Mixing 5/3/1 and Crossfit, a psychedelic experience

18 Feb 2010
Glasgow, UK
First day of 5/3/1 today, I will no doubt end up changing this log and the terrible title once I've had a chance to think about it. For now, I'm just using it as a place to write down numbers before I forget.

Following T-nation's programme to the letter except for the assistance exercises because I have no access to machines, yet plenty of heavy things to pick up and put down in various ways instead. As a result, I'll be substituting in barbells, kettlebells and bodyweight stuff.

Without further ado:

Starting pseudo-1RM numbers for cycle 1 (already rounded down):

Squat: 100kg
Deadlift: 115kg
OHP: 50kg
Bench press: 62.5kg

Today's workout:

High bar back squat (until my shoulder lets me low bar again, I'm stuck with it)
Bar x lots
50kg x 5
60kg x 5
65kg x 5
75kg x 5
85kg x 12

Front rack Bulgarian split squats
30kg x 5 x 10 (per leg)

Kettlebell swings
32kg x 5 x 15

Tomorrow's 5/3/1:
Shoulder Press
32.5kg x 5
37.5kg x 5
42.5kg x 5+

5 x 5 (I'm weak)

3 x 5 (babby steps)

This will be combined with:
1RM deadlift
3 x 10 SLDL

3 rounds for time of:
60 double under skips
30 air squats.

To finish: 100 rubber band good mornings.

Let's see how this goes...
Today's Log!


1RM deadlift:
50kg x 5
70kg x 3
80kg x 1
110kg x 1
130kg x 1
140kg x failed

65kg x 3 x 10 SLDL

3 rounds for time of 60 double under's and 30 air squats:

100 x banded good mornings

bar x 5
32.5kg x 5
37.5kg x 5
42.5kg x 5

5 x 5

3 x 5

Overall a good day today, quite pleased to match my sumo 1RM. The 140kg lift stalled about 2 inches off the floor when my brain noped it out of there and I reckon I could actually have done 135kg because 130kg felt good.
OHP was not so great, only managed the minimum 5 reps for the AMRAP set, I failed the 6th. Probably a lack of energy at that point, I was feeling hungry and this was after the wod.

Not much else to do now except sleep, rest, eat and get ready for Thursday, which will be:

75kg x 5
87.5kg x 5
100kg x 5+

Good Mornings:
5 x 12

Hanging Leg Raise:
5 x 15

+ wod
Thanks guys :cool:, yeah probably, I haven't had a test bench session for ages though so 70kg is my only reference back from June/July. Forgive my noobness, I took my 1rm for the deadlift - 130kg, x 90% = 117kg, as per the t-nation post, from which the sets work out as 65%=75kg, 75%=87.5kg, 85%=100kg, is that wrong?
Thanks guys :cool:, yeah probably, I haven't had a test bench session for ages though so 70kg is my only reference back from June/July. Forgive my noobness, I took my 1rm for the deadlift - 130kg, x 90% = 117kg, as per the t-nation post, from which the sets work out as 65%=75kg, 75%=87.5kg, 85%=100kg, is that wrong?

Yeah that's right, 531 uses 90% on your 1RM which he calls your "training max". Think the logic was that most people will overestimate their 1RM.
Today's wod, er mah gerrrrdddd:

1RM bench future method:
Bar x 5
60kg x 5
80kg x 2
100kg x fail
90kg x 1

3 x 8 close grip bench
50kg x 3 x 8

20 / 10 / 10 partner leg throws

3000m team ski erg, change every 200m


60kg x 5
85kg x 5
95kg x 5
110kg x 12

Good Mornings:
40kg x 5 x 12

5 x 15 Hanging leg raises

You may notice I did a silly on my deadlifts and accidentally loaded 85kg instead of 75kg for my first work set, whoops! Just decided to go with it. Those leg raises after the ski erg and leg throws were brütal.
Crossfit is taking over OCUK training logs section! Glad to have another Crossfitter here with a sensible approach to training! Looking forward to following
Thanks d00d, today's wod is a friendly with/against CF enniskillen:

800m run
40 double unders
30 thrusters 20kg
20 over the bar burgers
10 handstand press ups (probably do decline instead because I don't think I'm strong enough yet)
20 OTB burgers
30 thrusters
40 DU's
800m run.

