Mixed bag - Crossfit/Stronglifts/Spin


3RM Power Snatch

yikes - another new one for me. Struggled with this as it was all in the technique for me. When I got it right, felt easy, when I got it wrong it was awful.....

Worked up to 45kg trying to just work on technique, partner managed 70kg. Practice Practice Practice.



5 Snatch (40kg)
10 deadlift
15 box jump/step ups.

Partner goes for 8 mins, then I was in.

did ok, deads sound light at that level but start to hurt by round 3/4 etc. Got 4 full rounds, starting my 5th and bizzarely my 5 snatches were the best/easiest I managed because I wasn't thinking about it too much, just fired them up!!


8 Min Alt EMOM

12 Cal Ski
12 Pull Ups (jumping pull ups for me!)

Tough going as it was all arms but managed it fine.
Friday Morning sweat fest......


Amazing what you can do with just a 15kg slam ball and a step.

Partner up - Ball slams 1,1,2,2,3,3 etc up to 10,10. Then back down doing ball slam into burpee where chest hits the ball.

Then speed step ups 10,10 then 20,20, 30,30 etc - 4 mins AMRAP

Hand on step and bounce over your feet 10/10, 20/20 etc - 4 mins AMRAP

Step up and over and back as a rep - 10/10, 20/20 etc - 4 min AMRAP

Then burpee to jump over 1/1, 2/2, 3/3 etc - 4 min AMRAP

The off to 30 min spin class - sweaty mess again. Real good 60 min cardio/conditioning

3RM Hang Power Clean

I really need to find time to practice with a lower weight to get technique right. I'm getting the bar high enough but not getting under it enough.

Managed 3RM @ 60kg but struggled otherwise.


  1. 12 Cal Any machine (rower)
  2. 12 Hang Power Clean (50kg)
  3. 12 Box Jump (30" !!!!)
  4. 12 Burpees
  5. AMRAP Wall Balls (9kg)
  6. Rest
4 Rounds.......

Damn - hard work all round - really struggled with the Hang Power cleans - think I only did 8,6,6,6 in my 4 rounds. Something I need to work on. 30" box jump was hard work! Last round I just stepped up to it!

Haha - just found the gym owners picture on instagram on this mornings workout.....me at the end.

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2RM Thruster

Heard a lot of things about Thrusters - all of them bad. Damn they are hard. Anyway - new to me today so managed 50kg 2RM



40kg Thrusters
Pull ups or Ring Rows

2,2 then 4,4 then 6,6 etc



Assault Bike
Dumbell Snatch (22,5kg for me)

2cals,2 snatch, 4cal, 4 snatch etc

So basically partner goes for WOD1 for 5 mins, then I go WOD1, Then partner straight into WOD2 then me WOD 2.......Then repeat again starting where you finished the last time!!!!

Horrible. Really struggled with the Thrusters but some good encouragement from partner etc. Finished with 12 Thrusters and 10 ring rows in my 2 x WOD1 and 14cals and 14 dumb bell snatch in WOD2. Shoulders are gubbed now.
5km Row - 3 man teams. 20 min time cap.

Any which way you want to do it between you. Basically we went for max attack 300/350m each and change. Completed in 19.00. Pretty happy with that, the change overs probably cost us 90/120 seconds overall but still under the cap.

WOD - individual

20 min AMRAP

10 Drainers
15 Toe to bar (i'm getting close to my first one!!) - 15 leg raises for me
20 Pressups (i ended up doing hand release ones)
25 Sqauts
30 American Swings 24kg

3 days in a row have really taken it out on me - it's a later class at 10.30 (normally 9.30) and I didn't eat much this morning, went out hard on the row and suffered in the WOD. Did 2 full rounds and then 10 drainers and 15 bar leg raises and was done.

Day off tomorrow - out all day with work.
Quick Squat session whilst kids at their crossfit class!

