Morba's log - A mans love of coffee and cake mmm

7 Mar 2003
Krispy Kreme drive thru
So today it begins. I'll try and keep this updated lol

Here's a few things you might like to know:

I'm mark, age 34 (as of today), short fat and bald.
Loves coffee, cake, ice cream, donuts and lifting heavy **** for fun.
I'm a clumsy mofo with soft skin that tears and bruises easily (like a peach as I keep being told :p ).

Yesterday was my 2nd strongman competition, below are the write ups for my first two comps!


Bald head on the right is me, clearly happy as I got the blondes lol
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Bristols Strongest Man novice/inters comp back in July:

Went to bed at midnite, a little earlier than normal as knew nerves would keep me awake for a while, fell asleep about 1am in the end.
Woken up at 1.30 by some crazy heavy rain, this was some serious downpour and suddenly my heart sank. I'd prefer blazing sun where I burn to rain lol.

get back to sleep eventually, wake up at 7.30 and have a shower n 5 weetabix. No nerves, able to eat fine, good news!
Pack my bags, get in the car and leave the house.... drive back to house to pick up bags that I have packed. Doh, clearly am nervous :p

Some big lads at the comp, most seem to be at least my size (or in my mind they were) but taller or 20kg lighter (wtf!).

I'm listed as 2nd in the running order of 13 (should have been 18 but fair few pulled out last min).

Event 1 - apollons axle: floor to over head, 95kg starting weight rising in 10kg. MUST put completed rep (on "good rep") on to the bags, not the floor.
2.25" bar with big metal wheels on it that do not spin like a normal barbell and weights.
1st attempt - belly clean, up to shoulders, push press. Simple. "Good rep". Down.... onto the floor. Dan (the ref just laughed and shook his head) "no rep". First lift nerves clearly hitting me lol.
Still time for another attempt, I've never tried 2 in quick succession but gave it a go. Good rep. Yes!
Pertty much everyone got it, onto 105kg.
Belly clean 105, up to shoulders, more of a push press "good rep", down onto the bags. Cool :D
115kg - belly clean, up to chest, almost slipped but was well chalked up, got to shoulders. Knew this wasn't going up, it was sat on my chest still rather than just under my chin like the 95 and 105 was. Push press (should have tried to power jerk it really) to just over my head, no tricep strength to press out though. No lift.

No idea where I came on this yet, but thing only 5 of us got 105. Joint winners got 125, well impressed.

Event 2 - Farmers and yoke medley: farmers 110kg in each hand, low pick up handles for 20m straight into 260 yoke for 20m.
To save time on the height change for yoke we didn't go in order, just in who wanted to do x height, then move it up and do next people until all have done it. I went on the 2nd height which was about 8th person.
Nobody dropped the farmers and they were all fast, but this then screwed most for the yoke, less than half in total completed both parts. I was one of them Yes!
Nice steady farmers, nothing lighting speed but fast enough. Under the yoke, 260kg suddenly felt like over 300 (never done the 2 together so quickly before). Lifted, got moving. Think I covered 10m before first drop, knew not to stand up and breathe, just pick up and go again. Think I dropped it once more, then over the line. Awesome :D

Event 3 - Car deadlift, 60 secs. Front bar rather than side handles, I think about 230kg in the hands. Lift da weight from a dead stop silly! Wait for lift command and down command.
Hands were aching from squeezing the farmers not long before, we were back to list order meaning I was 2nd up for this. Eek.
First bloke struggled to get 2, it was raining again and I didn't have spare socks so had to do it in my trainers (basketball boots with a thick heel making the lift higher, doh!).
rocked up to the car, lifted first rep "down", sweet 1 rep. I then waited..... looked up at ref and he said "what you waiting for?" "the lift command you fanny :p". Doh :D
Busted out 7 reps. After 6 it felt like i was gonna **** myself, seriously. Bad times. 20s left and I'm thinking 1 more and I'm gonna be glad i've got dark shorts on and its raining!!!
"10 seconds" was called. Bust out 2 more to make 8 reps. 4th in this event (winner got 19 (over 350kg powerlifter), 2nd was 16 and 3rd 9 reps.
Lesson learned there, get the **** on with it, walked away from that feeling like i could do it again. Damn.

