Mixed bag - Crossfit/Stronglifts/Spin

Been a week or so since update - had the man flu for the weekend so gave training a miss.

Back at it on Monday


5 min Round - 2.30 rest between

1st round - 30 cal Row/12 Devil Press (20kg dumbells) then max row cals - 26 cals
2nd round - 30 cal ski/12 30" box jumps then max ski cals - 36 cals (screwed up - did just box jumps not burpee box jumps!)
3rd round - 30 cal Row/12 Devil Press then max row cals - 16 cals
4th round - 30 cal ski/12 30" burpee box jumps then max ski cals - 26 cals (corrected this round!)

Devil presses are the devils work......:eek::eek:

Lifting Complex

Max Unbroken complex - 2 Power Cleans, 1 Jerk, 1 Squat Clean, 1 jerk. 8 Progressive sets, 2mins 30 seconds between sets.

47kg/51kg/56kg/60kg/63kg/65kg/67.5kg/70kg all hit with no breaks.



20 cal bike into 45 DU
18 cal bike into 45 DU
16 cal bike into 45 DU
2 cal bike into 45 DU

Time Cap 19 mins.

completed 18.24 but scaled to 15 DUBs - . Lots of 2's and 3's.....but did hit 13 for a PR in one round! Keep plugging away with them.


Max Unbroken complex - 2 Power snatch, 1 OHS, 1 Squat snatch, 1 OHS. 8 Progressive sets, 2mins 30 seconds between sets.

30/35/38/40/43/45kg then hit 2 PC, 1 OHS and failed Sq Snatch at 47kg....tried twice failed twice at the same bit.



5 Rounds of 3 mins max Cal ski - 90 seconds rest between rounds

51/53/51/51/51 - Pretty consistent which is pleasing.


Bit of volume work in my PT session

Back Squats 5 x 5 @ 105kg

5 Rounds

10 ghd's
10 pressups
10 ring rows

4 Rounds - dumbell seated shoulder curl & press (8,7,7,7 reps)

4 Rounds - 10 x 20kg kettlebell rows each side into 10 lat pull down
Saturday TEAM WOD

Not often I get in on a saturday morning but good session.

Teams of 3 - split reps up how you want. 30 min chipper
  • 750m Ski
  • 100 box jump overs
  • 75 Power Cleans (50kg)
  • 750m Ski
  • 100 Down and Ups
  • 75 Front Squats (50kg)
  • 750m Ski
  • 100 Hand Release Press Ups OR Handstand push ups
  • 75 Front Rack Lunges
Offtt - burner all round. Pretty much split everything into 250m each ski, then 10's each on the rest of it. Then at the end I struggled a bit with the rack lunges but managed to keep with 10's and finished just inside the cap on 29.45.

Go hard or go home....Knackered now.
Sunday night Conditioning

Part A (Bike & DU's)

2.30 mins work - 1 min rest
x 4 rounds

20 cal bike each time then rounds of 9/12/8/11 DU - DU's not on point at all last night.

Part B (assault Runner - no rowers left & Burpee box jumps)
2.30 mins work - 1 min rest
x 4 rounds

Ran 60 seconds each time (15 cals) and did 13/13/13/14 BBJ.


7 mins to establish heavy Power Clean

60/65/70/75/80/85, failed 90kg twice (PR is 87kg so probably jumped too much at the end)

straight into 7 mins to establish heavy Squat Clean

60/65/70/75/80/85, went for 92kg at the end for a PR but failed (90kg is PR)

straight into 7 mins to establish heavy Clean and Jerk

60/65/68/70/73/75/78kg - for a 1kg PR......cleaned 80kg fine but failed Jerk.

Monday Class 9.30am

5 C&J @ 50kg - Partner on/Partner off - 6 mins - completed 5 rounds each

Then chipper WOD

6 mins - Partner on/Partner off x 3 - carry on from where you finished.


Completed round of 30 reps and then finished wall balls in the round of 20 reps.

- KB swings 24kg
- Box jumps 24"
- 30kg ball slams
- 9kg wall balls
- pull ups (jumping for me (45 reps)
- Burpees
Conditioning -

Assault bike - 20 on 60 off, 40 on 60 off, 60 on 60 off for 4 rounds. Cals each round.

1. 15,18,23
2. 13,17,20
3. 13,17,21
4. 12,17,22


Same as day before - 7 mins to find heavy single then straight into next one

Power Snatch - Worked up to 61kg
Hang Squat Snatch - worked up to 52kg
Squat Snatch - Worked up to 56kg - caught 61kg in the bottom but couldn't stand it up.
Comp Wod -

1000m row
30 dumbell power cleans (22.5kg x 2)
20 Ring rows (scaled from C2B)
10 Clusters (22.5kg x 2 dumbells)

10 min cap

Capped with 6 Clusters left....

