Modding a Coolermaster ATCS 200

Got the forward support panels re-profiled this afternoon. Nothing major, just looks a lot better than they did before

I'm going to try an source edging strip for certain parts of the paneling but I want quite small, discreet piping, not in yer face, and I'm contemplating spraying the inside a shade of "gunmetal" in a satin finish. Reason for this is theres an awful lot scaring which has occured even though using masking tape to protect the ally surface and if it looks reasonable inside, I'll take the side panel to mate of mine and get him to cut an opening for a window (I'm even contemplating using some white fans to add a bit of contrast.
Really jealous. I would love another one but they are getting rare now. Wish I never sold mine.
Really jealous. I would love another one but they are getting rare now. Wish I never sold mine.

Theres one for sale on the bay, the same version as mine, going £50, collection only from Devon, and its got two of the drive bay covers, windowed side panel and, going by the pics, looks almost mint.
Thanks for that mate. I have emailed the eBay guy to see if he would box it for a courier. Would take a reference Titan cooler card then, so long as a hdd isn't in the way.
Still gonna be a tight fit but by my measurements it'll fit. One suggestion, check out the orientation of the 8-8 power connectors and make sure they don't impact on the installation.:)
Its looking more and more like I'm going to have spray the interior of the case due to all the scaring thats occured due to me being hamfisted.
So...I'm looking at suggestions for the interior colour. I'm thinking either satin/semi gloss black or a gunmetal sort of shade, but I'm open to suggestions providing its not summat like snot yellow or elephant puke green.:D

I also need suggestions for the 120mm fans I'm going to instal. For the floor mounted fan I'd prefer to have a slim line type jobbie and maybe the same for the rear exhaust, BUT they must both be reknowned for being quiet running and shift a reasonable amount of air. I've had a look and I'm a bit bewildered as to the choice available.
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I would suggest gunmetal as well, at least that way it could look like an OEM finish. I think these cases are best left alone in terms of colour and style.
I would suggest gunmetal as well, at least that way it could look like an OEM finish. I think these cases are best left alone in terms of colour and style.

Y'know I thought that a few years ago, but after all, they're only pc cases, lumps of metal and plastic but times and tastes change along with requirements so as far as I'm concerned, anything goes on the "inside", the outside is a different matter, hence I won't touch the front panel at all, thats got to remain stock.

What I'm trying to do is bring a 15 year old case up to date so be able to use contemporary "sized" components with sufficient cooling basically.
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Oh yeah, I totally get you. Thats what I am saying though, the insides are not an issue, but from the outside the charm of these cases is their aesthetic. So I would paint it a colour like gunmetal grey for sure, that matches the overall style of them originally. I love what you are doing :D
Great, the missus has left me alone for a bit so I can get on doing a bit more to the case. I've cut the hole in the floor of the case for the 120mm intake fan. Its a bit heath robinson and could've been done a bit better I reckon but I've still got to fix 3 strips of ally on the edge of the opening due there being a "step" in the floor panel (this is for the feet mounting screws to have a bit more meat to thread into.) This means one edge of the fan would sit higher than the other three sides by 2mm. No biggie though and these strips will tidy the appearnce of the fan surround a bit. I've also ordered a set of lian Li 10mm thick ally feet to use with the existing stock items for the time being, but I'll probably get another set in the near future to raise the case up by a further 10mm to improve the looks. I'll only do this if I need the extra height to get more room underneath to to improve intake air draw. Also ordered a 140mm Lian Li fan guard/grill as this will totally cover up the fan opening from the bottom.

I'm still undecided on the choice of fans to install, but I'm leaning towards these Akasa items as they come quite highly rated.

Pic to follow when I've got the 2mm shims fitted:)

Right, got the 2mm thick shims fitted, holes drilled for the fan mounts.

The underside really does look a bit naff cosmetically, but its very solid and the fan is firmly in position, which, btw, works out directly under the intake fan of a graphics card using a reference cooler, hows about that then!:)
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That's a good idea! I'm hoping go get one soon, discussions are under way. The only frustrating thing is the difficulty in fitting an AIO CPU cooler.
Fitting an AIO cooler is one of the reasons I'm doing this mod.Its easy for the cpu but a fair bit harder for the gpu as theres only an 80mm exhaust fan available.
OK, while waiting for the final sheet of aluminium to turn up, I've checked out the position of the 120mm fan with a mobo I/O plate installed and to say its a close fit is an understatement! The fan literally sits on the edge of the I/O plate which give me a dilemma, do I leave it open so as not to impact the removal/refit of the i/o plate or do plate over the open side of the fan and maybe interfere with the i/o plate removal/fitting? I don't think it will have any effect to be honest thinking about it as the plate is removed from the inside, doh!. thats what comes of having so much to think about all at the same time and me brain can't handle it.
I've also fitted the new Lian Li feet to see how much height I've gained. they look a bit odd with the stock feet but I'll probably get another set of the Lian Li jobbies to keep it looking uniform. I've also decided on the interior colour, Anthracite matt, as that colour goes with literally anything. Also helps to cover up any errors, lol.

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Update time kids. I was looking critically at the case and I wasn't at all happy with the appearance if I wanted to put a window in the side panel, the whole thing just didn't look right.
So I thought to hell with it, and started hacking away with the jigsaw, drill and handsaw and removed even more metal. I removed the front grill/ 80mm fans mounting assembly in total, fixed the grill to the reverse side of the front panel using araldite which seems to have gone perfectly (I'll post a pic when its hardened overnight as I don't want to disturb it). I also took considerably more out of the two upright side panels and slotted each one so a 120mm fan could be installed where the two 80mm would normally go. Obviously the intake draw from this fan is not gonna be as high as normal due to the restricted opening in the front panel, but it doesn't have to be as theres the floor mounted 120mm fan drawing in also with a full size opening. Theres also gonna be a large "dead spot" in the center of the fan due it's the motor, but I reckon it "might" work, I suppose it depends on the fan speed, the higher the speed the more air but I don't want to compromise on noise so lets see how it goes.
I also had to reinforce the lower mountings of both forward uprights now as I've lost two rivet mountings per side, so I knocked a small right angled bracket for each side, riveted them in place and now theres no movement at all. There is, however a bit of flex in the uprights as there areas where theres only a 2mm strip now ('cos I removed so much) but I'm hoping when the fan is mounted, it'll goes rigid again and if not I'll see about strengthening these two areas., Anyways, heres a coupla pics.

I've also got some edge trim coming soon so I can tidy up the edges a lot and I've got some fine modelling filler already to repair any cosmetic damage prior to spraying the internals.
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Really needed to see how the fit of the front panel is considering the amount of aluminium I've removed from the front supports. I found that everything fitted fine considering the bashing this chassis's had. There is a very slight twist in the case where one of the feet (rear left) is off level by about 2mm, not a lot but enough to cause a wobble. Fortunately I can rectify that when I fit the rear panel, or even easier, just shim that foot a little.
Must admit I'm a surprised and pleased that its all gone quite so far, heres hoping it carries on that way.:)

I'll try and sort the H/D and front case fan mountings tommorow
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