Mixing 5/3/1 and Crossfit, a psychedelic experience

Today's workout:

Split squats with dumbells
WU (15kg, 17.5kg)
4x8x17.5kg each hand, per leg
Added a couple of reps today and paid closer attention to form, getting actual depth, unlike last week which I think was a couple of inches short. Ouch, these are hard.

S/s dumbbell rows and dumbell press
Feeling the pump, had to take a break between sets 2 and 3.

WU (60 x 7, 70 x 5, 80 x 3)
4 x 5 x 85kg

3x10 hollow rocks

Physio: 90 single leg calf negatives. Forgot to mention these, did 90 every day for a while to repair an achilles tendinitis, now down to a couple of times a week. Lump mostly gone, now down to about the size of a rice grain.
Yesterday's workout:
500m row 1:44.7
BSS 3 x 10 with 17.5s
RDL 3 x 10, 60, 65, 65. Grip strength weak, went alternating grip. I still blame the slippery barbell but you know what they say about workmen and tools...

Supersets of db bench 17.5s and pull up negatives for 3s, 3 x 10. Ouch

Db shoulder external rotations 3 x 10 with 2.5kg

Lateral raises 3 x 10 with 5kg

Tricep extensions 3 x 10 with 18kg, 16kg and 13kg on the fly machine.

There, I've used a machine, my broformation is complete. Now where can I get sweat pants like BroScienceLife?
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Yesterday's workout:
500m row 1:44.7
BSS 3 x 10 with 17.5s
RDL 3 x 10, 60, 65, 65. Grip strength weak, went alternating grip. I still blame the slippery barbell but you know what they say about workmen and tools...

Supersets of db bench 17.5s and pull up negatives for 3s, 3 x 10. Ouch

Db shoulder external rotations 3 x 10 with 2.5kg

Lateral raises 3 x 10 with 5kg

Tricep extensions 3 x 10 with 18kg, 16kg and 13kg on the fly machine.

There, I've used a machine, my broformation is complete. Now where can I get sweat pants like BroScienceLife?

Does it sound like a machine gun when you do your tricep extensions?
RDLs are awesome - try a snatch grip for a real workout! They help me get to a delicious depth and work your upper back too

Yeah that's a good idea, it'll differentiate my leg exercises more too! Will give snatch grips a go for a month and see how it goes

Split squats with barbell front rack:
3 x 10 x 40kg

S/s barbell row and overhead press
3 x 10 x 30kg. This was super hard, the last set of presses were push presses.

4 x 5 x 90kg

Cool down: 50 press ups, 90 calf drops each leg.
Sore calf from weekend cycling so no BSS today:

Back squat in the smith machine:

WU (40 x 10, 60 x 7)
80 x 3 x 10

Snatch grip RDL
50 x 3 x 10
This turned more into sets of 7 + 3 with the slippery barbell which defeats my grip strength hook grip or no :p

Supersets of db bench and pull up negs:
3 x 10, bench with 17.5kg's. The dumbells are feeling good now, think it's almost time to add some weight to those. Pull up negatives also decidedly less awful.

Finished off with 3 x 10 shoulder internal rotations and external rotations x 2.5 and whatever on the cable machine.

That's all I had time for this lunchtime, will nab some of my flatmate's plates and do OHP stuff tonight for funsies. I really dislike the smith machine, so springy and so much inertia, bleh. What does 80kg on it even mean in real squat numbers?

E part 2:

Barbell OHP:
WU (10 x 20, 5 x 30)
30kg x 3 x 10

Followed by 3 x 10 shoulder dislocations and spinny thingies each way with a paddle. Yowch I've been naughty and everything is super tight
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So I've bought into this newfangled Huel fad, just had breakfast of 124g of it in water, normally I'd have about 40g of brotein powder, 40g of broats and about 350-400ml of brue milk. I upped the numbers from 30/30/300 about a month ago as I tended to get hungry about 11am. Feels pretty filling, will see how it goes as a trial.
1:43 500m row warm up


20kg x 3 x 10
Level up!

Supersets of OHP at 30kg and single db bent over row (each arm, 20kg)
3 x 10
Level up!

WU 60kg x 5, 80kg x 5
95kg x 4 x 5
Level up!

Shoulder spinny stuff with a stick at home later
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Day 2 of huel breakfast, not bad. I've no signs of getting peckish and energy levels seem more stable. This is more of a comment on some deficiencies in my breakfast before than evidence of anything particularly special about now
Back to the gym from holiday last night, felt good to pick up heavy things and put them down again.

