Mixed bag - Crossfit/Stronglifts/Spin

Strength Bootcamp

Offffttt - going to be sore tomorrow.

Basically it's a 1 hour squatting session. 6 week blocks and limited numbers.

So for me - night one. I was to find my weight for 5 sets of 7 reps. I picked 80kg as I got to 85kg in 5 x 5 stronglifts about 2 months ago.

Most of the guys/girls there are way heavier etc but you got to work with your own weight. Completed my sets, hard work but looking forward to progressing with my squat. Got homework that the coach wants completed each week before the class. More squatting!

Tough night, glutes are screaming! - great atmosphere with everyone roaring everyone on etc - really good.
Saturday Team WOD

3 Man Teams

WOD 1 - 12 mins AMRAP


60kg Power Clean
Down and Up's

WOD 2 - 12 Min

130 Cal Ski
into AMRAP Wall Balls (30lb) - whilst other team mates had to hold a 24kg Kettlebell above shoulder height for the 12 mins. Swapping over etc.

WOD 3 - 12 Min

12 Cal Assault Bike into 10 Dumbell Snatches (30 or 25kg) - Round for Round.

Phew - Pumped after that. Also forgot my handguards and have ripped chunks of skin out of my hands!
Squat "homework"

Before next weeks Strength bootcamp - homework time.

I never thought I'd find myself in a gym at 7.30pm on a Sunday night but very busy with everyone doing their "homework"


It was warmup into 5 sets of 3 at maximum weight then 60% of that to failure.

Squats - got myself up to 80kg, then 85kg, then coach told me to put 90kg on.

So 5 sets @ 90kg done. Then 32 reps @ 54kg.....(60%)

Not too bad but I think with a belt on I would have managed a few more as I felt my back was struggling at that point more than anything else.

12 hours after squats last night and back again!

Warm Up

3 man teams (or in our case 2 men and 1 woman) - 8 min row, change every 150m, max effort. Good team effort - trying to minimise the time spent changing over, managed 2000m in the 8 mins.


5 Min
  • burpee into box jump (24")
  • 25kg Dumbell snatch


5 mins - AMRAP
  • 50 touch step jump ups (or 50 Double unders if you have them)
  • 15 Double KB Thrusters

So partner starts on WOD1, I started WOD2. 5 Min each workout, 5 mins rest. Move to next workout, then repeat each one starting from where you finished last time.

Did 14 & 14 on WOD1 and got 4 full cycles of the touch step up and 3 full cycles of the Thrusters (still the worst exercise in the world!)
Tuesday - Bizarrely the only male in the class today at 9.30am.

Strength - 3RM - Deadlift.

On my own here as all the women got together in 3's. - Was interested to see where I was at with this as I've not DL'd for a while now. Anyway - previous 3RM was 130kg.....really wanted to push it and see what I could get. Got 130kg done, time running out, threw on another 10kg for 140kg and ended up getting 3 good lifts for a new PB. Chuffed with that.


20 seconds on/40 seconds off - 5 Full Rounds

Max cal Assault
max reps 60kg Deadlift
Max Cal Skier
Max 9kg slam balls
Tough one as my legs were wrecked from my DL......sweaty one but pushed pretty hard every time.

Coaches birthday finisher.....Couple of the coaches are twins so double trouble to finish......

Partner up

50 Jump squat and clap hands at the top.
50 Hand tap pressups
50 situps clap at the top.
PT Session again - focusing mainly on grip strength/kip swings etc - Long way off but working towards proper T2B and the holy grail for me a proper strict pull up & muscle up. (miles away but got to have a target)

Some more skiing/farmers walks/press ups/core work etc. Good solid session again.

No Squat Bootcamp tonight as it's wife's birthday and going out for dinner. Endurance bootcamp tomorrow night which is already filling me with dread.
Dear god.....help me please.

Endurance Bootcamp

Tough Tough session tonight.

In pairs


250m @60% effort (partner 1)
250m @60% effort (partner 2)
250m @Max effort (partner 1)
250m @Max effort (partner 2)

8 mins - no breaks - AMRAP


250m @60% effort (partner 1)
250m @60% effort (partner 2)
250m @Max effort (partner 1)
250m @Max effort (partner 2)

8 mins - no breaks - AMRAP

Repeat both again......:eek::eek:

Total destroyed by the end of it, even the 60% efforts started to be hard work by the end. Nothing to majorly benchmark myself against but I was just on or under 45 seconds for 250m row and 48/49 for the ski.....that got slower toward the end!
30 min Conditioning and 30 mins Spin this morning. Always a sweaty affair!

Won't bore people with the full thing but it was kettlebell snatches/down and ups/HRPU/lots of core work in conditioning and then 30 mins of sweat and leg hurt in the spin class
Squat Homework.

Nice busy gym this morning with everyone getting squatting done.

So this weeks home work was to add 2.5kg to last weeks 5 sets of 3 reps. So aim was 92.5kg for me. Then max out to failure at 70% of your set of 3.

However in the warm up, one of the coaches said 80kg warm up looked to easy so he wanted to see 95kg on the bar.

So 4 sets of 3 @ 95kg. Last set was challenge time, could I do the magical 100kg for the 3 reps. Boom - job done. First ever 100kg squats for 3 reps. Chuffed to bits to get 100kg.

