Mixed bag - Crossfit/Stronglifts/Spin

Squat Homework

Went in to do 18.5 - Didn't fancy it when I got there - did squat homework instead!!:D:D

Thank god the 10's are finished with for now! Back to 5 x 5.

5 reps @ 100kg
5 reps @ 100kg
5 reps @ 100kg
5 reps @ 100kg
5 reps @ 102.5kg

Another PR on my 5's by 7.5kg

Pull up practise - Using the blue band - strict 5 rep pulls ups. 5 sets.


Variation on Cindy - AMRAP 20 mins:
  • 5 Down & Ups
  • 10 Push-ups
  • 15 Air Squats
  • 20 Row Calories
Not too bad - I don't mind the longer workouts - set a rhythm and go. Managed 6 rounds + 5 Down & Ups + 10 Push-ups + 3 Air Squats | 318 reps | Rx'd

Finisher was 3 Rounds of 15 Sumo high deadlifts (24kg kettlebell) and 15 butterfly situps.

1RM Squat Clean - Happy to see this again after first proper attempts at it on Friday. Worked up to 70kg which was Fridays PR and managed to get 75kg done as well. Partner made 120kg look easy!:eek::eek:

4 WOD's Today - 5 mins on/3 mins rest


  • 30 Squat cleans - RX was 60kg, Scaled was 50kg. Went with Scaled and managed 28 reps in the 5 mins. Just blew up towards the end.

WOD2 - 4 Rounds

  • 15 Box Jumps (step ups) 24"
  • 15 Single Arm Dumbbell Snatches (22.5kg)
Holy cow - after ruining the legs on the squat cleans, this was hard work, managed 2 full rounds plus 15 step ups and 5 snatches.


  • 100 9kg wall balls - yuck - Plan was 10 every 30 seconds. Started on that but then fell away. Got 84 done in 5 mins. Legs are gubbed at this point.
  • 50 Cal assault bike buy in
  • then max burpees for remaining time.
Finally something I don't mind - Set my pace, (closed my eyes and just go to my dark place:) )and got through the calories in around 3.30 and then got 20 burpees done in remaining time.

Tough day on the legs for sure.
Squat Bootcamp

This was a kind of inbetween week - those that couldn't make last weeks 1RM night were to do that. Otherwise new program starts next week. So either we could push for 1RM again or just some heavy 5's etc. Kind of chilled no pressure session.

I wanted that 120kg that I missed last week.

So worked up towards it

Singles from -
  • 100kg
  • 105kg
  • 110kg
  • 115kg
  • 120kg (boom!!)
Happy days - pleased to get it tonight. Went for 122.5kg but I probably left it too long between my 120 and 122.5 effort as I was spotting others etc. Still 120kg - new program for next 6-8 weeks and go again after that.

One lad hit 240kg tonight for his new PR!! Made it look easy as well!
Went to Endurance class on Thursday night started out fine but for some reason on the Assault bike sprints I fell to bits......legs completely went on me, zero energy - had to sit out the rest of the class as I couldn't hardly stand up. Felt fine in myself (head and upper body were fine!) but legs were just like hollow/empty. Maybe just a sign of tiredness etc.

Anyway - took Friday/Saturday off back Sunday night for Bootcamp home work

Back Squat - 4 sets of 7 @ 80% of new PR - so 96kg - all completed fine.


Strength - Shoulder to Overhead (any which way, jerk, push press, strict etc) - never a favourite of mine but managed to get to a 3RM of 60kg, got 2 at 65kg but could't get the last one


12 min AMRAP

  • 5 Front Squat (45kg)
  • 7 Shoulder to Overhead (45kg)
  • 9 Box Step ups (24")

Tough going on the legs and shoulders - first few rounds fine and front squat was generally fine each round along with step ups but struggled with the Shoulder to Overhead. Managed 6 full rounds, plus 5 squat and 5 shoulder to overhead.


20 seconds on/20 second off - 4rounds

  • Double unders
  • Assault bike
  • Ball Cleans (50kg!!)
Working on DU so just kept plugging away - cleans are hard with a 50kg ball.

Strength - 1RM - Snatch/Squat Snatch (either)

Never fun for us tall people!! - Anyway - 50kg flew up, was looking forward to a PR over 52kg, failed 55kg loads of times! Should have dropped back a little and got 52kg or something first. More work needed. However really focused on my "hook" grip at the moment.

WOD1 - 6 Mins - 6 Rounds
  • 12 Jumping pull ups (or 6 chest to bar if you have them)
  • 6 down and ups
  • 6 air squats
Finished this in 5 mins dead. Happy with that

WOD2- 6 Mins - 6 Rounds
  • 9 Assault bike cals
  • 6 single arm dumbell snatch (22.5kg)
Got 5 rounds and 5 cals done. Was a little late starting this wod so should have probably finished it in reality.

