Morba's log - A mans love of coffee and cake mmm

They are bad ass. But then tbh anything from floor to overhead in a quick motion is bad ass.
Solid graft mate!

Also, didn't you try one of the deadlift routines (Coan? Ortamyr(sp??)????). How did you get on with it?

Ta :)

Yeah was doing ortmeyer. It's a good one but with the 2 comps coming up I put it on hold. Will go back to it in a few weeks as I think once I'm warm it will be a really beneficial routine.
The 4x4 start sets get smashed out and the pressure to do doubles at 90% of your projected 1rm after a few weeks is a killer, but makes you work hard :D
No events training, wife was up all night with our girl and she (wife) went to bed when I woke to go training. My girl and boy were awake by this time so I had to stay home :(

Later shoulder session at virgin instead:


Power snatch
60kg 2x5 - gets the blood flowing

Clean and strict press

Push press from rack
95 5x3 - easy enough. Will do sets of 100 next time.

Seated smith press
No idea on what the bar weighs. Slow down, power up:
80kg 5x5

Face pulls

Not bad, did things faster than I would when training normally. Can tell my strength is up which is a good thing :)
Shoulders on a Sunday is detrimental to log pressing on a Tuesday.

With that in mind... Log pressing:

Warmups on empty log - 70kg x lots (strict and push press). Knees hurt, this sucks.

80 2x5
90 2x5
95 2x3
100 2x3 - pretty easy, was push pressing a little on these and knees must have been feeling better now they were warmer. Shame it was my last set as didn't have long tonight.

Not bad, if I can manage my knees better then I should be pushing a PB again soon :)
Used to be big, now they are smaller and weaker. Most of my pressing is quite strict lately which can only be a good thing in the long run lol
Quick box squats and stiff leg deadlift session

squats - full range warmups
bar x 10
70 x 5
110 x 5

box squats - to parallel'ish hight

few warmups
210x3 (form was poor on these, was feeling tired and wasn't so stiff!, kinda half stiff half normal deadlift lol).

Nothing much in terms of weight moved, but feels good :)
Events session:

Max log:
Warm ups
115xf (misloaded, was meant to be 110. felt it on the clean and that screwed my mind)
112.5x1 - PB :) apparently this looked easy, this is good news :)

Keg carry: 120kg, walk as far as possible
10 metres and had to drop as bicep was killing me. My log cleans weren't explosive today, quite laboured which meant part curling it up. Not happy.

Loading: 90kg keg to ~66", 100 keg ~63", 90kg block ~60", 120kg keg ~56" - all from 5m away.
Trying new technique and a sore bicep:
1min - messed first keg right up, lost a lot of time.
1m10s - Bloody dropped the 120 off the side of platform and fell into the tyres/shelves nearby. Not dead so got up and completed.

Not a bad session, knee was fine which is good but bicep is concerning.
Loading and carrying is not perfect by a long shot. Need to work on this lots and lots and lots :)
log session:

different take on todays session - all done with focus of speed. Hammer the rep out (can rest at shoulders, but when pressing press it fast, so fast it puts me off balance at top of rep.

100x2 (was slowing down by this point lol)

log incline bench - clean from floor and roll up body as we no longer have the rack in the gym
120x3 (hard to be spotted on these and as soon as any fail look likely I bail it as I don't want a big log dropping on my face lol)
fast pressing incline log:

Not a bad workout.
Well, i've pulled out of my next comp. Was looking to be a bloody expensive weekend and I just don't have the money to spend on it right now.

So to make up for it, tomorrow we are heading to swindon for the day to play with their kit. They have the blocks that will be used at the comp (that im now not doing) and also a tyre challenge that Ben K is currently leading the board, that will screw my knees up properly!

Got sore shoulders today, did circus DB over head pressing last night. Shoulders don't hurt from the pressing, they hurt from the constant smashing of the DB on return to shoulder!


Not quite as big as that, but similar and with sharper edges that could take your ear off and probably slice your throat if you get it wrong lol.
Handle is coke can thick.

Got up to 48kg on left and 58kg on right. Need more practice on it to help myself get over the fear of killing myself!

Not me in the vid, but this one shows the open endedness of the 'bell similar to ours.

lazy c&p from gymrats thread :D
Session at pro strength and fitness in Swindon yesterday :

Block press
100x1 cleaned twice unable to press twice
Block run
80, 90, f100
80, 90, f100
These blocks seemed easier to press than our block of doom as could get fingers around them.