Lunch break - jelly babies and flap jack nom nom nom

Event 4 - Block press, 75s (I think) floor to overhead for reps. 90kg metal block, forged from the depths of hell.
This is a serious piece of hell, you could see everyone (competitors and crowd) just looking at it like "wtf, that's 90kg?!". Seriously, it's like a breeze block, not like the flat ones you can grab easily in other comps, this was a beast.
I hate it and have struggled with it immensly in the gym, it scares the life out of me (and clearly the same for others who have just set eyes on it).
First person up, I didn't really pay attention, I knew that 1 rep would be a big score here. 2nd person up, i realise its not me! We're running in reverse order now, meaning I'm 1 from last to go. Breathing space and a chance to see what others do.
Superman Tom (was 2nd to go, he got 4 reps. I've seen him do the same in the gym and expected this from him, simply awesome to watch). Then no one else lifted it until the comp winner who got 3. Lots of people struggling to clean the thing then get in a position to press, let alone actually press it.
My turn. I can clean this thing easily, easiest part of it. 3,2,1 go - On to toes, lap it, hip drive to chest, sweet. Hold under chin, little push press "HEAD THROUGH MARK" I heard, needed this reminder to take my eyes off it. "good lift". Down to the floor. **** yeah :D
By this time the platform was wet with people walking on and off it, i know the block would get wet from this so had a pocket full of chalk and gave it a wipe.
On to toes, lap, drive to chest. Great!
Wait, thumb is moving under the weight, in a wet spot. Damn! Chest was well chalked so rested on chest and tried to get it dry with chalk. Thumb back under, felt better. Push press, almost locked out, but couldn't get under it or take eyes off it. Confidence had gone. Dropped it. Time for a 3rd attempt, go it to chest but no time to attempt a press.
3rd in this event, I think my mum filmed this one so will find it and post it up. 1 rep, YES! :D

5th Event - barrel loading. carry barrel to yoke, throw it over. 54" yoke height, then padding on top adding 2". 75 sec. 60kg over 20m, 90kg over 15m, 100kg over 10m, 120kg over 5m.
At this point I know I am in 5th and being 1 from the end I know the the person in 4th only got 3 barrels. Not many actually completed all 4.Few people wearing gloves for this!! must have helped, good idea!
Run in is towards the crowd, so they can see us all grimacing lol.
Stood at the starting line I said "I've not run 20m since I was 12" which Joe (on the mic) proudly repeated to the crowd which got a laugh and a cheer. Great atmosphere :D
1st barrel, simples, no sprinting, just jog it over I've got 75s and going to fast will screw me on last barrel. Good tactic.
2nd barrel, simples. Up onto chest, 15m, over the yoke.
3rd barrel, a puddle has now formed where the barrel was, I could have moved it out of the puddle before starting and gave it a dry (wasn't raining at this point). Lean to side grab underneath and pull to chest - it slipped. Wet hands now, damn.
Lift again, lap, drive up higher onto chest. It crushed my chest and stopped me breathing. 10m, up and over it went. Sweet.
4th barrel, 120kg. I've done this a fair few times, by arms have been bruised lots by it. Much respect for the 120kg barrel. I NEED this to come 4th!
Lean, lap, up on to chest like i've done before. ****. I didn't take a breath. Need to breath but cant! Get to the yoke and had to drop it.
Take a breath, 10s left. Plenty of time.
Lean, lap, drive to chest and pop it over to a great cheer :D

That's it. Done. Awesome first comp and i'm proud of getting 4th :)

Joe comes on the mic to do the results in reverse order.
13, 12,11,10,9,8,7,6... at this point i'm not quite listening clearly and start walking over ready to raise hand when he announces 4th.
4th place - rhys. Umm, wtf? I'm thinking did he miss 5th, has something gone wrong?
He stopped for a moment "and now on to our top 3", i'm confused.
3rd place - Mark!!!!! Wtf!!! Yes :D
2nd place - Tom (hope tom carries on training after this, he will be awesome with some more technique. Him screwing up car deadlift and getting 7 reps lost him 1st place, but meant I was 3rd lol).
1st place - Ryan (2nd in 105kg southern qualifier for natural strongest man).

