Most annoying film for mistakes

Not a film per se but something that is really annoying me at the moment.

I am watching all the voyager seasons one after the other and am only on season 4. So far they have already lost over a dozen shuttle craft. How big is there hanger? For a ship with only 200 people on they seem to have a huge amount of space for excess craft!

The other really annoying thing is the fact voyager has almost been destroyed 4-5 times yet the repair teams seem to be able to make the ship spotless, inside and out every time! And the displays, you would have thought by then that the y had worked out a way of stopping them blowing up constantly. :p
What really annoys the hell out of me in films and TV series is the way goverment agencies or the militayr seem to be able to hack into any passing satalite within a few minutes and get images of whatever they are looking for - have you ever tried tring to find something in particular on google earth without using search? Behind enemy lines takes the buscuit for me, in this respect, as they seem to be able to hack into a non military satalite and commondeer it!!! In 24 though Jack seems to be able to do all sorts of things with his mobile phone which I havent seen in the manual and on a couple of occasions I have had the same phone too!!!

Computers in films generally hack me off because they have to have them making those damn stooopid noises all the time, if I was typing this and getting a beep beep beepity beep as I did so I would end up throwing my laptop against the wall.

Did anyone see that program on Sky1 a while back, not sure if it was a film or a mini series but I think it was called Super Nova with Peter Fonda? It was abismal - from the moment the opening sequance started you were taken on a trip flying through space as a star had just gone super nova and every planet you flew past made incredibly crap cracking noises and broke apart! Obviousley nobody told the director that there's no such thing as sound in space?
The Bond film where the helicopter dips it rotors to slowly advance towards them down an alley. If a helicopter did that wouldn't it speed up?
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