More proof of aliens

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How would an Alien even travel from another planet to ours in any reasonable amount of time? Even at significant % of the speed of light (say 15%) just to get to "nearby" habitable worlds would the best part of two human life times to get there.
How would an Alien even travel from another planet to ours in any reasonable amount of time? Even at significant % of the speed of light (say 15%) just to get to "nearby" habitable worlds would the best part of two human life times to get there.

Obviously these aliens have perfected cryo-statis or just have really long lifetime!
How would an Alien even travel from another planet to ours in any reasonable amount of time? Even at significant % of the speed of light (say 15%) just to get to "nearby" habitable worlds would the best part of two human life times to get there.

But that assumes that when we say 'aliens' that we're meaning totally different people to us. Maybe they were us in the past and took off from our planet and have been monitoring us since then.

All the major religions make reference to what we'd refer to as aliens and ufo's in the religious texts.

There are tribes in different parts of the world that have stone drawings that depict flying objects. How are these tribes all drawing similar things when back then the world was a bigger place and neither would know each other existed.

There are also objects on earth that we can't recreate even with our current technology. People put forward theories about the pyramids, yet for projects of that size I'd have expected that it would have been in text books back then e.g. like the tower of babel is mentioned.
How would an Alien even travel from another planet to ours in any reasonable amount of time? Even at significant % of the speed of light (say 15%) just to get to "nearby" habitable worlds would the best part of two human life times to get there.

With a far greater understanding of physics than we have.
But that assumes that when we say 'aliens' that we're meaning totally different people to us. Maybe they were us in the past and took off from our planet and have been monitoring us since then.

All the major religions make reference to what we'd refer to as aliens and ufo's in the religious texts.

There are tribes in different parts of the world that have stone drawings that depict flying objects. How are these tribes all drawing similar things when back then the world was a bigger place and neither would know each other existed.

There are also objects on earth that we can't recreate even with our current technology. People put forward theories about the pyramids, yet for projects of that size I'd have expected that it would have been in text books back then e.g. like the tower of babel is mentioned.

There are so many questions like that which make complete sense when you understand the reasoning. For example, how did different groups of people all find out that friction causes fire? How did they create similar clothing? Why do we all **** in holes?

How would any of them explain the northern lights? That looks like some sort of alien attack, but we know it's not.

There are no objects on earth that we can't recreate with our technology. The pyramids can easily be built by humans, given time and manpower. You could suggest that they didn't write anything about the building of pyramids because 1. it would have been common knowledge back then, 2. not everyone was literate, and 3. these are buildings to house the dead. For all we know, that could have been a subject that they simply didn't write about.

What you're saying doesn't stand up to much scrutiny.
How would an Alien even travel from another planet to ours in any reasonable amount of time? Even at significant % of the speed of light (say 15%) just to get to "nearby" habitable worlds would the best part of two human life times to get there.
We are only in the first stage really of what humans can achieve, different species could be millions of years into their evolution and have technology far greater than what we can even think of.

They very well could have visited earth thousands or millions of years ago, no one knows.

It’s a shame I won’t be around in 5000 years to see what the earth looks like or how much further we advance.
We are only in the first stage really of what humans can achieve, different species could be millions of years into their evolution and have technology far greater than what we can even think of.

Indeed. A few hundred years ago, if you told someone you could have a real-time face-to-face conversation with a person in another country, or that you could send a message to someone on the other side of the world and they would receive it instantly, they would probably think you were insane. It's perfectly plausible to think that, in comparison to species who have been around a lot longer than us and/or who are far more intelligent, our knowledge of science and technology would appear nothing short of primitive.
How would an Alien even travel from another planet to ours in any reasonable amount of time? Even at significant % of the speed of light (say 15%) just to get to "nearby" habitable worlds would the best part of two human life times to get there.

Since it's all belief, anything can be put in there. So the aliens have invented some method of travelling interstellar distances in days, hours, minutes, even seconds. It's a logical conclusion from the premise that they're coming here. Make the right premises and the conclusions of any faith can be logical conclusions from the premises. "Aliens" is the modern version of "gods", i.e. supernatural.

But that assumes that when we say 'aliens' that we're meaning totally different people to us. Maybe they were us in the past and took off from our planet and have been monitoring us since then.

But that assumes that a large scale hyper-advanced human civilisation existed in the past and left no trace. Where is the evidence for that? Is it even possible?

