this is what I've seen :I think a lot of people today believe that the attitudes of young people have shifted to being work shy, and that they are entitled due to high consumerism, social media, youtube/influencers etc. Actually the majority of young people I speak to, want to get a job and earn well. It seems very hard to get even the most basic job these days. Work is much harder to find. I think most young people are well aware of how hard it will be for them. I don't like talking about it too much with my kids as I want them to have as much hope and positivity about the future as possible. It must be horrible to keep hearing how hard they will find it. One step at a time I feel.
To some, most even, owning property is so unachievable, it becomes a life choice to not worry about it and live life. The vast majority will end up going down the path of rent trap for life because they won't be able to hack living with parents into their thirties. I would say as soon as you move out and into rented, the chances of transitioning over to ownership becomes surely statistically very low sadly.
accepting that they'll rent for ever unless they find a new way to make a living
accepting that they'll only buy once inheritance comes through
have already bought due to inheritance or parents helping - only know two couples like that, one got a massive chunk from inheritance and put it towards a property and now have affordable mortgage(under £1k/month)
a good friend of mine is renting and knows that the only way he'll ever own anything is by moving back to Ireland and buying land and building a property there - again long term dream thing.