More Sony Bashing - Buy a PlayStation 3 and Sink Sony

Another game which is said to look the same - bar the in-game televisions which is due to the smaller 360 disk space - therefore less storage for CG videos.

Ah - with assassins creed - the games will look/perform the same on each format (PS3/360). There was a misunderstanding with what IGN put in their Assassins Creed preview.

This is what she said:

While the PlayStation 3 and 360 versions of Assassin's Creed are virtually identical, Raymond did say that on the 360 the team is putting a special emphasis on achievements. The hardware also allows for improved threading, which will improve even further the crowd AI.
ben_j_davis said:
"A JAPANESE tech site has pointed out that Sony might have a few problems in selling the concept behind its new PS3 controller.

According to Broadband Watch, Sony is expecting to get 30 hours of life from a single charge, but the battery cannot be replaced. This means that when the battery finally dies, or in the case of a Sony battery explodes, you will have to buy a new controller.

These are not that cheap and it seems strange that Sony have moved for a disposable tag on what is a key part of the console arrangement. Already the PS3 is being blasted for being far more expensive than its rivals."
Tbh, i'd find it hard to belive that Sony would make a mess up that big. They've made some blunders already with the PS3, but having to buy a new controller after 20hours usage, that'd be the nail in the coffin im afraid.
Tbh, its probably been misinterpritted. It probably means that the battery isnt removable, so that after 20 hours, you'll need to use a different controller while the first recharges.
BoomAM said:
Tbh, i'd find it hard to belive that Sony would make a mess up that big. They've made some blunders already with the PS3, but having to buy a new controller after 20hours usage, that'd be the nail in the coffin im afraid.
Tbh, its probably been misinterpritted. It probably means that the battery isnt removable, so that after 20 hours, you'll need to use a different controller while the first recharges.

Well I read it that the controler was rechargeable. The "20 hours on a single charge", was a giveaway
BoomAM said:
Tbh, i'd find it hard to belive that Sony would make a mess up that big. They've made some blunders already with the PS3, but having to buy a new controller after 20hours usage, that'd be the nail in the coffin im afraid.
Tbh, its probably been misinterpritted. It probably means that the battery isnt removable, so that after 20 hours, you'll need to use a different controller while the first recharges.

I think it could mean that obviously batteries can only be re-charged so many times, i.e. you charge it for 2 hours but only get 10 minutes usage. Then its time to buy a new controller.
ben_j_davis said:
I think it could mean that obviously batteries can only be re-charged so many times, i.e. you charge it for 2 hours but only get 10 minutes usage. Then its time to buy a new controller.

I read it as the charge will last 30 hours at a time (up to) and once the rechargable batteries finally give up (life span of a certain amount of charges not a single charge) then the whole controller will have to be replaced.

Personally I think they should have opted for a design more like the 360's wireless controller whereby you get a little cradle that either holds batteries or can be replaced with a rechargable pack.
I am not pre ordering but will probably buy a PS3 at some point. It is a faster machine. This is fact. It might be hard to make games now but I am sure it will get easier and it is obvious Multiprocessor computers are the future. Quad core comming out this year.

It has to last 5 years so the inclusion of BluRay is a good one. Even if BlueRay doesn't succeed as a movie format it still allows massive games, It also does 1080p

People say it looks bad but atleast they have actually tried to design it, the 360 is just a box.

The article is stupid. It is common for consoles to lose money but game sales make up for it. Why would this change?

I have a Sony MP3 player and it is a quality piece of Hardware but the software sucks, apart from a few mistakes like these and the way they want to push thier own formats like Minidisc, UMD, Sony Flash memory sticks,BlueRay. These have all been very good and quite often technically superior to the rivals, I really wish we used Mnidiscs and UMDs instead of CDs and DVDs but they just cost more and are specific to Sony products. UMD is anything but Universal LOL.
iamgud said:
People say it looks bad but atleast they have actually tried to design it, the 360 is just a box.
A PS3 is about as far detached in design to a PS2 as the 360 is to an XB1.
The PS3 isnt exactely a wonder of design considering it looks like a heavily rounded PS2. And the 360 just looks like a shorter XB1 with curvy bits at the front.

The article is stupid. It is common for consoles to lose money but game sales make up for it. Why would this change?
Because its only common for MS/Sony to lose money on the consoles, + the PS3 is being sold at such a loss that they stand to lose billions for the first few years because of it. If they cant sell enough consoles/games in the next 5 years to start to pull that profit back, then Sony are quite frankly, knackered. They are playing an extremely risky game that could end up with them in serious financial trouble. MS dont have that problem.
I think the 360 looks really good, from the pictures I'm not too keen on the PS3 but that opinion might change when I actually see one.
I don't even think there is an issue with the rechargable batteries in the controllers, the comparison to Ipods was quite a good one. I've used my Ipod every day for over a year and a half and the battery life is still good. So surely if you are smart about how you recharge the controllers, ie, waiting till battery has run down and letting it fully recharge, there shouldn't be too much problem?

My main problem with the PS3 is still the lack of real world reviews, it's getting close to release and I still haven't seen an independant review.
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