early and go dragged into some gymnastics - (thanks to a couple of the girls for forcing me to do them before the class this morning as I normally avoid gymnastics!)

- 3 T2B x5
- Handstand holds against the wall for 20 seconds EMOM x 5
- 2 Kipping Pullups EMOM x 5

Lifting - Same again 1RM power clean - 80kg hit this morning - garbage after that!

0-5 minutes - 12 Cal Bike
6-10 minutes - 10 Burpee box jumps (10,8,8,8,10)
11-15 minutes - 10 Power Cleans @ 50kg (10,8,8,9,10)

Farmers carries in 4 person teams - 7 minute AMRAP

Tough shift all round - burpee box jumps are never fun coming off the bike!!!
Sniff Sniff

Sad times - Squat/Strength Bootcamp has finished for now at our place......Usually up to 40 people going and more recently the numbers have dropped right off so much that there was only 18 there last night. Coach has decided that whilst he's love running this class/bootcamp, he just doesn't see the commitment from people and therefore decided he can put his time into other things within the gym. Fair enough - people were warned.

It was therefore a bit of a do what you want session so I decided to go for a 1RM.....

Warmed up to 100kg with 5's and 3's

Then Singled at 110, 115, 120 and 125kg for a new 1RM (was 122.5kg). I think I probably had a good chance at 127.5kg but time was short.

Sad times, I'm going to keep squatting for sure as it's helping all my other lifts within crossfit but sad times as I love the atmosphere and progression no matter how hard squatting is sometimes.
Forgot to log last few days training!

Anyway - Friday I PR'd my Power Clean - 87kg

Saturday did some strength training.

Sunday night


2 Mins Max Ski Cals
2 Mins Max Ball Throw overs (50kg)
2 Mins Max Assault Bike Cals
2 Mins Max Alt DB Squat Snatch (16kg)
2 Mins Rest

3 Full rounds.............:eek:

That was nasty - I started on the bike and went WAY to hard in the first round....

Anyway -

Bike 38/24/26
DB snatch 16/13/14
Ski 36/33/35
Ball 12/10/10


Start at 60% of 1RM Squat Clean

10 progressive doubles from there.

Worked up to 80kg and missed 1 of the 2, then hit 1 at 84kg and missed the 2nd. Tired legs after conditioning!!

Tuesday Morning

5km row!

19.36 - fairly happy with this - not really done a long row before. Arse was numb more than anything. Wanted to go sub 20 mins so happy with this.

4 x 10 Lat Pull down
4 x 10 Bicep curls.


20 on/40 off

  • Assault Bike Max Cals x 6 rounds
  • Burpee over Dumbells x 6 rounds
  • 2 x 22.5kg Dumbell Squats x 6 rounds


Start at 60% of 1RM Squat Snatch

10 progressive doubles from there.

-42.5, missed 1 rep, so did it again and hit both
-47.5 missed 1 rep, so did it again and hit both
-50 hit 1 missed 1.

PR is 57.5kg but been miles off this for a while.
Thursday off as choked with a cold

Friday - still not feeling great but forced myself to go!


Partner on/partner off

WOD1 - 5mins

  • 2 Cal Bike
  • 2 22.5kg Dumbell Snatch
  • 2 Down and Up's
4,4,4 6,6,6 etc

WOD2 - 5 mins

2 cal Row
2 Box Jumps

4,4 6,6 etc

WOD3 - 5mins

9 Wall balls (9kg)
6 Ball slams (15kg)
3 ball throw overs (50kg)

on/off - no change in reps.

Barbell Class

Go every Every 2 mins - 60kg for me

1 Squat Clean 5 Front Squats
2 Squat Clean 4 Front Squats
3 Squat Clean 3 Front Squats
4 Squat Clean 2 Front Squats
5 Squat Clean 5 Front Squats


Same again @ 70kg

Tough going at the end!!

Then some max height box jumps!! That's just a mental battle for me.

Did 30" box plus 4 x 5kg plates and a 20kg plate. Then bottled it after that!!!
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