All the major religions make reference to what we'd refer to as aliens and ufo's in the religious texts.

Yes, because "aliens" and "gods" are effectively interchangeable terms when it comes to belief. "I don't know, therefore gods" and "I don't know, therefore aliens" serve the same purpose. So believers in gods called them gods and believers in aliens call them aliens.

There are tribes in different parts of the world that have stone drawings that depict flying objects. How are these tribes all drawing similar things when back then the world was a bigger place and neither would know each other existed.

For the same reasons. For example, the sun. What makes the sun move across the sky? Must be a god pulling it. So the god must have a flying object to carry the sun in. Or maybe it's the revered spirits of the worthy dead who have the honour of pulling the sun across the sky. But they'd still need a flying object to carry the sun in. The sun is visible all over the world. So numerous groups of people in different parts of the world had some form of flying object used to carry the sun as it's being pulled across the sky.

There are numerous things that unconnected tribes came up with independently. Images, myths, inventions, all sorts of things. Smelting metal from ore, for example. Pottery. Writing. People were people, whatever tribe they were in. Many of the same questions and problems were common to all or at least almost all people, so many of the answers were at least similar. For example, roundhouses. Extremely common in the past pretty much everywhere because the problem was the same - to build a reliable shelter using only free locally obtained materials with unspecialised tools and unspecialised knowledge. The materials varied, but there was a huge amount in common. A prehistoric roundhouse in a hotter, drier area might be made of sun-baked mud bricks while a prehistoric roundhouse in a colder, wetter area might be made of wattle and daub, but they're far more alike than different.

There are also objects on earth that we can't recreate even with our current technology.

Are there really? It's a common claim amongst believers, but is it actually true?

People put forward theories about the pyramids, yet for projects of that size I'd have expected that it would have been in text books back then e.g. like the tower of babel is mentioned.

How many 4000+ year old Egyptian textbooks still exist today? How many of those are textbooks on construction techniques? Even if there were any such books, why would they publish the details of the tombs of their great rulers, the things that were created to ensure those rulers passed to the afterlife in glory? Those were sacred secrets, not something to be published.
Space travel is vastly different than technology for a face to face conversation. Each planet is kind of encapsulated, limited resources, energy etc. I've personally no doubt intelligent life exists elsewhere. I also reckon there may even be planets close to one another, supporting life, where travel between them happens, but I don't think it's going to be a case of all intelligent life breaking free from their encapsulated worlds.

To put things into perspective.Some say we've done irreversible damage to out world ourselves, most of this damage probably in the last 200 years?. Last time I heard it would take 43000 years to travel to the nearest planet that "might" support life with the fastest spacecraft we have. When was the last time we set foot on the moon? Progress is too slow IMO.

I reckon life flourishes and dies on most planets, well before they're able to travel far enough into space to meet other species.
Besides all this, we're still too focused on our own lands, hating each other, threatening war. We struggle living peacefully with our own human race. Imagine if the world worked together focused on space exploration instead.....
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We have little idea of the likelihood of life elsewhere in the universe.

Surely considering the size of the universe and the fact it's continuing to expand, it'd be highly probable that life exists or existed elsewhere?
Whether or not this life is intelligent or contactable is another matter however.
Are there really? It's a common claim amongst believers, but is it actually true?

I remember seeing a programme about a glass skull, which we can't reproduce today. Also there is a hollowed rock inside one of the pyramids and so far we can't hollow a rock without it cracking.

I saw these on a documentary programme so if someone can prove we can make a glass skull and hollow a rock today then I'd have to change my opinion on it.

I still believe that something unnatural to what we know of the world built those pyramids. They are never documented, we can't build one today (though there are many theories about building them), and they even line up with star systems etc. To be creating structures like that when we've never done it since then sounds very strange in my humble opinion.

There are so many questions like that which make complete sense when you understand the reasoning. For example, how did different groups of people all find out that friction causes fire? How did they create similar clothing? Why do we all **** in holes?

Well all those examples all the tribes had the same materials in front of them. Though not all tribes discovered everything. Lets say that aliens or ufo's werent real. So they are a thought, a figment of a wild imagination, don't you find it odd that all the tribes all had the same idea?

How would any of them explain the northern lights? That looks like some sort of alien attack, but we know it's not.

But we're talking about something very specific, the same ufo aircraft design i.e. an object flying around. If you saw a fighter jet fly over your head you wouldnt mistake it for a cloud or some weather phenomenon?
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