Loading: blocks and sandbag from 10m. 80:72", 90:69", 100:66", 110:63, 120sandbag:60"
Had to press the 80 and 90 to load. 100 got to platform then had to press/throw it. 110 I got to the platform but couldnt load. If I had done same as other (load it to next one down then flip it up) it would have went!*
This was worse than barrels that we use in our gym, legs turned to jelly!!
To add insult to injury, you gotta help get the blocks back after the next person. That's harder than the loading itself lol

Yoke/farmers medley- 15m drop and turn yoke/15m turn (no drop) farmers
260/110 - I fell at end of this and got foot stuck under one of the front plates and went down like a sack of **** lol.*

Knackered now and knees killing me so didn't do tyre torture (300kg tyre, flip then do 2 jumps on/off 10 times), it would have ruined my knees!
So after a little rest:

Hercules hold- proper built frame with 300kg towers to hold on a rolling handle.*
3 attempts at this, really hard to get your starting point without it dropping to 1 side immediately (which screws you up).*
One of those things that needs practice clearly.

Great session, lots of laughs, some sick (2 people, not me though :D), some girly bitch fits, bruises and more laughs :D

Anyone in the local area to Swindon - £4 a session, gym is open from 10-4 and everyone is friendly and willing to help / advise. Get in there and try a few things out :)

My knees and upper back kill today and weirdly my left bicep feels odd.
Decided to do some log (as per normal on a monday) last night, thinking that i felt ok after the hard sat events session.
Only wanted to do some volume stuff, nothing too heavy....

Thought I would be on my own tonight as the other 3 are competing this coming weekend so should be resting up.

The unit was cold, the bars were freezing. Fire was put on full and the door shut :D

Well, sometimes you don't realise how much your body is hurting until you try and lift again!!

some warmups pressing 25s above my head. Triceps felt WEAK. Not a good start.

warmups on the log, cleans were slow and laboured, press felt horrible. This was only 70kg :(

At this point one of the lads came into the gym for some light work. Bonus. A little encouragement can go a long way.

triceps and shoulders were dead by this point. Had done all these within an hour (not inc warmup) which is fast compared to how we normally train.

my log cleaning was killing my biceps too, clearly too tired to be explosive so i was part curling it up to my shoulders. Not a good thing to be doing!

Happy though, did more than I wanted to and pressing 100 easily while tired and hurting is definitely a positive thing!
rack pulls:
160xsome more
200xsome more again
240x a few
Yeah 18", just below the knees. too low to get my knees under and start the pull from a semi hitch sort of stance lol.

Having said that, the bar was on mats, and I'm sure that as more weight went on the lower the starting point would have been. Not by much but it would have been a little lower as we measured the height on the mats with just 70kg on the bar lol

Tried 300, it started moving but too slow and would have snapped me to keep trying lol.
**** session last night.

Did some axle stuff on monday and got a PB. My axle cleans are crap, and leave me very raw on parts of my chest.
Well, last night we decided to do axle cleans to get better at the technique. Silly idea given I was already hurting and each time the bar went near it I bottled it. The few times I carried on through the clean it tore at the soft raw skin.

Left the unit wee'd off and not happy.
Do you structure your training to keep workouts from impacting each other?

Normally yes. But this was "week back after comp" for the other 3 and 2 of them are away next week. So it was a case of "the axle is out so we might as well use it".
Thurs would normally be squats or deads plus some assistance work.

I'll be doing events on my own on sunday also, so that will be crap but i'll get on with some stuff regardless :)
Lol :D

will do some log for reps (more as a warm up than anything else) then some light farmers runs (lots of, work up to 100kg for a few runs) and barrel loading...

I say that, if it rains hard on Sat then the unit will probably be flooded and i'll just go home!
I'm looking forward to getting our farmers handles out for some cardio :D Can't justify killing myself with some sort of cardio medley at the moment though.

Exactly, im almost tempted to have them loaded up each session and do a few runs at the end of a workout. Could make for some great cardio!
Better session tonite.

Warm up
Straps on. Earlier than normal, bar was freezing and grip felt ****
Belt on

1 hour gone. 25 mins left before I had to leave. Hmm what else can we do....

Stone shouldering!
85kg atlas stone, no tacky
Just the 2 of us so go 1 for 1 (him then me then him etc)
1 left
1 right
1 left
1 right
Did this 6 times so 3 each side
Left and right 1 for 1
1 left and right
Did this 5 times
Faster now:
1 for 1
4 time (2 each shoulder)
5 mins left, let's go: 1 each shoulder again, no break. When the other person has done his two you go straight away:
6 x left and right.
20 mins of stone shouldering!
God damn, huffing and puffing after this, great finisher lol

Much happier with this session :)

Easier to quote rather than pretend i've typed it all out again :P

log tonight, hope the fire is working as its gonna be a cold one!!
It's fun when it feels right, I'd struggle to train on my own again now, so used to having 2 or 3 people shouting at me while lifting lol

We'll arrange a day early next year for you to come down on a Sat or Sun and have some fun with all the equipment :D
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