Mixing 5/3/1 and Crossfit, a psychedelic experience

I would think so! Almost lets you off the Smith machine aberration :D

I've no choice if I want to skwat, sadly, so I just grin and bear it until I can have a real rack again :p

Last week - super busy so I only got 1 day in of deadlifts according to reiyushin's fun block, forgot what exactly I did so it doesn't count.

Today -
Week 2 day 1 squats

(Smith Machine) back squat
40kg x 8
60kg x 5
80kg x 3

90kg x 2 x 1
85kg x 3 x 3
65kg x 6 x 3

(Smith Machine) front squat
70kg x 3 x 6
I'd have liked to do this freestanding but failed 2 attempts at the power clean (my all-time highest power clean was about 72kg I think so not surprised now I'm not cleaning at least once a week)

(Smith machine) bench
40kg x 8
50kg x 5
60kg x 3

72.5kg x 2 x 1
67.5 x 3 x 3
52.5kg x 6 x 3

(Smith) CGBP
57.5kg x 3 x 6

DBSS 15kg (15, 12, 12) and
DB shoulder press 15kg (15, 10, 10) to recover some dignity

Finished with cable rotator cuff thingies:
Internal rotations +3.75kg (10, 10, 10)
External rotations +1.25kg (10, 10, 10)

DOMS, I am ready for you :cool:
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Deadlift week 2

60kg x 8
70kg x 5
80kg x 3

90kg x 2 x 1
80kg x 3 x 3
65kg x 6 x 3
RDL 50kg x 3 x 6

Pull up negs and single arm 15kg rows, superset 3 x 10

Rotator cuff cable pulls

Got kicked out of the gym because of closing time so no BSS
Yesterday went early morning instead:
Bench and squat week 2 day 2

Smith machine front squat
40kg x 8
60kg x 5
80kg x 3
90kg x 2 x 1
85kg x 3 x 3
65kg x 6 x 3

Smith machine back squat
70kg x 3 x 6

Smith machine cgbp
40kg x 8
50kg x 5
60kg x 3
72.5kg x 2 x1
67.5kg x 3 x 3
52.5kg x 6 x 3

Smith machine regular grip bench
57.5kg x 3 x 6

Supersets of pull up negatives and dips
3 x 8

Cable rotator cuff things

Feeling stronger on the pull ups, i start each set with 4-3 full pull ups now :). But no BSS for two days has me feeling like I'm missing something
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I must be close to getting a record for necroing this log again. Back at the gym, no more attempts at calisthenics for me, we're lifting weights and pumping iron from now on.

Still climbing 2ish days a week though, because climbing.


16kg db lunges 3 x 8 (not man enough to go for dbss, soon though)

12kg db OHP 3 x 8

18kg db BOR 3 x 10 each arm, superset with
16kg db bench

70kg 3 x 8 deadlifts

Rotator cuff 3 x 8 whatever, 2kg dumbells because the bro squad came out to camp the cables

Dragonfly core thing stuff 3 x 10

All very meh but that's where I am atm
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