Over the moon. :D
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Muscle Inc Strongman Summerslam Novice Comp

overhead medley - 45kg dumbell, 65kg keg, 75kg axle, 85kg, 95 yoke
deadlift- 200kg olympic bar reps 75seconds
tyre flip - 400kg head to head
carpull- arm over arm uphill, astra= 1 person in seat
load and carry(5 metre to platform)- truck tyre-oak block-65kg keg-100kg dumbell-125kg husofel stone

Only my 2nd comp, so nervous as hell through out the whole thing.
I got lucky with the running order, being 14th out of 15, so was able to watch others do everything first!

First up - overhead medley. Someone had nicked the 58kg DB that was to be used in the opens, so they were moved to the 50kg and us dropped to 45. I'd been practising this on a circus DB and knew id get the normal DB that we were using.
From there I just wanted to get to the yoke and give the horrific thing a go.
DB - done, keg - easy, 75kg axle - was tempted to try and snatch this but sense got the better of me, quick clean and press, log - easy (glad I've been doing a lot of log pressing lately!). Onto the yoke, lots tried but so far only 1 person had got it. It was a touch higher than I'd been practising with which meant less leg drive. 1st attempt was poor, 2nd attempt flew up.
2nd place

200kg deads for reps: I'm a pussy with hands that rip easily and normally use straps, bar was near on cheese grater for me lol. Think it was some style of Texas power bar, straps not allowed boo lol
10 reps, took a breath, 3 more. Took a breath and got 14th to the knees but then started seeing stars. Dropped it and bumbear kept me steady
13 reps - joint 2nd

Tyre flip, have only tried a 500kg tyre which I've never flipped, so anything here would be good for me.
First flip I got to knee then stupidly pushed up on to my toes which strained my calf. Pushed through and shook leg off.
2nd flip did the same thing again! Got it over though. And then luckily got a third, calf was killing by now.
3 flips - joint 3rd. Well timed break for lunch.

4th even - arm over arm car up a hill. This was the one event I expected to do well, had practised on a transit and was confident.
This was quite a hill though and the rope was a little slippery (not an excuse, we all used the same and others did better). I ****ed this up, just getting over 10m, one of the worst to do it. Bad timing to **** up
Dunno where I come, can't have been many behind me though.

Last event loading medley: any hope of coming in top 3 (amazed I was in a position for this before car pull) was gone in my mind but seeing many people fail the husofelt stone made me need to get it to make some points up.
Tyre to highest platform seemed hardest thing for everyone, I saw a few swing it up and did that too.
Railway sleeper was next, up easy for all. 65kg keg is just 65kg, having pressed it earlier just cleaned to chest and ran it to platform. 100kg DB was 2 hands on handle clean to belly and popped up to platform. On to the clearly difficult husofelt - got it onto my lap then popped it on. Happy
Think 4th on this - slowest to do all objects.

Overall 4th, missed 3rd by one point!
Overall I'm over the moon, very well placed and only 1 bad event, but I am disappointed with myself with the arm over arm.

The Muscle Inc guys were great, well run and well paced comp :)

I'm now home with cake and coffee. I love the cake!! (lemon drizzle tonite!)

Apparently I'm going to be in the local paper (with a picture!) doing keg press lol
90kg block from Bristol comp, you don't want volume too loud as my wife and my mum keep shouting!

200kg deadlift for reps at Muscle Inc comp

Overhead medley from muscle inc comp

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Oh, a few people will say they want to try it. Bloody get on with it and give it a go!