Weakness work in PT

3 Rounds - 10 ghd, there and back overhead kb walk
2 Rounds - 10 ghd - farmers carry kbs (no idea what weight but they were massive!!!)

Single leg press 3 x 10 reps.

Conditioning session 30 mins - Can't actually remember what it was!!!

Barbell class

10 sets of 2 reps @ 80% of your max Squat Clean - 72kg for me. 1 every minute! Tough going to get them all in but did them fine.

10 lifts - 1 every 2 minutes to find 1RM

72kg/75/77.5/80/82.5/85/87.5 and 91kg - Finally got past 90kg! 1kg PR - then got greedy and went for 92.5kg and really hurt my thumb bad. Thought I'd broken it at first. Bar slipped out the back of my hands on the racking of it.

Turns out not to be broken but very badly staved - bruised and swollen - can't grip anything with my right hand.

Easy back squat session

5 x 5 @ 100kg - can't grip anything properly so just taking it easy.


Thumb is better but still not great - swelling is down but still feels numb at the end!


6 x 30 seconds on/30 seconds off Assault Bike
2 min rest
6 x 30 seconds on/30 seconds off Ski Erg
2 mins rest
3 x 30 seconds on/30 seconds off Assault Bike
1 min rest
3 x 30 seconds on/30 seconds off Ski Erg

Lifting - can't hook grip so just getting some squats in again.

5 x 5 @ 103kg back squat (Monday)
Damn - not updated in ages....Been a busy month work wise/family life etc but still training 4-5 times a week.

I'll restart my updates shortly for those that are interested.
Back on the trail!!!

Still been ticking over but not much in the last 14 days or so.

Anyway back on the sensible eating and hard training.

This year - Entered Castle Games Scaled as my first ever event - Qualifiers start end of Jan.
Goals for the year - 150kg Squat (current 125kg) - 100+kg Clean (current 91kg) - Snatch 75kg+ (current 62kg) - Also serious improvement in my very basic gymnastics - this is still a massive hole in my Crossfit.


Conditioning -

30 cals Assault into 50 DU/100 singles (scaled) - 90 seconds rest between rounds x 5 rounds

21.28 - happy with this to start the year.

Lifting -

1st 6 mins - 3 lifts @ 80% of max snatch
2nd 6 mins - 2 lifts @ 85% of max snatch
3rd 6 mins - 1 lift @ 90% of max snatch.

Slight under % as above - not lifted in a while.

1st 6 mins 3 EMOM @ 48kg - all reps hit.
2nd 6 mins 2 EMOM @ 51kg - all reps hit.
3rd 6 mins 1 EMOM @ 54kg - all reps hit.
Conditioning - Assault Runner

800m run - 4.00
2mins rest
400m run - 1.44
2mins rest
200m run - 46
2mins rest
400m run - 1.47
2mins rest
800m run - 3.39

Lifting @ 50kg

EMOM - Aim to hit 7-10 reps each round
1st Round C&J
2nd Round Snatch
3rd Round - rest

x 5 rounds.

Hit 7 in round 1, 6 in round 2 and 5's in Rounds 3/4/5. Think I should have gone slightly lighter with the snatch.
Sunday night training.


35 min cap - Rx weight was 60kg. I scaled to 50kg on the bar.
  • 1000m row into 30 power cleans
  • 3 minutes rest
  • 1000m ski into 30 squat cleans
  • 3 minutes rest
  • 1km run or 2km assault bike into 30 clean and jerk
Brutal - that was a tough one. Completed in 34 mins on the button but man that hurt.


Power clean, into push jerk into split jerk. Work up to a max for the set.

Worked up to 70kg which was fine for the actual movements but I struggle with the "re-racking" from the push jerk back down to my shoulders to set for the split jerk. Could have gone more on the weight but wasn't comfortable with that bit - controlling it back down.


Some additional strength work

6 sets of 7 reps @ 80kg for Tempo Deadlifts. I was supposed to be 2 seconds up, 4 seconds down but I misread it as 4 seconds up and 2 seconds down!!

4 x 10 @ 25kg dumbell - single arm rows

Hspu - Still working with my toes on a 24" box.

4 max sets.

9, 8, 4, 4.......Work in progress and I'm determined not to skip my gymnastics this year. I've basically dodged them for months as I'm rubbish at them. I need to go right back to basics with them all. REAL focus here.


Assault Bike - 30 seconds slow/ 30 seconds WOD pace /30 second bit effort/ 30 seconds off. - 6 Rounds.

Slow - 60rpm
Wod pace - 65rpm
Sprint - 75rpm

Total cals - 152

Lifting Complex
High Hang snatch into Hang snatch

After a good conditioning - crashing back down to reality with lifting!

hit max 47kg for lifts

High hang is hard to get used to. My snatch is bad at the best of times without more variations thrown in!!!