20kg x 5
40kg x 5
50kg x 5
60kg x 5
70kg x 5
80kg x 5

Nothing else there today. Need to get back to trying to squat 3 times a week as it won't rise much without that.
I think I’m with you - us normal people can’t get enough practise if you squat just once a week and the weights we’re putting up aren’t enough to tax the CNS too much

that's it - I enjoy the crossfit at the moment and get to 3 or 4 class a week but can't also then add in another 3 or 4 squat sessions.
Saturday morning Team WOD

Gym owner (john's) special Waterfall workout.

3 Man Teams
  • 12 Cal Assault Bike
  • 24 Box Jumps
  • 12 Kbell Clusters (24kg)
  • 12 Burpee Long jumps
  • 12 Chest to Bar
  • 24 Ball Slams
25 min AMRAP

Basically 1st person goes, does bike, 2nd person bike and 3rd person bike. Straight into 1st person bike and box jumps, 2nd person bike and box jumps, 3rd person bike and box jumps, then back to 1st person bike, box jumps and Kbell clusters etc etc

So effectively adding an exercise each round but always starting back at the bike.

Horrible - horrible. I stupidly went 1st......Really tough one, got into the 5th round and completed my Burpee long jumps and was just about to start Chest to bar (or jumping pull ups for me)......brutal workout.


4 deadlifts
3 hang snatch
2 front squat

Again, struggled with the hang snatch. Going to see about some 1 to 1 coaching on this. Just not clicking technique wise. Holding me back a bit on things like this. Got to 55kg but could only get 2 @ 60kg up on the snatch.


6 mins max cals - Assault Bike

100cals - fairly happy with that, paced it well and then gunned the last 30 seconds.


2,2,2 4,4,4 6,6,6 etc 6 min AMRAP

hang snatch
front squat

40kg for me (supposed to be 45kg). Got full set of 8,8,8 done in the time but was hard after coming off the bike


6 mins AMRAP

20 jumping pull ups
15 D&U
20 alternative leg lunges.

Managed 3 full sets

Good session.
Tuesday Chipper!

15 mins working on anything - gymnastics/strength. kind of open session.

Worked on my double unders (still rubbish!) and some efforts at toe to bar (still rubbish). haha

Chipper (30 mins time cap)

  • 50 Wall Balls (13kg)
  • 50 Double KB Swings (16kg each)
  • 75 Cals any machine (rower)
  • 50 Box Jump overs (30 inch)
  • 50 T2B (or 75 Ab Mat situps butterfly)
Any order you want.
  • Buy out - 150 double unders (for me 150 step touch jump ups)
I did situps (can't do T2B) and also did 50 box step ups and over as my knees are bad for the jumping up.

However managed it all in 26.30 which I was real happy with. Started with row and got through that in 3.40, box step ups were ok, wall ball just broke into chunks of 5 at a time. KB swings were strange with 2kbells.
Squat cleans to start the day.

Working on getting under the bar properly. Worked up to 50kg. Bit more to go but concentrating on form.


3,3 6,6 9,9 Etc

45kg squat clean
Burpee box jump 24"

5 minutes on / 5 minutes off, then go again starting from where you finished last time.


3,3 6,6 9,9

Rower 3 cals/6 cals
50kg slam ball ground to over shoulder

5 minutes on / 5 minutes off, then go again starting from where you finished last time

Holy cow!!! The 50kg slam ball was brutal..... So hard to get off the deck and roll up your body.... The rowing was fine but the slam ball at 50kg should be banned!!!

I did 15/15 in wod1 but struggled with slam ball which took up all my time in WOD2 and only got to 12/12
Friday Conditioning

30 seconds on/15 seconds off - repeat each station for 3 full rounds before moving on.

  • 15kg Ball Slams
  • speed stepups
  • jack knife situps
  • 1 Arm Kettlebell Front Squat
Then same again - 30 seconds on/15 seconds off - repeat each station for 3 full rounds before moving on.

  • Slam ball squats
  • side to side step ups
  • HRPU into burpee
  • Kettlebell press
then 30 mins of spin class - sweatfest as usual.
WOD1 - Endurance

Assault Bike
Burpee Shuttle runs

2 Mins on, 30 seconds off, move to next station. Repeat whole thing twice.


Deadlift - 60kg

2,2,4,4,6,6,8,8 etc etc

7 Min AMRAP.

Endurance sucked big time, so little rest and going round twice was hard work at the end!

