Moon Knight (Marvel TV series)

Finally got round to watching the the last 2, couple of cringe worthy moments, nothing so in your face blatant as f&was. Think the fight choreography is still poor for the money spent personally, still waiting on a really compelling villain in these marvel shows.
I Think my favourite villain out of all the Marvel shows, Netflix and Disney+, was probably Killgrave from Jessica Jones. Fisk/Kingpin from Darevil was also brilliant too.

The Disney+ ones haven't hit that level just yet. But I suppose they also haven't hit the poor level of Iron Fist either
I thought Hawke's villain was great, I'd certainly put him on the level of everyone except Fisk. Most of the shows haven't had a main villain for a lot of the series (Loki, Hawkeye, Wandavision) as they've been fairly non standard structurally.
I'm not fragile enough that it bothers me seeing a man being saved by a woman. In a show dealing with Egyptian gods and super-powers I'm able to distance myself from reality and see it's just entertainment and in no basis reality.

But if using terms like 'soyboy' and '****' makes you feel like more of a man then do whatever makes you feel good. Amusingly I feel it actually proves the very opposite though. Clearly not comfortable enough in your own skin and manliness that you can just appreciate a TV show for being entertainment that it is.

Don't they both end up saving each other a few times through the series? But that's your beef with the show? Not the fact that the finale has a giant ******* crocodile and bird skeleton fighting. No, it's the fact a woman dare saves a man.

Get a grip.

Wouldn't bother arguing, is a loony. Absolutely zero "woke" in this show.
Thus far I thought its been good, though I didn't like this weeks episode. I though the main guys been quite good. English accent is ok, its just a little too fawning.
Finally decided to watch this. It's easily the best Marvel TV show so far - as in, all the others have been garbage. It's a solid 7.5 - just very entertaining, actually quite funny and Oscar Isaac is excellent.
Finally decided to watch this. It's easily the best Marvel TV show so far - as in, all the others have been garbage. It's a solid 7.5 - just very entertaining, actually quite funny and Oscar Isaac is excellent.

I agree. One of the 2 shows I actually enjoyed on D+ before I cancelled. It was actually good!
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