Mobile Banking Apps - Which bank has the best app?

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Barclays is great but I moved to Nationwide recently. It's OK, not as good as the Barclays one and it frustratingly asks me to use my pinsentry machine from time to time if I'm changing standing orders etc. It doesn't do it every time.
Surprised by the number of people who have rated Santander's app. I may give it another go.
First Direct is good after the recent updates. You can also setup new payees from the app.
My main spending account is with Nationwide and again it's a good app.
Lols. The TSB app is pretty damn poor IMO. I closed an account purely because the app was so dire, and their new app whilst better, still had bugs which was reflected in its Play Store rating.

Currently I really rate the Barclays banking app, it does almost everything you would need to do from the app that you'd do from the site (which is also excellent).

Santander is also very good. Both Barclays and Santander can set up new payees without the need for a card reader or complex processes. It just works.

I nearly binned TSB off very quickly after joining them because the app was so poor. To be fair, its much better now than it was a couple of months ago. But their telephone support leaves a lot to be desired.
Barclays when I was with them for normal banking which was decent, only use them now for ISA, moved over to the Cumberland building society when I took out my mortgage and their app is better than most big banks shown in this thread.
How can people rate Halifax it's crud to put it mildly.
Santander is just ok
Coop is just ok

I'm not moving bank again untill resolute/monzo or one of the other new banks have matured a bit probably another year for them to get where I feel happy making the switch. They just get the internet and app development.
... Banking apps have to be the worst part of owning a bank account.

I am not sure why you say that when everything that you can do in a mobile banking application can generally be done on the bank's website, or in a branch.

I have installed my main bank's mobile application on my phone and have used it maybe two or three times in the past year. :confused:
Really enjoying Starling Bank - phone notifications when you spend, instant balance updates and a breakdown by category and merchant of where you spend your money. Really cool.

Also bank with HSBC. App is crap and they've changed the desktop site to match the (cr)app. :facepalm:
I use Santander and Halifax. They're significantly better on iOS than android, with Santander being unbearable on Android. Most of the time I'm told I've entered my passcode incorrectly, resulting in a lock up of my account. Even though I'll proceed to reset it to the same one and have it work fine...
I've been using Santander for a couple of years now on Android and not had this once, so I suspect it was an issue on your phone or something.

I find the Santander app excellent, far better than First Direct which was a pain to do anything or install on new devices.
I am not sure why you say that when everything that you can do in a mobile banking application can generally be done on the bank's website, or in a branch.

I have installed my main bank's mobile application on my phone and have used it maybe two or three times in the past year. :confused:

They're multi million pound companies that can't even make a proper, functional secure app? Doesn't make much sense to me :/ With the Halifax app I can login using a fingerprint. Way easier, and realistically, just as secure.
Since when, that's one of many issues I have with halifax no fingerprint sign in, just had a look in settings nothing their either. or are you on ios.

Also there are a number of questions about the security of fingerprint based auth on IOS / Android so personally I'd rather use something else....
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