:D Not totally wrong. I do like the idea of EVE but as mentioned I play a lot and having to play a lot without any reward for actually playing (because all the training is on a real-time timer instead of being rewarded for doing things in-game) means that I'm getting nowhere fast and spending all my time doing the same boring missions that offer very little money as rewards.
:D Not totally wrong. I do like the idea of EVE but as mentioned I play a lot and having to play a lot without any reward for actually playing (because all the training is on a real-time timer instead of being rewarded for doing things in-game) means that I'm getting nowhere fast and spending all my time doing the same boring missions that offer very little money as rewards.

its a lot of grind until your rich my best times were living in 0.0 you could easily farm your losses back.

i ried returning and all the people i lnow have moved on to other games by the looks of it so everything feels pointless.

people on here were saying incursions in high sec are good money but it seems impossible to actually get into a corp that does them
why not try the mmos that have gone F2P ? age of Conan is not bad Lineage 2 yeah its a grind fest but the pvp in that game is best i have played, Warhammer online its ok, and Aion not a bad game either.

Loads of games for you to try for free until guild wars 2 comes out :D
I've been turned off AoC after playing it at release, I loved the concept but it was too glitchy and they just didn't care. I played WAR at release too but the community was sparse then and I've heard it's just gone downhill. I've not really looked into Lineage and Aion, I'll take a peek.
Are you specifically looking for an MMORPG? As Planetside 2 is going to be entering beta... soon... probably. Its an MMOFPS, will be F2P, skill is based on accuracy with a mouse as you'd expect, and the maps have room for 660 players per faction (3 factions, so ~2000 players). Though if you're not so keen on FPSs then it probably won't be for you :p

I've been playing EvE, on and off, since it first released back in 2003. I'm currently in an off phase, but as you might imagine I've got several high end characters and more isk, ships, mods, and other junk than I know what to do with. The most fun I've had in EvE is with PvP combat, so my suggestion would be to keep running your missions for a while, but try to mix it with some fun.

Red vs Blue is a good place to start, or EvE University, if its still running. With RvB you can join and leave when ever you like, and fly what ever ship you like. Usually people fly tech 1 frigs and cruisers, and use swarm tactics, its mostly in high sec and is a great intro to PvP. Once you've progressed on from this then its time to start thinking about nullsec, either 0.0 or WH space.

If you want to make isk then market trading is probably the most lucrative activity. And you can do it on an alt quite effectively with only a few hours training, and only a few hours per week effort invested. Obviously the more you put in the better you'll do, but even low effort can yield big rewards when you learn the market.

Other MMO's? Well like half the planet I'm waiting for Guild Wars 2, but I'm also having a really great time with the TERA Online beta. Most of it fairly average, and certainly nothing you probably haven't already seen before, but what makes it really stand out is the combat system. Its much more action oriented than your average target / hotkey system. Playing as a melee class turns it into a hack and slash game, while playing as a caster it becomes, basically, a third person shooter. Great fun.
Thanks Wucked, I joined an Rvb Ganked a week or two ago, that's what made me realise how utterly hopeless I am :p Thanks for the tip on TERA, I've been watching with interest but to be honest the targetting system put me off, I haven't been thinking of it as a third person game though as you pointed out. :)
I'm amazed that no one has mentioned Rift here yet....played about a year of wow with 2 level 85s and a load of alts, but Cata killed it in my opinion.
Been playing Rift for the past few months, and absolutely love it! Looks amazing too!

It is a bit more casual as there isn't massive amounts of content (but yay! no massive grinds!) but they are forever releasing updates and world event things. Also, when you get to 50 (max level atm) there are tons of options for instant action things, like 2 player dungeons and being teleported to some quests.
Also there are rifts, which can be crazy!

But as I said, after a month or two of playing, you will reach max level and need alts.
i found the rift beta boring as anything

yes, but that's the difference between playing a game in testing and the finished product, that's been out for a year and patched consistently!
Honestly, give it another go, it's awesome!

Think it's free to play up to 20 anyway, so you've got nothing to lose - I cant stand micro-transactions for everything in LOTRO, EQ2 etc, and also the graphics in those games are garbage;

In summary, Rift for the win! lol
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I bought swtor and a 60 day card, giving me 90 days of playtime.

Knowing me, I'll get bored before it runs out...I'm already level 8. I would describe the game as being easy so far, it also seems a bit too much like a theme park for my tastes but I probably just havent got to the good pvp areas yet.

I still dont know much about the space flight side of it, I was hoping for some pvp xwings vs tie fighters like the old lucas arts games. But apparently its just for travelling or something.

Also the graphics are...not great for a 2012 game. They just do the job nothing more. Also how flipping hard is it to come up with a decent name for a mmo...I clicked random a few times and now I'm called Thorviboso...AWESOME.
What about Perpetuum? Might be easier to get into than Eve. There's an interesting article about it on Rock Paper Shotgun right now.
What about Perpetuum? Might be easier to get into than Eve. There's an interesting article about it on Rock Paper Shotgun right now.

That article prodded me into downloading it last night, and it's pretty slick looking for far. Still working through the training missions, but if you've played Eve you'll be up to speed with the basics very quickly.
You could do worse than try Age of Conan.

Stunning combat, ground breaking graphics for a MMO, nice amount of end game stuff.

Dont let the doomsayers put you off, its worth a try out for sure.
found the combat in rift very bland compared to Aion and even Star Wars had better combat
Thanks guys, I'm trying the free trial in rift and I'll accept the scroll in WoW tomorrow to give that another go :)

SPG, I tried AoC at launch and it was a mess, great concept but but totally let down by being barely playable (and that's generous) and having barely any content. I gave up once I ran out of quests before I hit max level.

JeffH thanks, I'll look into it if I don't pick up Rift or WoW :)
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