WOD3- 6 Mins - 6 Rounds
  • 40 Snatch - 40kg.
Always going to be a struggle with my 1RM around 50/52kg. Got 32 reps done in the time - again - anything over my head is hard work!!
Squat Bootcamp

New block focusing on 4 sets of 7's as homework and then at bootcamp 2 sets of 7 with at least 3 or 4 heavy doubles at around 90% of 1RM.

So 2 sets of 7 @ 97.5kg and then doubles at 100kg, 105kg, 110kg, 112.5kg.

Happy with that again tonight. Hamstrings are super tight from Mon/Tuesday classes so time to find the foam roller!
Good PT session this morning. Snatch and lots of it.

Trying to really work on my power in the middle part of the lift. Being tall I get the bar high but just struggle to get "under" it enough. Some drills with a low weight on the bar to really try and get that "pop" etc.

Then coach had me trying squat snatch for the first time properly. Never done it before! - Again, being tall it's all about committing under the bar. So working from the hang position just to get the positioning right etc. Felt weird but when you get it right - it feels super easy. Had a real struggle with like 35kg - missed loads of times, but then clicked and hit 37.5/40/42 easy. Not heavy but as a first time I was pretty happy with that. I do have a video of the 40kg squat snatch that i might put up. (hate videos of myself!! lol)

Small steps and all that.
Go easy......I have dodgy knees so always use a knee support for any crossfit class/lifting etc. However I am very pleased how they have "held" up so far after about 6/7 months of crossfit.

Like I say - first attempts ever at squat snatch....

Sunday Night

Bootcamp homework (squat) - 4 sets of 7 @98kg. Up 2kg from last week.



Every 1 min for 10 mins: 3 Squat Cleans, 60 kg

Tough going - Happy to be working on these again - only started properly 2 weeks ago on squat clean. 72kg in my 1RM so pleased to get through 30 of them @ 60kg


20 mins AMRAP:
  • 20 Wall Balls, 9 kg
  • 25 Box Step-ups, 24"
  • 30 Russian Kettlebell Swings, 20 kg
  • 20 Alternating Kettlebell Snatches, 20 kg
  • 20 Row Calories
Again - hard work - legs felt pretty empty after last nights squats and first wod! Managed to keep moving without any long stops - 3 rounds + 20 Wall Balls + 25 Box Step-ups + 11 Russian Kettlebell Swings

Strength - 3RM Deadlift

Not done this in a while - However it's always a bit rush in the class with like 15 mins to warm up and get it done before the WOD's. Anyway - 100/120/130/140/150kg done for a new PR (previous was 140kg) - pleased with that. Maybe another 5/10kg in there with a proper warmup and some time. Partner smashed out 210kg without breaking sweat.....:eek::eek:

WOD1 - 8 mins timecap.

10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1: Assault Bike Calories and Burpees

Decent one for me - went out a touch too fast probably but got all the way to completing the round of 2/2 in the cap. Will retest this a few months from now to see if I can complete it.

WOD2 - 8 mins timecap.

10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1: T2B and 70kg Deadlifts

Changed up T2B to High Leg raises but need to do double numbers (20/18/16 of them etc) - Deadlifts were pretty straight forward but still loose so much time on the High Leg rasies still. Must admit to getting really frustrated today with myself on this workout. Also getting annoyed at people cutting reps around me (I know I shouldn't bother with what others do but was just annoyed/frustrated at myself and others today!!) - Only got to round of 5/5 done at the timecap.

Finisher was 15kg plate and 10/9/8/7/6/5/4/3/2/1 of russian twists and straight arm situps with weight over your head. 5 mins between you and partner - got to round of 3's.

All in all a strange day - PR at the deadlifts, but annoyed with myself at the WOD2......Very unlike me.
Wednesday Night Squat Bootcamp

Following the program - so 2 sets of 7, then heavy 2's with the idea of pushing your 2's by 2.5kg from last week.

So 2 sets of 7 @ 98kg done, then did 2 reps @ 105/110 and 115kg. Happy days.

That last rep @ 115kg was a big battle - probably about 4 or 5 seconds from the bottom to get it up - real scrap!!!

Thursday PT session

More barbell work - Hang Squat Cleans. Since Squat cleans are still fairly new movement working from the hang position.

Worked my way up to 70kg which was my PR last time, then managed the easiest lift ever at 74kg (when it all just clicked it feels so easy!)

Then added another 2kg - not happening!!! lol - I get the bar so high on the pull but just need to commit under it. Had about 6 goes at this - I need to just commit!!! Lol - Next time!
Friday Conditioning Class

AMReps in 6 mins: 30 seconds on 30 seconds off to move to next station. Max efforts
  • Ski Erg Calories
  • Box Step-up, 24 in
  • Assault Bike Calories
  • Kettlebell Squat Clean, 20 kg
  • Ball Slam, 20 kg
  • Sprawl Jump Up
Then same again but 35 seconds on/25 seconds off, then round 3, 40 seconds on/20 seconds off. A good sweaty Friday morning was had. Kids still off school so no barbell class today for me.