Suffice to say I'll be doing 5/3/1 first today, which is bench day :D. The plan is:

42.5kg x 5
47.5kg x 5
52.5kg x 5+

Kettlebell chest press 5 x 12

Kettlebell rows 5 x 10

Then run around like a maniac picking things up and putting them down.
That's a really interesting website, although it seems to predict some strange numbers. Putting in the weights above as my numbers, there is no way (yet) I can pull 154kg deadlift. The other lifts are within the same ballpark where I thought I'd be but dat deadlift doe, I'd be pretty pleased with that :D
Id hedge a bet that if you can pull 112KG for 12 reps (12 actual reps, not just pulling 1 then coming back 20 seconds later) you'd make 154!
Does 10 then a couple of breaths for the last 2 count? :p

Anyway, I think I got the numbers way off for the bench, will probably add a bit extra for the second cycle:

20kg x 5
30kg x 5
40kg x 3
42.5kg x 5
47.5kg x 5
52.5kg x 15

KB bench press
12kg x 15
16kg x 4 x 12

KB bent over row
16kg x 5 x 10 (each arm)

800m run
20 double unders
40 thrusters 20kg
30 pull-ups (dons flame-retardant suit)
20 over the bar burgers
10 decline press-ups
20 OTB burgers
30 pull-ups
40 thrusters
20 DU's
800m run.

I forgot the pull ups when I wrote it earlier and ended up scaling the double unders because I was never going to finish had I tried to do them Rx (which was 50).
27:46, followed by another mile run because my car was parked at the office

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"don't train more than 2 days in a row"
That shouldn't be a problem - Monday and Tuesday, Thursday and Friday, yay, until I go hillwalking and scrambling for the weekend and it's squat day tomorrow, which makes it the 5th consecutive day doing stuff. Might change it to OHP day to rest the legs a bit but the wod is also all squats, oh dear...
Ended up not going to the gym at all last night, late meeting I'd forgotten about lasted till half 7 and then the lack of sleep on Sunday night caught up. Which means today is definitely squat day!


70kg x 3
80kg x 3
90kg x 3+

BSS 5x15
Kb swings 5x10

3 rounds of
400m run
15 chest to bar pull ups
10 ground to overhead
5 OTB burpees
400m run
15 pull ups
10 power clean/push press
5 OTB burpees

3 rounds - 3:47 4:00 4:30

High bar back squat
Bar x lots
40kg x 5
50kg x 5
60kg x 3
70kg x 3
80kg x 3
90kg x 5

BSS: bailed
Swings: also bailed.

Very tough today, I found out I still haven't recovered after the weekend, knees, ankles and especially shoulder achy so I did the squats and went home like a babby.
Back in ze gym today, feeling better:

1RM paused bench
20kg x 5
40kg x 3
60kg x 1
70kg x 1

Pull ups 3 x 5

Press ups against band (blue) 9, 9, 9

Bent over row 40kg x 3 x 10

3 x 20 band lat pull down (red)

2k row 8:14


20kg x 8
30kg x 5
35kg x 3
40kg x 3
45kg x 5

Dips 3 x 5

Didn't do the 5/3/1 Pull ups because they are hard enough without double dipping... Wuss.

Didn't feel like I was dying today though which was a big improvement on Tuesday :D
50kg x 10
60kg x 5
80kg x 3
91kg x 3
104kg x 3
117kg x 6

Good Mornings :
40kg x 5 x 12

Hanging leg raises:
5 x 15

I've upgraded my Training Max for the deadlift to 130kg and will use that as the basis for the rest of this cycle and so on.

Dayum my thumbs are killing me though, that pain was definitely the limiting factor today.

(No wod)
Bar x 10
30kg x 8
40kg x 5
50kg x 3
55kg x 3
60kg x 8

Kb press:
16kg x 2 x 12
12kg x 3 x 12

Kb row:
24kg x 10 (per arm)
16kg x 4 x 10 (per arm)


Sumo deadlifts:
60kg x 5
90kg x 5
110kg x 3
120kg x 5 sets x 1 rep

Front squats:
Bar x 5
40kg x 5
70kg x 3 x 5

Then, cardio time! In 10 mins, do:
1600m run
25 burpees
Max wallballs (20lb): 30

That's the last of my three's, onto the 5/3/1's tomorrow, starting with squats, yay!

Forgot to mention, I've also increased my bench "training max" to somewhere around 66kg, using 62.5 was a bit on the light side
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