More BBC propaganda!

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Holy Smoke. Someone failed at primary school.

You guys just dont really understand the concept, between the % of bread and the % per intake of slice. from the bread % your taking 2% but from your intake side your taking 30-40% if you eat the whole loaf.
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Reminds me of my mum at times "it's only 4g of fat that's good, anything under 4.5% is good", me "erm that's percentage, that biscuit only weighs about 20 grams" ;)
This thread makes me :D

Dear Mr Hovis,

I have recently read a debate on a reputable internet forum that states that your bread contains up to 40% animal fat. I believe that some of this is traced back to animal fats used in the making of soap, which you then add to your bread in the form of E numbers. I have to say I am rather upset that you should think that adding soap to your bread is neccesary. But not only this, I have since been informed that majority of this fat comes in the form of Fatty Acids (Mono- and Di-Acetyltartaric Acid Esters of Mono- and Di-Glycerides of Fatty Acids). I hope you understand my concerns when I say that processed animal fat is bad for your heart, and that I've heard that there's around 1.5% of fat per slice of bread and there are around 30 slices in a loaf. According to my source, 100g of bread has around 4% fat, so an 800g loaf of bread has 30-40% fat!! This is more than a little worrying, particularly as you advertise on the packaging that your bread is suitable for vegetarians. I know some vegetarians and they will only be eating organic bread from now on!

Which brings me on to my next point. I am also led to believe that there is a government-wide trail of misinformation deliberately trying to mislead us, the consumer. I guess you'll have heard the BBC propaganda this morning on the 'news'? Where they are trying to tell us that organic food is no better for us. Well, Mr Hovis. I put it to you - would you drink a glass of pesticide? Well would you?
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You guys just dont really understand the concept.

Really? What concept would that be? Some strange concept whereby the percentage of fat in bread increases exponentially with the number of slices?

Or the concept that you don't understand primary school level maths?
You guys just dont really understand the concept, between the % of bread and the % per intake of slice.

The Hovis site says there is 2.7g of fat per 100g of bread. This means the percentage fat content is 2.7/100 * 100% = 2.7%.

The percentage fat content of any quantity of that Hovis bread is 2.7%. This is a constant. If I have 1g of Hovis bread, then there will be 0.027g of fat in there. If I have a tonne of Hovis bread, then there will be 2.7Kg of fat in there.
Oh my word. So I just thought i'd checkout the wholemeal pitta i just ate:
per 100g:
Calories 226
Protein 6.4
Carbohydrate 47.5
Fat 1.4
Fibre 6.6
Alcohol 0

Now that's all well and good, but I bought a pack of 50, which means that it's 70% fat!!! I'm going to become a fatty.
Your daily amount is not the same as the percent of fat in the bread, you can still have 4% fat in bread with a weight of a ton, however you eat a kilo your intake is much more that 4%, its over 100% of fat for your body.
Well, Mr Hovis. I put it to you - would you drink a glass of pesticide? Well would you?


Your daily amount is not the same ad the percent of fat in the bread, you can still have 4% fat in bread with a weight of a ton, however you eat a kilo your intake is much more that 4%, its over 100% of fat for your body.

I think I hear the sound of someone digging a hole.
Your daily amount is not the same as the percent of fat in the bread, you can still have 4% fat in bread with a weight of a ton, however you eat a kilo your intake is much more that 4%, its over 100% of fat for your body.

Ah, so you're talking about your recommended daily intake, yeah?

Well, the Hovis site says that your recommend fat intake is 70g per day. 40% of that is 28g. To consume this quantity of fat in bread in one day would require you to eat in excess of 1Kg of bread.

Now, how many people do you think routinely eat that much bread?
Your daily amount is not the same ad the percent of fat in the bread, you can still have 4% fat in bread with a weight of a ton, however you eat a kilo your intake is much more that 4%, its over 100% of fat for your body.

You're recommended intake of fat is what, 90g from food? I'm guessing here, bare with me, as although I'm a genuine nutritionist I'm no expert

So, if you're eating a diet of bread, which is 2.7% fat, how much bread would one have to consume to go over the limit?

Over 3.3kg, roughly 75 slices. By which time, you would have consumed ~1.2kg of carbs and ~6825kcal.

So, based on those sums, can you just take us through your logic again?
If you can't work it out it isnt my fault, you need to look at GDA% if you think eating a loaf of bread gives you 2% of fat your wrong.

Maybe I should bash myself in the head with a hammer several times, that might make your logic clearer.

Oh also, how many people do you know who eat a kilo or more of bread a day?
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