Before you lot start spouting crap about 'bad science' may I remind you of the recent story from Corby. The chemicals are used to increase profit and not for your benefit, the niavety of some of you people is astounding.
Not sure that anyone has suggesting E numbers or processed stuff is for anything but profit. But if farmers couldn't grow more, quicker with less lost crops, then everyone would be paying a lot more for all their food. If we were less overpopulated and we had more farmers and less people doing worthless unnecessary jobs then sure, we could all grow natural food and not use pesticides, even organic ones because we'd have enough spare food to cover for lost crops.
However thats not the life we live or the times we live in, without mass produced crops we wouldn't be able to afford food.
As for the build up of bad things, firstly, with the best diet of all natural things on earth with never a bad particle entering your body, you WON'T live forever, we are finite anyway. Thats ignoring the fact that the body is ridiculously good at getting rid of unwanting chemicals, our kidneys and livers do a fantastic job, infact, utterly outstanding, theres little to suggest there are dangerous build ups in our systems or that our kidneys can't cope.
Infact, for millenia humans have been injesting bad things, from heavy metals to a random assortment of chemicals and we've been doing a great job getting rid of small amounts.
Personally, and this won't be for everyone, I couldn't care less about extending my life in an old persons home barely able to function by an extra 5 years by avoiding every last thing possible. Theres a degree to which I avoid bad foods and eat healthily, past that, its simply too time consuming and expensive to be "that" exact in what I eat.
Considering theres people out there that eat nothing but harribo, coke, donuts, chips and microwave meals and they are living plenty long, the fact that I eat little to none of that stuff suggests I won't really have any problem from it. Even if it is a problem, as shown by people that pile crap down their gullets constantly, it takes a LONG time to be a problem and doesn't effect people quickly, which suggests, the body is well capable of getting rid of these things well, and it takes a hugely long time to become a big problem, if ever.