Downside was my 70% was now 70kg. Managed 20 reps @ 70kg.

Good week this week with PB's in Squat and Deadlift.


3RM - Hang Power Clean

Again still improvements to be made in technique for me here - something I need to work on. Managed 3 @ 60kg and got 2 good ones at 65kg but failed my last one.


18 minute timecap

  • 40 cal row
  • 30 hang power cleans (40kg)
  • 30 T2B or 45 Knee ups
3 full rounds

Tough one to start the week, Row was fine, paced it well, Broke HPC into sets of 5. Always loose time on Knee ups (can't T2B yet) - this cost me time. Got Round 3 row and 15 HPC done in the time.

10 mins Free time to work on anything - gymnastics, lifts etc etc - I worked on my kip swings and trying double unders etc.

5 mins Strength - work up to WOD weight for Front Squats 60kg (yuck)

WOD1 - 10 min EMOM

7 front squats
14 double unders (or 21 box touch jump)

WOD2 - 10 min EMOM

7 T2B (or 14 jumping pull ups)
14 Russian Swings (24kg)

Horrible - the front squats were brutal, dropped to 50kg, then to 40kg to even just try and get the reps in. Real struggle with that. I think my issue is I go too deep and struggle to get back out. Really hard

WOD2 was all forearm pump!!! Nasty day all round. Going for a pre-xmas sport massage tomorrow.
Strength Bootcamp

All aboard the pain train.....

Upping the weights again. Back Squats - 5 sets of 7 reps @ 85kg. Done. (was 80kg sets 2 weeks ago)

Need to focus on not dropping to far forward on the way down. Keeping head and chest up. Glutes are killing me at the moment!
Conditioning 30 min class.

3 man teams - as soon as machine was free, next person goes.

10 cal ski/10 x 20kg kettlebell snatch/10 burpees
then 12/12/12, 14/14/14 etc

12 mins

Was hard work as we had a new guy in our team and he was told to stick to 10/10/10 all the time so the rest was short for us.

Then a 3 man team race. 1st goes/then 2nd/then 3rd person.

1 HRPU into squat thrust , then 2/2/2 etc - all whilst holding the plank position. First team finished (at 7 reps each) got to pick an exercise for the rest of the class. So had to do 10 burpee tuck jumps to finish.

Then 30 mins of spin class after. Sweaty mess as always on a friday morning!
John's Christmas Cracker

Always know when the Gym owner gets involved it's going to be bad!

Partner WOD

12 Rounds - Cindy (partner on/off)
  • 5 pull ups
  • 10 pressups
  • 15 air squats
8 Rounds (50kg bar) (partner on/off)
  • 12 Deadlifts
  • 6 Power Cleans
  • 3 Front Squats
6 Rounds - All Syncro with partner
  • 10 Down and ups
  • 10 20kg Kettlebell overhead swings
  • 10 Lunges
I actually don't know what the timecap was (didn't hear) but I think it was about 20/25 mins??

Brutal stuff - hard hard work, not the fastest between us but kept pushing hard. Got to 4th round of the syncro Kettlebells at the cap.
Boxing Day bonanza

I didn't over do it yesterday so thought why no hit the gym @ 9.30am boxing day!

EMOM - 5 Full rounds

  • 12 Cal Ski
  • 9 Burpee Box jumps (24")
  • 9 50kg Ball Cleans (!!!!!!!!!)
  • 12 Cal Bike
  • 12 9kg Wall Balls
  • 18 Ball Slams (9kg) or 9 CTB
  • Rest
Tough shift but a busy gym, 50kg ball cleans are all wrong, think I managed 5,4,4,3,3 in total. It was sweaty and slippery but just bloody heavy!!

Strength Bootcamp (wednesday night)

Squats and more Squats. Idea was again to try and add to last weeks weight by 2.5kg.

So warm up and into
  • 3 set of 7 @ 87.5kg - Felt ok, really trying to work on keeping head and chest up as much as possible.
  • 1 set of 3 @ 90kg, 1 set of 3 @ 95kg, went for a set of 3 @ 100kg but failed on my first rep. Basically went to deep and couldn't get back out!!:D
Anyway - another good night at the squats, keep pushing on. It's a 6 week block and that was week 4 so hoping for more next week.

3RM - Overhead Squat

Hate them - so un-natural so just worked with another guy on the movement rather than weight etc. Only done them once before and it's just a bizarre movement - feels weird!

WOD1 - 7 Mins

100m Row, 10 D&U, 200m Row, 15 D&U, 300m Row, 20D&U, 400m row, 25D&U and 500m row, 30D&U

Tough one - got 400m row done in the time

WOD2 - 7 Mins

75 ground to overhead - 35kg.

Tough going again - all the way from the floor to overhead in one movement. Weight was low to get the reps in. did this in 6.20.

WOD3 - 7 Mins

30 9kg wallballs into 30 boxjumps (box step ups for me and my dodgy knees!)
3 rounds.

Got 2 full round done in the time.

Legs/glutes still a bit tender from squatting last night but a good sweaty workout
Squat Homework

Felt crap - despite warmup as usual - super tight hips today. Was a struggle.

5 Sets of 3 @ 95kg
then 16 Reps @ 70kg (75% to failure)
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