Our son moved out in his early 30's with no help from us, he hardly spent money on non essentials and he paid his way with us. This was on a HCA'S wage. So real life for some can buck the dry statistics that everybody on here spouts.
You understand how statistics work right? They are data from real life and real people and your single data point doesn't disprove anything. Of course people are still buying houses at every age. The issue is that its getting harder on average.
And yes, your son moving out in his early 30s with no help from you (well, apart from living with you until his 30s, not paying remotely market rate to live with you etc) doesn't prove what you think it does. Then again, perhaps I am wrong and he was paying council tax, market rent, food, gas, electricity, water, looking after himself entirely on his own, cleaning and doing all the other life admin that people not living at home have to.