Outside of this forum there's more and more talk about mortgages in real life.
Never really talked much about it, but I had one friend last week thank me because I told her she needed to sort her mortgage out last year rather than leave it until renewal time.
Another friend said he was trapped renting due to mortgage costs.
Real impact must be imminent. More and more people coming off old covid fixes onto these now 5-6pc rates. Who knows how high base rate could go.
Looks like inflation is predicted to still be over 8pc. And we could well get an increase in gas prices in winter.
Rough times ahead. Next 2 years could see a big movements in house prices.
And its yet another boon for the wealthy pensioners. Who have paid off mortgage and now sit on savings. And another slap for the younger generation. And as its all Loaded onto essentials, it's going to take a long time to come down. And even then it will still be sky high cost of living.
One good thing.. More news outlets are mentioning it's fueled by brexit. I hope that point continues to get pushed. Because the general public need it slapped across thier faces that xenophobia is not a good thing.