Mixed bag - Crossfit/Stronglifts/Spin

Thanks Gents - It's been beneficial doing a log these last 4 months and I intend to keep it going in 2018. Still really enjoying myself at Crossfit and trying to push myself everytime. Very early stages with lots of new movements/lifts etc but going to keep pushing myself as much as I can.
PT session this morning.

Working on kips swings, high legs etc on the bar and some exercises to build up my "traps" - lat pull down, low row etc. Then a sweaty 10 min finisher.
Strength Bootcamp tonight again. (squats)

3 sets of 7 @ 90kg
1 set of 3 @ 95kg
1 set of 3 @ 97.5kg
Failed on 1st rep of last set @ 100kg.

Legs were gone by that point. Still progress. 6 Week camp - started at 80kg for a set of 7, 4 weeks ago. Had never done more than 85kg for a single.
^^ lol - trust me when I say there's no sandbagging - just pain and struggle!

Friday Conditioning

Always a good little 30 mins class

Partner up
  • Row 12 cals, into 2 D&U each
  • Row 12 cals, into 4 D&U each
  • Row 12 cals, into 6 D&U each
etc - 10 mins AMRAP. Good push with partner - got 149 Cals done.

15kg plate
  • 5 speed steps onto plate, 5 side jumps onto plate, 5 plank position fast hands onto plate each - then 10 ,10,10, then 15,15,15 etc - 6 mins. Got to the round of 25.
Then between us - 100 plate touch press, into AMRAP individual russian twists with the 15kg plate. Got the 100 done and then 43 twists between us in the 5 mins.

The usual 30 mins of spin class - never fails to get a good sweat going!!
Saturday Team Wod

Always a brute and again, didn't fail to live up to that.

Team of 3

One person at a time in the team - break it up however you want.
  • 120 Cal Row
  • 120 20kg KB Snatch
  • 120 30" Box jump
  • 120 20kg KB overhead swings
  • 120 T2B
Then Syncro (2 at a time)
  • 120 Air Squats
  • 120 Strict Pressup
  • 120 D&U
Along with a little extra kicker - The entire workout from the start - someone in your team had to keep a 20kg KB above shoulder height all the time when not exercising - Even the pass over etc. If it was dropped below shoulder height - penalty of 15 Burpees for the team.

Brutal - we got to 60 Strict Pressups in the time cap. I've also taken a huge chunk of skin out my hand when doing the T2B (knee lifts for me) - Ouchy!
Squat Bootcamp "homework"

Warm up - lots

3 set x 7 reps @ 90kg
1 set x 3 reps @ 95kg
1 set x 3 reps @ 97.5kg
1 set x 3 reps @ 100kg

Happy to get that 100kg set done as I failed them on Wednesday night.

5RM Push press - Normally anything over my head is a struggle but managed 5 @ 55kg which I was pretty pleased with.

WOD 1 - 12 Min AMRAP
  • 12 Cal any machine
  • 12 reps each arm - KB push press (16kg)
WOD 2 - 12 Min AMRAP
  • 10 T2B (20 high knees/lifts for me)
  • 15 Burpees
  • 20 Step Ups (20")
Tough going as everything felt like arms/shoulders. Got 4 full rounds on WOD1 and 4 rounds plus 20 high knees and 10 burpees done

2RM - Front Squats

Using the rack this time rather than having to snatch it from the floor. Anyway - surprised myself a little here and got a 2RM of 80kg and managed 1 @ 90kg but couldn't get the 2nd rep despite a desperate attempt to get it up!

3 x 7 Min WOD's with 3 mins rest in between

  • 45kg Front Squat
  • Pull ups (or jumping pull ups, double reps)
2,2,4,4,6,6,8,8 etc

  • 200m Row
  • 15 KB Overhead Swings (24kg)
  • Ab Mat situps
  • Double Unders (or side on step touch jump ups)
10,10,20,20,30,30 etc

Tough shift again - Got 12 Squats, 8 Jumping pull ups done in the time, 4 full rounds of the WOD2, Got 40 step touch jump ups/30 situps completed.
Squat Bootcamp

2 set of 7 @ 92.5kg (up 2.5kg again from last week)

The pushing set of 2 as far as you can.

