Mixing 5/3/1 and Crossfit, a psychedelic experience

Legs and back a bit more tender than I thought so did the OHP instead today:
Bar x 8
30kg x 5
35kg x 3
37.5kg x 5
42.5kg x 3
47.5kg x 2

That last set of 2 was really hard, very slow and grindy on both reps, think I've got a pretty fair estimate of where I am with this lift.

3 x 5 pull ups (always palms away from me, knuckles above the bar.)

6 x 5 Dips

2 rounds for time:

1000m row
15 power cleans @ 40kg
15 Toes to Bar leg raises

6:30, 7:16

Rest day tomorrow then legs on Thursday.
Today I paid a visit to the Hall of Squats in Swolehalla.

Bar x 10
40kg x 8
60kg x 5
70kg x 3
75kg x 5
85kg x 3
95kg x 7

Almost went for an 8th but I was seeing stars and thought it'd be better to rack :D

32kg kb swings
5 x 15

Bulgarian split squats (2 x 16kg kettlebells)
5 x 10 per leg


3RM push press
20kg x 5
40kg x 3
50kg x 3
55kg x 3
57.5kg x 3

Kb shoulder press:
16kg x 3 x 8

Kb bent over row:
24kg x 12 per arm
24kg x 12
20kg x 12

Bradford press 20kg x 3 x 15

2 rounds for time of 1000m row: 3:44, 3:54

Weekend of paddling approaches so that's me for this week
40kg x 10
60kg x 8
80kg x 5
90kg x 3
97.5kg x 5
112.5kg x 3
125kg x 5

Good Mornings
40kg x 5 x 12

Hanging leg raises
5 x 15

3 rounds for time of:

300m row
7-5-3 hang squat cleans (40kg) and over the bar burpees, because cardio, yo!
Times: 3:34, 3:46, 4:06

Bench'n'trize'n'bize day tomorrow :cool:
Bench, bize n trize day:

20kg x 10
30kg x 8
40kg x 4
50kg x 5
56kg x 3
63kg x 7

Kb press
16kb x 3 x 12
12kg x 2 x 12

Kb row
16kg x 5 x 10 per arm

24 minutes work, every minute on the minute alternate between:
50 double unders
15 x double Kb swings (16kg x 2)
10 burpees box jump overs
12 cal ski erg

Do the prescribed reps or 50s of each exercise, which ever comes first, then rest till end of minute and move on to next exercise.

This was so brütal my ears were sweating. Juicy. Bring on deload week on Friday :)
Deload week - OHP
20kg x 5
20kg x 5
25kg x 5
30kg x 5

... This was way easy, I know it's supposed to be but still...

6 x 5

Pull ups
6 x 5

Added an extra set of dips and pull ups for the giggles. Hills tomorrow so back to do the rest next week
Munros 8 & 9 down, 12.5km, 1050m ascent. Total time 5:20. Not Naismith time but I took a long facebox and email break when I saw I had 4G signal :p.

Knees and ankles felt fine with walking poles which bodes well for starting big miles next year. Only £35 from Alpkit for a pair of full carbon ones, winning.
Psychedelic experience continues:

5/3/1 deload week
Bar x 10
30kg x 5
40kg x 5
50kg x 5
60kg x 5

Bulgarian split squats
40kg bar front rack
6 x 10

Kb swings 24kg
5 x 15
1 x 5

3rm back squat
20kg x 10
60kg x 5
80kg x 3
90kg x 3
100kg x 3

For time, do the below:
100 lunges (50 each leg) back rack 30kg
21-15-9 thrusters-pull ups (Fran) with same bar


I have a definite love/hate relationship with the split squats.
Time for an update: after taking a week off to rest up for a week on skye, I then took another week off because I've been too busy at work, finishing after 7pm most nights at which point I just want food and sleep.

Started going in the mornings now at 6am, happy days. Today's wod:

1RM snatch grip deadlift:
40kg x 5
50kg x 4
70kg x 2
90kg x 1
110kg x 1
115kg x 1

12 min AMRAP:
10 deadlifts @ 70kg
10 burpees over the bar
10 wallballs (10', 20lb)

7 rounds plus 6 deadlifts of an eighth. Feels gooooooooooooood to be back. Going to give it a week or two of just wods, then break back into my 5/3/1 routine for month 2.

