but I haven't seen any coherrent articulation. Without which, the strikes are ultimately pointless.
It's out there....
Top tip...look
but I haven't seen any coherrent articulation. Without which, the strikes are ultimately pointless.
"expected" to get but many dont as we are in a recession. No one should be gauranteed a pay rise
And the reason you can make such a well informed judgement is based on what, your abysmal education due to the fact that teachers are useless people?
By saying 'considerable experience in the school system' would I be right in thinking all you've done is observe teachers rather than actually try it for yourself..
Again, just because you've seen poor teaching in a number of schools does not mean you should tarnish every single teacher in every area of the country.
Why is it?
Do explain in detail
Zero cowboy.
I'm retired
I'm not spelling it out if you don't know...
Tell me why it's not...
That's the issue...people who are moaning about teachers moaning haven't a clue what they are actually striking about...and yet feel qualified to make points on the matter.
Either understand what the situation is and find out or shut up.
So you don't know why it's BS, it was just a reactionary comment?
Do tell me then lol why are they striking. I have asked the question but no one has actually happened. Surely if they want the public to sympathise then they should tell us why they are actually striking?
I fully understood why the coal miners were striking as their industry was decimated but teachers are hardly int he same boat.
You should be careful getting so angry in that case then, the NHS isnt as good as what it used to be You should be more chilled and enjoy your retirement as you do not have to worry about all of this haha
Ladies. Wind you necks in before this gets closed or someone gets suspended.
Considering that I've been to 14+ schools for varying lengths of time, and have been intimately aware of the people behind the scenes through my own experiences, and that of staying with my dad when school was over, through all the places he went in, then yes I'd say I've got an idea.
Especially seeing as I have taught to classes (privately) on subjects, and up to recently (im in my twenties) I would get involved when I visited my dad and was often included.
Teachers have a comfortable lifestyle, and greatly overestimate how "difficult" they've got it.
The difference between good and bad teachers can usually be seen in how much experience they've got outside of teaching...
Teaching SHOULD be a vocational job. As pitchfork aptly put it, they're responsible for the youth who will run society. What I have seen is people who are in the job for the clean work and the good holidays. They are uninspiring, vapid and a serious problem.
My dad loved teaching, and genuinely cared for people. He was a minority.
Note, I'm not tarnishing all, just giving my experience.
Does anyone actually know why they are striking. My Research is bringing up conflicting reasons. I thought that one of the aims of being on strike is making your statement to everyone to gather support for the "cause". If people do not know the reason then how can we show support?
Secondly, I am a member of a teaching union simply to protect myself in the event of any cases of bullying, unfair expectations and even wrongful accusations - this is my only personal reason for being in a union. There is an unspoken 'rule' that you support your union and they support you. If your union decides to strike, teachers are expected to strike with them. Though you don't have to; the expectation is that if you want the support of the union at any point in your career, you are to stand by them.