I'm 17 and done my CBT last year so I want to get my full test donw in the next month limiting me for 2 years, if I do that this year does it change anything for me?
I'm doing the same so I hope not.
I'm 17 and done my CBT last year so I want to get my full test donw in the next month limiting me for 2 years, if I do that this year does it change anything for me?
I'm 17 and done my CBT last year so I want to get my full test donw in the next month limiting me for 2 years, if I do that this year does it change anything for me?
Yea, not wise in the slightest going TPFT, however, it was £2200+ for fully comp on the 1098S (08), however, the 748 was like 5 quid difference per month for fully comp. Never bothered as I knew I would buy a new bike in the winter sometime last year.
And yes, the <25 age price is silly! I had one accident, I was sat at some traffic lights, minding my own business, next thing I know I have a BMW so far up my arse I am coughing up a BMW badge. Light was red, driver accepted full responsability, was on the phone and also said "I didn't see you"...
How, on earth can anyone not see a bright red motorbike making more noise than thunder? lol
I'm 17 in March and wanna do my bike test this year probably in the summer sometime after I've had a few months practice on a geared 125. Been riding since Last September so got a fair bit of road wit. What the hell does this mean for me?
whats wrong with TPFT? i only ask as affording fully comp is a complete no go!
i pay £539 for my fazer and to insure full comp they want over 1k!
Because I certainly wouldn't want to insure a 1098S on anything other than FC, way too expensive if something happened to it.
whats wrong with TPFT? i only ask as affording fully comp is a complete no go!
i pay £539 for my fazer and to insure full comp they want over 1k!
I'd like to see a more difficult car test too, there's far too many blind idiots on the road.