Most anticipated unplayed game

8 Apr 2014
Lincolnshire, UK
After filling my steam library up over the past couple of years I have around 50 unplayed games in my library and I have to say I'm excited to play all of them. However I think the one im most excited to complete is mafia 2.
Just wondering what else people have collected over the years and which you are most excited about getting around to.
I purchased Prison Architect last year and have heard some great things about it. I don't want to play it until it's officially released though, which should be later this year. I like games in their final state.
After filling my steam library up over the past couple of years I have around 50 unplayed games in my library and I have to say I'm excited to play all of them. However I think the one im most excited to complete is mafia 2.
Just wondering what else people have collected over the years and which you are most excited about getting around to.

Mafia 2 is a really good game.


It is sat in my inventory as a "gift".

Am I bad for not opening it?

Nah not really, the game is actually pretty boring, people spend more time modding it to look nice then actually playing.

In my library I think I am looking forward to playing the latest Thief, even though I hear some bad things about it, still want to get around to it.
Iv tried prison architect myself and have never got past the tutorial haha. The first ten minutes are fun though, iv not had chance to delve into it properly yet.
Mafia 2 is a really good game.

Nah not really, the game is actually pretty boring, people spend more time modding it to look nice then actually playing.

In my library I think I am looking forward to playing the latest Thief, even though I hear some bad things about it, still want to get around to it.

I found it the same.

The modding is addictive, the game itself is average at best.
Tomb Raider - played a bit of the 360 version but picked it up in a sale for a couple of quid a while back. Never bothered getting around to playing it, probably never will at this rate :p
Most Rpg's.

Have a bunch in my library but they're all so hefty n' long, can't wait till I find some time (probably summer) to sit one through till the end, side-quests n' all. Last big one I played was Fallout: New Vegas last year. Loved it and can't wait to go back and do the DLC's.
Mafia 2 was brilliant, which is nice because I didn't ever think it was going to be that great. Tomb Raider is another decent try when on sale, is good for a mindless playthrough when you don't want to be concentrating on it to much.

Another game that has surprised me is Remember Me, got it for £5 on steam sale and put in 6 hours and still haven't gotten bored, can get repetitive but in small bursts is lots of fun.

I've played through most of my backlog now though and don't have that many in it now. I only have these in it now.
Borderlands 2. Brothers - A tale of Two Sons. Dark Souls 2. Darksiders 2. Deus Ex: Human Revolution. Dragon Age Origins. Hearts Of Iron. Lords Of The Fallen. Postal 2. Ultra Street Fighter IV. The Witcher 2. Xcom Enemy Unknown.

Actually I do have rather a lot to play :) Still onwards and forwards with remember me and the original witcher :p
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Ah yeah all the tomb raider games are on sale at the moment it iv resisted it so far...

And all the BioShock games are there ready to play!

I'd love a new gpu to smash them with though :)
For me it's the 'Mass Effect' series play through.

Just started to try on the the first 'Mass Effect' to run on eyefinity, but I'm still fiddling around with settings and hacks etc..
Skyrim gameplay itself to me feels clunky and mediocre but the vast amount of content and ways to tackle it kept me playing. Dark Souls 2 is one I need to get around to one day..
Witcher 2, I'll only play it when I finish Witcher 1 - which I've only just started playing tonight, I know the game controls change a lot but I want to get into the story, before progressing through 2 and onto 3 which should be cheap as chips by the time I'm ready for it!
Homeworld Remastered Collection. Looked forward to it immensely from the moment it was announced, barely touched it. In fairness it launched with some glitches, bugs and features that weren't quite right (and still aren't) so I'm holding off for when it's perfect, but it's still a shame.
I second Skyrim being boring, I played it once and barely lasted 10 minutes, utter turd.

You have to be a certain kind of person or at least a certain kind of gamer to enjoy Skyrim. I have poured countless hours into it, as well as the Fallout games.

I get immersed in them. :)
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