Mortgage Rate Rises

so we're trying to use interest rates to stop people spending but...
- we're taxing savings interest

and we're trying to help people who can't afford their mortgages but...
- we're charging them stamp duty if they downsize to live within their means

You can take my pub visits. You can force me to stay in my Peugeot 207 automatic.
You can make me live with my 46in plasma 5 more years....
But you'll never take my international adventures!

(besides.. Its mainly funneling money out of the UK!.. Take that tories!)

I'll keep my cleaner too thanks!
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You can take my pub visits. You can force me to stay in my Peugeot 207 automatic.
You can make me live with my 46in plasma 5 more years....
But you'll never take my international adventures!

(besides.. Its mainly funneling money out of the UK!.. Take that tories!)

I'll keep my cleaner too thanks!
I wanna renovate my house!
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