12 cal row into 6 Burpee over rower (burpee then jump over and jump back is 1) x 12 Rounds

Sweaty one - 17.29


Did some bench for a change! - 5 x 5 @ 45kg - not done bench in ages.

Gymnastics - T2B practise as I'm still awful at them.

3 x 10 ghd's

Wednesday Night - Strength bootcamp is BACK!!!

Tempo Back Squats - 3 reps @ 4 seconds down, 3 normal, 2 reps @ 4 seconds down 2 normal, 1 rep @ 4 seconds down, 1 normal.

Sets at 60/70/75kg - then heavy doubles at 80/90/100kg.

Building a base again for the next few weeks.

Comp Wod of the week

In 3 mins complete....
  • 20 Cal ski
  • 50 single unders (30 double under for Rx)
  • 10 burpees
  • 50 single unders (30 double under for Rx)
  • into max 40kg thrusters
3 mins off x 4 rounds

Score is number of thrusters

2,2,1,1 - ouchy - not much else here - pretty much full gas and that was my score....very few people scoring more than 3 or 4 in this work out per round.

PT session - working on strict pull up strength etc



Partner on/off

8 mins
  • 10 cal machine (ski or bike)
  • 20 15kg ball slams
  • 30 high knee punches (partner hold hands up above head height and you punch hands whilst bouncing high knees)
Round for round - complete 4 rounds each in 8 mins.

8 mins
  • 30 speed step ups (reebok step)
  • 20 plate touch to press (15kg)
  • 10 plate burpees (chest hits plate and then up and toes onto plate)
Partner on/off - 3 full rounds each completed.

Lift Class

Squat Snatch - 3 waves.

2 reps every 90 seconds at
  • Wave 1 - 35/37.5/40/42.5/45
  • Wave 2 - 37.5/40/42.5/45/47.5
  • Wave 3 - 40/42.5/45/47.5/50
Been a struggle for a while with Snatch but felt good today - positive even!! - Missed the odd one but pretty much hit everything.

Still a bit weird as my thumb still isn't feeling great so I'm hook gripping with left hand but can't with my right.

Then singles for a max.....

50/52.5/55kg - Jumped to 59kg for a PR. Missed 2 lifts at this weight, then finally got it.:cool::cool: Chuffed as that's a 1.5kg PR which I've not been close to since August last year. Pleased to get that one done and feeling much better about my squat snatch.

Squat homework - still doing tempo sets - 3 reps @ 4 seconds down, 3 normal, 2 reps @ 4 seconds down 2 normal, 1 rep @ 4 seconds down, 1 normal.

Did them all at 75kg - still building a base.

Sunday Night

7 Min Cap for each WOD


250m row into 12 down and Ups x 4 rounds.
Completed in 6.35


250m ski into 12 box jump overs x 4 Rounds
Completed in 6.35

Need to learn the faster sideways jumping for the box jumps - too slow otherwise face on.


30 DU into 9 Thrusters (40kg) x 5 Rounds
Yuck - Capped after 3 rounds and 6 Thrusters (so bad with them!)


5 rep max Power Clean (reset each rep)

Worked 50/60/65/70/75kg....Should have probably gone for another set but was tired after the conditioning.

50 cal bike/75 cal ski/100 cal row for time.
13.59 - pretty happy with this - tasty little workout.

Box Squats - 6 sets of 3 at 70/75/80/85/90/95kg

50 deadlifts for time - 100kg......4.58.

Tuesday - Day off
Still training and 19.1 Castle Game qualifier came out last night so that's my focus for the next 10 days.

Just keep forgetting to update.



20 min AMRAP

  • 20 cal row
  • 15 alt dumbell snatches (22.5kg)
  • 10 burpee box jumps (facing)
nasty - completed 5 rounds plus 20 cals on row.

Lifting Complex
  • 1 clean
  • 1 hang sq clean
  • 1 full sq clean
  • 2 front squats
lift every 2.30 - increase weight each round.

50/55/60/65/70/75kg. Pretty happy with this

Single Sq cleans - 75/80/85/87.5kg. Went for 90kg but didn't rack it properly. Still a bit of a mental fight on sq cleans since I injured my thumb about 5 weeks back. Just need to get that out my head!
Day off Tuesday


100 cal row/100 ski/100cal bike - every 2 minutes do 7 burpees. Start on the burpees.

25 min cap. I knew this was going to be a tough one as I had previously done 50cal bike/75 ski/100 row in 14 mins last week.

Anyway - can't say I left anything behind and finished at cap on 81 cals on the bike. 19 short of the finish. Pretty happy with this as I can't see where I would find another 19 cals from. Burpees hurt towards the end.

Some addtional weakness work - strict banded pull ups 5 x 5 and some lat pull downs and dumbell rows etc.
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