I've wanted to do this since I was tiny, never got on with it and have started too late in my life tbh lol
I've always thought I'm far too short to get very far to be honest!

I'm 5'9 at best, I've not been the shortest at either comp.
However, being short is detrimental when it comes to loading events as platforms are harder for shorter people :(
Lol :D

I always wondered how t-Rex fed himself, surely the food in his grasp couldn't reach his mouth lol
Yeah, it might not be the best way to do it, but for both comps so far I have not felt either too full that i'm bloated or too hungry that it has affected my lifts.

There are some 121kg category comps being planned soon, so my diet might take a hit so that I can consider entering one, but until then I'll happily sit somewhere under 130kg :)
Looks awesome Morba! And happy birthday!

I will never do a strongman comp, but definitely hope to try an Olympic lifting competition some day...

The explosive power generated by oly lifters is amazing.
I need to find someone who can teach me a decent jerk technique, both side and front/rear split as that will help me lots with all over head work.
Yeah, as someone else said its one thing to read it but to see it as well really helps :D

I think the tyre flip is being uploaded tonight, so will get that posted up. Can see me trying to shake calf strain off lol
Cheers fella, tbh I don't have the confidence to do it. I hate people watching me and am nervous all through the day.

You would have done amazingly :D
Nope, heard a few people enjoy going there though so could be a good idea to pop down really.

We've got some bumper plates in our lockup so should just get used to throwing them around. Thats the problem with Virgin (and other chain gyms), you dont want to try and jerk a decent weight because dropping the bar would make a stupid amount of noise and probably break the plates lol
light session in the gym tonight, just to get body moving again after the weekend.

60kg muscle snatches 4x5
70kg 3x2

strict press (cleaned from floor)

push press from rack

seated smith shoulder press, dropping to nose only

face pulls
3x8 at where ever i stuck the pin in the rack!
oh, I made the local paper (local to the gym that comp was held):


getting my grunt on!
It's good from the floor, more stable footing than using trainers and any trainers I have are basketball style, so have about an inch of padded sole lol.
socks / barefeet means 1" less to pull the bar :D says this:


Footwear is important. Shoes with soft soles and heels like those with air or gel filling them will make you more unstable. Running shoes and basketball shoes are terrible to deadlift (or squat) with. You want shoes that have flat, rock solid soles like Chuck Taylors. Or in attempt to be as manly, you can deadlift barefoot like Arnold

I'm not arnie, so I wore socks lol
Yeah I'll do quite a bit in my trainers, but deads and squats are done barefoot or in socks :)
Small update, some log and circus DB last night

warmups strict with standard 70kg log

70kg 4x5
105x1 - equal pb but so much easier
120xassisted. Clean was easy, assitance in press then a 5 secs hold at top of rep with slow return to chest.
110x1(not claiming pb though). Clean was easy, very small assitance in the press, think I would have pressed it out myself tbh but not going to argue as not claiming it fully.
110xf - by this point the conversation in the gym had gone very rude and I was distracted on the clean and dropped it.

circus db strict press - the handle is like coke can thickness
35kgx3x5 right
35kgx5 and then a set of 3, shoulder was dying by now
45kgx3 right
45kgx1 left.

shoulders = dead. Not bad considering i've done bugger all for a few weeks (other than the comp).
Next comp is currently tagged as an inters comp, but looking to enter to give the people a hard as its out in the open in middle of november in cornwall. So tbh expecting not many people to enter.
1 event is log for reps, 100kg log and a 120kg log. 1 point for each rep of 100, 3 points for 120.
So, I want to get at least 1 120kg rep, then pump out 4 or 5 reps of 100.
Hoping to compete around the country a bit more next year :D

You have made the same point many have made though, cornwall is some distance even for me in Bristol, let alone people who aren't in the south west region!
On a cold winter weekend, out of holiday season it will be interesting to see how many enter.
On a plus note, its outside the main shopping plaza, so should have a half decent passing of people who might get interested :D
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