Most annoying film for mistakes

jellybeard999 said:
It looks impressive to people who don't have much pc knowledge (the vast majority of folks) though.

Halle Berry sunbathing rectifies the situation tbh :cool:

Can't say she really does it for me, though I see where you're coming from.
The TVR was more up my street, so it's a bit of a pity that it was clearly running on half it's cylinders, as otherwise there is no way in hell that any SUV could keep up.
Fireskull said:
Hehe hassle, and save lifes? :s sauron would have seen them coming direct lol send out crap loads of his flying beasts to kill the eagles and get the ring, second option millions and millions of orcs with bows all shooting into the air at afew eagles lol all getting the desired effect of getting the ring lol

Ok, if you really want to split hairs.................................. :D
Jaws 4!!!...

Nearly EVERY TIME you see the Shark you can see the cables running to the Remote control system!...

On one occasion the Camera is pointing up and the Shark swims over top, you can see a gaping hole in its Belly and all the Animatronics inside!...

Plus the Shark seems to be able to beat an plane from West Coast to East Coast America!!..

Crap Film Extrodinair!!.. :)
Independence Day (When Jeff Goldblum plugs his windows laptop into the alien computers and uploads a virus... :rolleyes: )
The Day After Tomorrow

Why does Roland Emmerich keep getting to make movies?!
Not a mistake per se, but more of a stupid technical choice: George Lucas and Star Wars - there is more than one way to transition between scenes ya know :rolleyes:
sr4470 said:
Not a mistake per se, but more of a stupid technical choice: George Lucas and Star Wars - there is more than one way to transition between scenes ya know :rolleyes:

He had clearly studied his powerpoint manual, left to right sweep, right to left sweep, circle transition.....and er, thats about it lol
sheelas wheels advert, the road is an image obviously put on in the background, but thats not whats wrong, whats wrong is the fact that the card goes backwards!!! and forwards!!! they had the road moving the wrong way half the time.
taz488 said:
sheelas wheels advert, the road is an image obviously put on in the background, but thats not whats wrong, whats wrong is the fact that the card goes backwards!!! and forwards!!! they had the road moving the wrong way half the time.

That drives me nuts too. :p

I point that out every time I see that advert. :o
The Matrix:

Just after Trinity and Neo enter the building to rescue Morpheus and have the massive gun battle.

The get into the elevator, climb through the roof, leaving explosives in the elevator. They then cut one of the wires on the pulley, so they get pulle dup and the elevator goes down.

Cue slow motion explosion with fire creeping out, to make us all go 'Oooooooh!', and forget that one of 2 things would have happened to TriNeo:

a) Lift crashes before they reach the roof, causing them to fall back down the elevator shaft.

b) They reach the roof before the lift crashes, causing them to get smooshed into the roof or pulled through the pulley.

Just after that, on the roof, Trinity puts her gun to the side of the agent's forehead, says 'Dodge this!', then the gun is suddenly in the middle of his forehead, not on the side.
krooton said:
The Matrix:

Just after Trinity and Neo enter the building to rescue Morpheus and have the massive gun battle.

The get into the elevator, climb through the roof, leaving explosives in the elevator. They then cut one of the wires on the pulley, so they get pulle dup and the elevator goes down.

Cue slow motion explosion with fire creeping out, to make us all go 'Oooooooh!', and forget that one of 2 things would have happened to TriNeo:

a) Lift crashes before they reach the roof, causing them to fall back down the elevator shaft.

b) They reach the roof before the lift crashes, causing them to get smooshed into the roof or pulled through the pulley.

Just after that, on the roof, Trinity puts her gun to the side of the agent's forehead, says 'Dodge this!', then the gun is suddenly in the middle of his forehead, not on the side.

And when Neo goes to see the Oracle for the first time the camera zooms into the the door handle and you can see the entire camera crew in the reflection on the door handle :)
Also watched Goldeneye last night and noticed that when Orimov shoots Alec with the blank and pretends to be dead, Orimov shoots that soldier who shot at Bond when he shouldn't have and is really killed by a live bullet.

Did he fake his death too?
sr4470 said:
Not a mistake per se, but more of a stupid technical choice: George Lucas and Star Wars - there is more than one way to transition between scenes ya know :rolleyes:

I really noticed this at the end of revenge of the sith, when it keeps cutting to all the different people in the space of about 5 minutes, its just various wipes used over and over, why dont they just cut it without a bloody transition!
Bullet proof cars, sofas and dining room tables in most action films.

The Jackel when Bruce Willis spends about half an hour lining up his shot and then when he fires the shells take down most of the building behind his target.

True Lies when Arnie takes off in the Harrier. The film makers were very proud of the heat haze effect around the engine but forgot to transition the nozzles to the forward flight position.

Mission Impossible where Tom Cruise cannot outrun the 4x4 thing on his Triumph.
MrLOL said:
at the start of the film, he prooves his hacker prowess by hacking into a government website in under 2 minutes ... by brute force. Exactly how would you crack a government website by brute force. You couldnt just type passwords as fast as your fingers would type. It would need to attempt to check this each time. And im damn sure any government website would just lock you out after 4/5 failed attempts.

Oral sex gives you magical hacking powers.
Robocop - when ED209 falls down the stairs on his back, why the hell does it make a dinosaur like sound?!?! It annoys me everytime I see it.

Any film where people have just got out of the water, they grab a towel and wipe their hair a bit, yet 2 seconds later they are completely bone dry again.
Here's a brilliant website with some excellent "worst of". The film review links are at the bottom of the main page:

Another one to add to the mix, "Behind enemy lines". Two bits that really stood out for me were:
1. In the initial part of the film, the hero in his F18 overflies the bad guys hideout. As he's leaving, the head bad guy gets on the phone, eventually gets through to his friendly SAM battery who then turn on their kit. Takes about 2 mins to do all of that. Now lets assume the F18 is travelling at a reasonable speed, e.g. 400knots. That would put the aircraft over 12 miles from the battery by the time it was powered up. I'm doubtful that it could ever catch it.
2. Our intrepid hero is being followed by a whole armoured company at one point. He's shown running down a hill, with the bad guys coming up the slope behind him. So have the Russians suddently invented bullets that can fire around corners and they're still putting holes in trees that are hidden by the hill?
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