25 minute team AMRAP:

In 4's, conga line through:

10kcal row
30m farmer's carry (50kg per hand)
6 box jumps 30"
6 pull ups (kipping, shhhhh!)

29 complete rounds in total for our team, 7 rounds and 2kcal rowed for me.

5 x 3 overhead squat @ 20kg

3 x 10 box step ups 30kg back-racked, each leg

10min AMRAP:
60 skips
20 air squats
10 press ups


20kg x 2 x 5
30kg x 5
35kg x 5
40kg x 5
45kg x 5

Pull ups 5 x 5

Ring Dips 5 x 5

Only took 6 months but I was very happy to finally get overhead squats for the first time since the injury. Nowhere near my previous total but I felt good on them today, albeit I compensated quite a lot for the rotator cuff. I'll take it for now.

Doing ring dips now and my God they're hard. Had to go down to negatives for the last couple of reps in the final two sets.

60kg x 5
70kg x 5
80kg x 5
85kg x 3
---Working sets---
88kg x 5
98kg x 5
111kg x 7

Good Mornings 40kg x 6 x 12

Hanging knee raises 5 x 15


15 minute conga-style AMRAP in teams of 3:

9 deadlifts @ 60kg
7 box jumps @ 24"
5 push press @ 25kg

9 rounds

Could have added a little weight for the press, the deadlifts were hard doe, especially after 5/3/1 deads. My hammies are made of jelly now, halp! :(
So, time to necro this old thing. Work and winter hills got in the way so my training was very irregular the last few months. Finally starting back but in the office gym with barely any equipment. Oh and I've moved to Reading.

To summarise the toys I can get play with: plenty of cably pushy pully thingies that people have very little interest in exercising seem to like. One Smith machine. One toy barbell, some random plates. Dumbells up to 25kg in 2.5kg increments. Pull up sticky out bits with an awkwardly wide grip on one of those pull up assist machines. Plenty of cardio machines.

It only costs £17 a month and is super convenient so I'm inclined to stay but I've had to make stuff up to get a work out.

Third workout today:
Db bench press
WU (10, 15, 17.5)
20kg x 5, 22.5kg x 5, 25kg x 5

Db single arm rows
22.5kg x 2 x 10
20kg x 10 (sets of 22.5kg might have been an optimistic start)

Arnold press
10kg x 3 x 10

Row 2000m for time: 8:06

Going cycling tomorrow and then a cheeky leg day Thursday or Friday.
I say Chap, cheeky leg day demands some Bulgarian split squats. Not sure whether to go for holding dumbells, or front rack the barbell. I tried the former last week on leg day and it seems easier than I remember holding a legit front rack so might do the latter instead

Anyone have any preferences?
Going to steal this 2 day split I've just read suggested in another thread, looks evil:

mrthingyx said:
Day 1:

- squat (8 reps * 3 sets)
- RDL (10*3)
- bench ss/w chins (10*3)
- triceps and lateral raises (whatever)
- ab roll-outs

Day 2:

- deadlifts (5*4)
- split squats or lunges (10*3)
- row of some description ss/w dumbbell press (8*3)
- broceps (*)
- weighted plank
Last week:
- deadlifts (5*4) - 80kg
- split squats or lunges (10*3) - BSS for days, 30kg barbell front rack
- row of some description ss/w dumbbell press (8*3) - barbell rows, OHP, 40kg, 30kg, 30kg. Really hard on the press, I'm so weak on this lift.
- weighted plank - did 2 x 60s with 10kg
Split squats (8 reps * 3 sets) - 40kg barbell front rack
- RDL (10*3) - 70kg, 60kg, 60kg. Grip strength gone down, also slippery barbell doesn't help
- bench ss/w chins (10*3) - db press 17.5kg and negatives for 3s each. Brutal.
- triceps and lateral raises (whatever). 3x10 of 2.5kg rotator cuff external rotations, 3x10 of lateral raises with 5kg, 3x10 skullcrushers with a single 17.5kg db.

Hmm, feeling a bit weak across the board tbh, to be expected really. Cycle tomorrow.
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