1 set of 2 @ 95kg
1 set of 2 @ 97kg
Then failed 99kg on 1st rep and 101kg on 1st rep, which would have been a PB.

A bit disappointed but felt very tight in the hips again tonight. 6 week bootcamp done - test week next week for some 1RM numbers. Will do another 6 week block for sure as I've gone from a set of 5 @ 85kg and 1RM 90kg to where I'm at now.
Conditioning Class

30 seconds on - 30 seconds off

4 Rounds
  • max cals assault bike
  • max rep box jump sprawls
  • battling Ropes Double Arm Wave
  • max cal skier
  • 9kg ball slams
Then 30 mins spin class. Legs are pumped now.
Saturday Team WOD

3 man teams - 10 Min AMRAP's


  • 50 Double KB Deadlifts
  • 40 Double KB Cleans
  • 30 Double KB Front Squats
All with 2 x 24kg Kettlebells. One person at a time. However you want to break it up. We generally did 25 deadlifts each, then 10 cleans each, then 10 front squats each. Tough going as the guys I was with are fairly experienced. Weights really started to hurt at the end.


2 people working at all times - as close to syncro as you can.

  • 10 T2B
  • 15 Plate touch to press
  • 15 plate lunges
20kg plates. Hard work this one - trying to always work together but give one person a rest. Touch to press got painful towards the end.

  • 12 Cals Row
  • 12 D&U
Soon as rower was free, next person jumped on. Very gassy at the end, I don't mind the rower but the D&U's started to get very slow towards the end.

Tough 30 mins all round - felt the shoulders at the end big time!

Any order - 30 min time cap.
  • 60 cal assault bike
  • 60 KB swings (20kg)
  • 60 Thrusters (20kg)
  • 60 Pull ups (jumping pull ups for me as I don't have full ones yet!)
  • 60 24" box step ups
then buy out was 60 burpees.

That was the order I did them in. Bike was ok, swings not bad, Thrusters even with just the bar started to really hurt from 40 onwards, step ups done in 2 x 30. Pull ups 6 x 10 reps - Burpees were disgusting by the end but I completed in 27.22 which I was well chuffed with as usually I don't get them done in timecap.

Also since I have been busy all weekend - need to get Squat homework done before Wednesday night - didn't have sets of 2 sets of 7 in my legs so just did 5 set of 3 @ 92.5kg. Home for food now......starving!

2RM - Power Snatch

yuck - being 6ft3" - snatch is never going to be easy. Long way to get it from the floor to overhead!! Still failed a few times on 50kg, but eventually got it up for 2 reps......

WOD1 - 8 mins
  • 1000m row
  • 3 burpees over rower, 3 goblet squats (22.5kg), 6,6,9,9 etc etc (AMRAP)
Row was ok - 3.40ish and then got to 12 burpees in the cap

WOD2 - 8 mins
  • Power Snatch (35kg)
  • T2B (high knees for me)
21,15,9,6,3 reps

Ouchy - Power Snatch back to haunt me again here. Got 21,15,9 rounds completed in the time but it was a real fight.
PT Session this morning.

Working on transition from "high knees" to straight legs - mini EMOM for 10 mins - 5 straight leg swings.

Then played a game......

250m full gas row - however you had to let the rower "spin" down and stop on exactly 250m...... For ever 1m over or under, you got one penalty point....

So it was 10 x 250m full gas efforts. (1 min between first 5 then 1.30 between next 5) - Kept all of them below 1.40 for 500m pace and ended up with 30 penalty points!! It's very hard to judge when going full gas when to stop....

Coach gave me burpee bar touches as punishment......yuck.....did them there and then.....Tough session but playing a "game" as part of the work out was fun!!
Strength Bootcamp - Wednesday night

Idea for tonight was to find your 1RM back squat. So the guys that have been doing it for a while looking to push their 1RM up. I don't really know mine having only started 6 weeks ago so just find where I'm at. I'm doing sets of 7 @ 92.5kg and I've done one set of 3 at 100kg before in this 6 week block.