WOD2 - looked ok. Deads were fine, could fire through them, but more burpees sucked hard. Got to 14's round done in the 7 mins.


1RM - Hang Power Clean

Ended up working on my own but got up to 60kg which is PB for me (only done Hang power clean twice before!)


30 each
20 each
10 each

descending reps

50kg Hang Power Clean
24" Box Jump

Then into 50 Toe to Bar to finish

10 min time cap

Holy Cow - Actually quite pleased I stuck with the 50kg and finished the Cleans and the box jumps and got 10 knee ups (can't do toe to bar) in the 10 mins.


Tabatas - 20 seconds on/10 seconds off. 5 rounds on each station

15kg ball slams
24" Box step ups
9kg Wall Ball

Tough workouts but overall it was doable.
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3RM - Front Squat

Not to bad I guess - still early days - got up to 70kg and had 75kg on the bar but ran out of time. (65kg was previous pb)


EMOM - 7 mins

7 Cal Assault Bike
10 Russian KB swings (24kg)


EMOM - 7 mins

7 Wall Balls (9kg)
7 Down and Ups


EMOM - 7 Mins

5 Front Squat - 50kg
10 Deadlifts - 50kg

Not really sure what happened but I think I went to hard on wod1, and totally blew by the 3rd one. Had to take the bar down to 40kg as was really struggling with the squats. Legs totally empty. Possible didn't eat enough as this class is 1pm compared to my usual 9.30am class. Felt a bit deflated today after that.
It happens to everyone. Get a decent nights sleep, eat well and you'll be firing again tomorrow @)

cheers - yeah - one of those days.

Anyway - back today for Friday fun

Friday Conditioning & Spin


1 min on -

10 x Plate burpees into mountain climbers for the rest of the minute. Swap to partner

4 rounds each (8 mins total)


12 cal ski
15 hand to plate stepups (plank position and hands onto plate back to floor as fast as you can)
20 speed steps onto plate.

Swap to partner - 10 mins - AMRAP.

Pumped - then off to 30 mins spin class with focus on intervals and high resistance today.
Not sure if it's a good idea but got a space in the Strength/Condition bootcamp for next 8 weeks at the gym.

Limited in numbers due to almost 1 to 1 coaching - it's Wednesday night Squats (1hour) and Thursday night Endurance/Conditioning (1hour) - Could be very painful but a great base to build on i guess.
Monday pain train.....


Overhead Squat

2RM - never done this one before so only got to 40kg. It's all about balance this one. One to work on going forward.

WOD1 - 6 min time cap


50kg Front Squats

Not my best - got 21,15 sets done.

WOD2 - 6 mins

50 9kg slam balls
25 9kg Wall Balls

2 rounds

Got all but 12 done in the final set of wall balls - full on forearm pump going on!

WOD3 - 6 mins

20 Butterfly situps
20 Alternative leg lunges

2 rounds, then max cal assault bike to finish

Then some stretching to finish with.


2RM Clusters

Another new one. Anyway - pushed hard on this and got 2 @ 60kg which I was happy enough with.


1 Min per station - no rest in between

  • Max Cal Row
  • 50kg Clusters
  • 24" Box Jump/step up
  • 25kg Dumbell Clean
  • T2B (or knee ups if not)
  • REST
Repeat 3 times.

Coaches Finisher

3 man teams - 12 cals skier into 10 ball slams (15kg) each, then partner goes. max effort.

Tough finisher as we had a new guy who disappear to puke outside, so ended up with just 2 of us rotating for 10 mins. Very little break in between our rounds.

First PT session tomorrow - should be "fun"
PT Session this morning.

Some gymnastic work to try and get me doing T2B and Strict Pullups as I can do neither at the moment. Some good "homework" to practice.

2 mins on/2 mins off workout

200m row into max sled pulls up and down the gym

Repeat 5 times. Bit of technique stuff with an empty bar as well.

Just what I was looking for - mainly technique stuff at the moment.
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