Every 1 min for 10 mins: 6 Clean & Jerk @60kg

Errr - not going to happen!!! haha - Stripped back to 50kg and did 4 reps every round as partner was to go immediately after I finished my reps. So managed 40 total @ 50kg.


21-15-9 - 10 min cap.
  • Clean and Jerk 40kg
  • Burpees
  • T2B (or double for high knee raises)
yuck - double yuck - this was just a total shoulder blow out.....Double high knees was hard, got all 21's done and 15 C&J and 15 burpees in the cap.

Shoulders are completely wrecked after that.

One more session tomorrow then off to Vegas for 5 days with the boys!!

5RM Strict Pull Up
- Not got them yet so working on banded (blue) pull ups.

WOD1 - 9 min cap.

18,16,14,12,10, etc etc
  • Assault Bike Cals
  • Pull ups (or jumping pull ups but double the number!!)
Woofftt - Bike is fine - pick a pace and go, but double the number for jumping pull ups was hard!!!

Finished round 12 - so Total of 60 cals and 120 jumping pull ups!!!

WOD2 - 9 Min Cap

5 Rounds - 20kg dumbells. So dumbell in each hand for all movements.
  • 12 Deadlifts
  • 9 Cleans
  • 6 Shoulder to Overhead
I used the 20kg for deads and cleans but used 16kg's for the shoulder to overhead. Got into round 5 and got deads and 5 cleans done. Tough going after yesterdays WOD's - shoulders were still aching.

So that's me for a week - 7 months of crossfit to this point and I was targeting this trip to Vegas as my initial point to improve myself/body shape etc. Happy with where I'm at.....still a lot to work on but looking forward to a boys trip to Vegas and some downtime from the gym. Might go once whilst I'm over there if I have time!!! See you all in a week!
Pt Session

First day back after 6 days in Vegas!! Still feeling jet lagged!

5 rounds
  • 500m cross trainer
  • 15 clean and push 20kg ball.
5 Rounds - every 1.30 complete
  • 8 squats holding 15kg ball on shoulder
  • then max effort ski erg
5 rounds
  • 1 min gentle run
  • 1 min off
Was pretty disgusting as I've done nothing for 8 days.....longest break from Crossfit since I started about 8 months ago. Felt rubbish, Trainer was a bit concerned due to me getting the shakes during the ski etc - No doubt a few sessions to get back into things.

30 min Conditioning Class

10 mins AMRAP:

  • 7 Assault Bike Calories
  • 14 Ball Slams, 9 kg
  • 21 Kettlebell Swings, 20 kg
5 rounds + 7 Assault Bike Calories + 7 Ball Slams |

8min AMRAP
  • 7 Down & Ups
  • 14 Floor Touch Wall Balls, 9 kg
  • 21 Floor touch jump up to bar touch
4 Rounds Completed

Barbell Class
  • Every 1 min for 10 mins, 3 Squat Cleans, | 50 kg - Managed them all fine (RX was 60kg but with my previous 1RM only being 75kg I stuck to 50kg to get them done)
  • Every 1:30 for 15 mins 2 Squat Cleans - Increasing weight every round where possible.
  • 50 kg, 54 kg, 57 kg , 60 kg , 64 kg, 67 kg ,70 kg, 70 kg, 70 kg , 73 kg
  • Every 2 mins - 1 Single Squat Clean to your max for 5 rounds.
  • Managed 73kg, 77kg, 80kg, and then failed 83kg twice. Happy with the 80kg as that is a 5kg PR for me.

1RM Overhead Squat

Always a difficult one - Managed 40kg ok, jumped to 50kg as time was short, failed at the bottom and never had time to go back to 45kg. PR again as my previous was only 32.5kg

WOD1 - 4 mins on/rest 4 mins

  • Assault Bike Cals
  • Overhead Squat (rx 40, I dropped to 30kg)
2,2,4,4,6,6,8,8 etc....

WOD2 - 4 mins/rest 4 mins
  • 12 box jumps
  • 2 T2B
Box jump stays at 12 but T2B goes up in 2's each round , 2,4,6 etc.

Then repeat WOD1 starting from where you finished the last time and same for wod 2

Tough one - Dropped the bar on my head during the round of 8 Overhead Squats! Not Clever.

On a positive note - I managed 2 T2B and then 4 T2B in WOD2 before having to go double for high knee raises.

Overhead Squats are a killer - Flexibility is ok but just need to work on the good balance position on the way down.

Finished round of 12's on WOD1 and Round of 12 on WOD2 plus 12 box jumps.
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