Anyway -

40kg x 5
50kg x 5
60kg x 5
70kg x 3
80kg x 3
90kg x 3
95kg x 1
100kg x 1
102.5kg x 1
105kg - failed twice.

Kind of funny - happy to set a benchmark and since I've never squatted more than 85kg 6 weeks ago, I'm happy to be up at 102.5kg. However at the same time disappointed to not get 105/107.5kg etc as I thought that would be possible. Maybe just a bit too much training as I've been in Sat/Mon/Tues/Wednesday PT session and then this session. Also going to start tracking my food intake.....I'm fairly clean eater but I think I'm not eating enough.

So first 6 weeks of bootcamp. 85kg to 102.5kg - happy enough but a little disappointed. Going for another 6 weeks - Some others got some monster numbers - think best last night was 220kg for a single.
Thursday Crossfit

Not sure I wanted to go today as I was feeling tired from 4 sessions in 3 days but wife was going so decided to head in.


2RM - Hang Power Clean

Not my greatest, I know in my head how it's supposed to work techincally but I never seem to put it together correctly!! Got to my usual 60kg, tried for 70kg and got it high enough but didn't get under it enough. Some more practice required here.

WOD1 - 7 min time cap
  • Wall Balls
  • Rower
10,10 cals /20,20 cals /30,30 cals

This was not too bad - I don't mind rowing so got it all done in 6.45. Again always happy to finish. Wall Balls are definitely improving as this used to slow me down.

WOD2 - 7 Min Time Cap
  • 30 Cal Assault Bike
  • 60 Russian KB Swings (24kg)
  • 30 Cal Assault Bike
Finished in 6.50 so again pretty chuffed but was hard work. Normally I would drop to a 20kg KB but decided to go with 24kg and did struggle a bit but got them done.

WOD3 - 7 min time cap - 5 Rounds
  • 5 push press
  • 10 hang cleans
  • 15 box step ups (20")
40kg on the bar - gassed badly here - lots of shoulder and arm work this week so far and felt it big time here. Really empty in the shoulders and got 3 full rounds completed. Disappointing finish but probably just tired from a lot sessions this week (5 sessions in 4 days)
Conditioning Class

Not going to list everything but basically lots of body weight stuff, hillclimbers, air squats, speed step ups, ball slams etc - 30 seconds on/30 second off. 5 rounds. Then similar but 45 seconds on /45 second off. pretty much full 30 mins. Gassy and sweaty!

Then 30 mins of spin class.

Probably take it easy this weekend as that's 6 sessions in last 5 days.

3RM Power Clean - Managed 3 @ 60kg and 1 @ 70kg. Need to work on getting under the bar more as I'm still trying to pull it all the way up.

WOD - 2 min timecap each station. Rest for the remaining time before moving on if you finish.
  • 12 Cal assault bike, 10 Double Kettlebell cleans (20kg)
  • 10 Burpees, 10 Box jump (30")
  • 15 Ring Rows, 20 Ball Slams
  • Rest
3 Full Rounds.

Didn't look too bad but by the end felt awful....I would normally scale to 16kg dumbells but trying to push myself a bit with the 20kg. Did step ups to the 30" box as my knees don't deal well with jumping! Felt good after resting Saturday and just squats yesterday but really pumped by the end of this one. Finished all reps in all rounds.

3RM - Muscle Snatch.

A new one for me....hard work trying not the re-dip the knees like a power snatch and just muscle it up. Managed to get 40kg for 3, then 2 @ 45kg.



6 Mins on/6 Mins off
  • 40 Cal Row
  • 40 Power Snatch (35kg)
  • 40 Single Arm Dumbell Push Press (20kg)
  • 40 Wall Balls (9kg)
  • 40 T2B or Straight Leg lifts
  • 40 Plate holding Step ups (15kg)
3 Rounds - So I go for 6 mins, partner goes for 6 mins, then me back in for 6 mins etc - starting each round where you left off last time. Aimed to get through it at least once which I did and then buried myself on the rower in the last 1:40 to get a full round Wod plus 25 cals. Totally broken by the end. Snatch is still a killer for me, I lose so much time on that.
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