This is hilarious. The idea that peoples lot in life is always a result of their own choices and input. Even if you ignore the massive inequalities in your childhood environment, education opportunities, health, intellect and luck, you really have to be wilfully ignorant to think that people earning millions a year deserve that amount of money vs someone else working just as hard.
No one is arguing for communism. No one thinks that a teacher or a binman should be earning the same as a professional tennis player or an aerospace engineer. What most rational people do think though is that with the vast amounts of wealth we have in first world nations, everything should be far better for those at the lower levels of the system. That people shouldn't be struggling to get by with both parents working full time simply because they decided to have children or have the audacity to want to own their own home.
Probably the most stupid thing of all though is that pretty much all of the best countries to live in follow this ethos and they are better for it. You will be a more prosperous country if you don't have a sub-class of people who never contribute anything to society apart from badly raised children. Unfortunately, that requires massive investment to make the school system and social safety net better.
Its not the politics of envy, its the politics of unbridled green by a tiny proportion of the population.