DBSS 20kg 3 x 10
Balance was hard on these guys especially on my weaker right side

Snatch grip RDL
40kg x 10
50kg x 10
55kg x 3 x 10
MAH GRIIIIP, what's wrong with my grip!? Hook grip kept un-hooking, I'm convinced it's the toy barbell

Supersets of db shoulder press (15kg) and pull up negatives 3 x 10
No such problem with grip on the pull up bar, just weak

Supersets of Dragon Fly progressions and back leg lever thingies 3 x 10 for some funsies

Smith Machine Bench to finish
40kg x 10
50kg x 10
55kg x 3 x 10

Feeling good, ready to Stand and Bang :cool:


15kg x 3 x 10
17.5kg x 10
Mega DOMS especially in my right leg that would not let go so I took the weight down a bit and someone was using the 17.5's until my last set.

60kg x 5
80kg x 5
90kg x 5
100kg x 2 x 5
90kg x 2 x 5
Something wrong with my grip, thumb keeps slipping out of fingers. Maybe the barbell, it's only really been happening as long as I've been using this gym.

Supersets of 20kg db chest press and single arm row
3 x 10

Supersets of glute ham raises and Dragon Flag progression leg raise things
3 x 10

Cycle to and from work 19k each way, 1:03 and 1:06

Weekend at home, that can only mean one thing - Saturday morning workout! Right leg still gets a bit of a twinge in the hamstring so kept the weights down:

Front racked 30kg Bulgarian Split Skwats
3 x 10

Snatch Grip RDL 30kg
3 x 10

WU (10 x 60kg, 80kg)
100kg x 4 x 5
Using my flatmate's actual barbell with actually grippy knurling, it was much easier to keep the hook grip from slipping than at my office gym so I'm sure the barbell does make at least a bit of difference. Having said that, my thumb still slipped later on and the last two sets I lifted with an alternating grip so my grip strength has gone down too. Moar deadlift! :cool:

Supersets of OHP and BOR
30kg x 3 x 10

Found an ab wheel so supersets of roll outs (knees) and glute ham leg raise things to finish
3 x 10

Foam rolling stuff and shoulder stick mobility stuff later
Decided to give the cycling a couple of weeks rest, my weak grip correlates with starting cycling and probably comes down to poor technique where I put a lot of weight onto the handlebars. Anyway, I'm going to give it a couple of weeks of no cycling and see how the forearms feel, then slowly introduce it bit by bit as well as pop into my bike shop to see if I need a different stem.

Giving Reiyushin's mini block a go while I work on grip strength, I've also started to restrict my rest times to 30-60s between sets, because I want to feel like jelly and so I don't hang around so much.

Monday (yesterday) workout is deadlift day (basing off 100kg deadlift, I can do a lot more but this is all I can hold right now):


WU (2 x 8 x 60kg)
80kg x 4 x 5
60kg x 6 x 3

50kg x 3 x 8

Supersets of db bench (20kg) and pull up negs (4s): 3 x 10

DBSS with 17.5kg dumbells: 3 x 10

Glute ham raises (+5kg): 3 x 10


Tuesday (today): Bench & Skwat Day 1 (starting with ~80kg bench and ~100kg on squat), both on the Smith Machine

Bench - sharing with another guy for this so didn't want to faff with plates too much for exact numbers
WU (40kg x 2 x 10)
60kg x 4 x 5
40kg x 6 x 3

40kg x 3 x 8

Back Skwat
WU (60kg x 2 x 8)
80kg x 4 x 5
60kg x 6 x 3

Freestanding front skwat (no rack so have to clean each set)
50kg x 3 x 8

Db bench
15kg x 3 x 15

15kg x 15
10kg x 2 x 12

Legs are like jelly now. Rest day tomorrow, Day 2 on Thursday
Week 1 day 2 of squat and bench today:

Bench WU
40kg x 2 x 8

65kg x 4 x 5
45kg x 6 x 3

Regular Bench
45kg x 3 x 8

Front Squat (Smith Machine)
WU 60kg x 2 x 8
80kg x 4 x 5

Front Squat (freestanding, power clean bar each set)
60kg x 6 x 3

High bar Back Squat (Smith Machine)
60kg x 3 x 8

Slight incline db press
15kg x 3 x 15

Pull up negatives 3 x 10

Doing front squats in a Smith Machine is actually a lot harder than I thought because the bar wants to lock itself off in the direction of elbows up!

Quite pleased with myself today overall, I can start each set of pull ups with 3 full pull ups so slowly getting there. Bench felt good, skwats felt good. Rest day tomorrow, paddling over the weekend.
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