Most anticipated unplayed game

I still havent played arma 3 properly, I bought it on first beta and Im not sure it ever came to life fully as I remember Arma needed an ACE mod to really gel well
Skyrim is a really good game. I've also poured 100s of hours into it. As it's an open World you can just go where you want and do what you want. I think the people who don't like those games prefer to be lead by the hand rather than given the freedom. I was the same with Fallout 3 - another brilliant game.

Mafia 2 I was surprised by as I expected it to be similar to Mafia 1 - which I hated. I much prefer Mafia 2 and really enjoyed finishing it.

Mirrors Edge was a game I'd put off for a while and then, when I first tried it, I couldn't get into it. A few months later I tried it and quite enjoyed it (ending song was good as well I remember).

Mafia 2 is excellent, I prefer the first but it hasn't aged well at all, still good fun to play if you can handle the graphics being old. Plus if you've played the first you'll love the plot twist in the second, which you wont even understand if you haven't played the first
You have to be a certain kind of person or at least a certain kind of gamer to enjoy Skyrim. I have poured countless hours into it, as well as the Fallout games.

I get immersed in them. :)

Yeah I'm not really into the medieval genre to be honest.

You gave it a good go then?

10 minutes was long enough, I have a short attention span and if a game doesn't interest in me that space of time then it's not for me, I was more into the Fallout series than Oblivion.
Anyway the game I didn't get around to playing for ages was Hotline Miami, when I did eventually though I was hooked, it was like a drug, the soundtrack is fantastic as well, brutal game.
I just can't get into the combat system in Skyrim. It just doesn't feel good to me at all. Every time I go to have a play and get really stuck in, I have one fight and just feel so....eugh.

And to answer OPs question I'm going to be really boring and say The Witcher 3 :D
I must have put around 300 hours into skyrim and I loved it for so many different reasons. After the moddig had commenced it was just an insanely beautiful game.

I have the first two witchers that I need to invest some time in after I do mafia two which... I absolutely love so far. I am a big gangster film fan so this is putting me in my element
10 minutes was long enough, I have a short attention span and if a game doesn't interest in me that space of time then it's not for me, I was more into the Fallout series than Oblivion.

Its not so much about having a short attention span, I have ADD for example :p

Its more that if you don't become immersed in the game, then the action is incredibly spaced out and slow, and you have to do a lot of mundane things like trudging about the countryside until you encounter something entertaining. If you do become immersed, then you start to think that all the mundane tasks are worth it because there will be some action as a result.

I find it fantastic to play because I can detach myself from reality and "become" the character from the game. That was actually a bit of a problem when I played Fallout 3, I was slightly addicted. :p
Its not so much about having a short attention span, I have ADD for example :p

Its more that if you don't become immersed in the game, then the action is incredibly spaced out and slow, and you have to do a lot of mundane things like trudging about the countryside until you encounter something entertaining. If you do become immersed, then you start to think that all the mundane tasks are worth it because there will be some action as a result.

I find it fantastic to play because I can detach myself from reality and "become" the character from the game. That was actually a bit of a problem when I played Fallout 3, I was slightly addicted. :p

Exactly what I mean about attention span, having to trawl about for miles before anything happened was repetitive for me, I like all out action there and then, I am very impatient :D Fallout was similar in that sense, but I don't know what it was about that series, the post-apocalyptic nature and the weapons etc.
Exactly what I mean about attention span, having to trawl about for miles before anything happened was repetitive for me, I like all out action there and then, I am very impatient :D Fallout was similar in that sense, but I don't know what it was about that series, the post-apocalyptic nature and the weapons etc.

Totally understandable. But if you are the kind of person who likes that kind of genre, then they are absolutely stunning. I absolutely love Fallout and The Elder Scrolls. :D

I just cannot believe the amount of effort that must have gone into the few hours of game-play that I actually get from that content. It feels as though every hour of game-play has taken 100 hours to develop. :p
Heaps and heaps of games to get through. Most games people on here take for granted I've not even installed or downloaded. Hell, I still need to play through GTA IV before tackling GTA V.

All the Assassins Creed Games bar the first one which I completed.
Far Cry 3 and 4
Alan Wake
Dying Light
A Tale of Two Sons
Mass Effect 1 (although I did complete 2)
LA Noire
All the Dragon Age games
Max Payne 3
Skyrim (which I've poured 50+ hours in but still trying to like)
All the Batman games
Sleeping Dogs
Arma 3

And this is just 20% of my Steam list of games. There's about 50 more I haven't played. Then there's my Origin list of games, though only 10 or so.
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I always found myself just stopping and taking in the views haha. It does get repetitive towards the end of its life because you have to rinse and repeat similar style quests but there is so much to do with character development you can keep yourself entertained for a while!

I have been tempted by ESO since the monthly fee has been dropped but I don't know if iv got it in me to be sucked in to a game like that
GTA V and Witcher III, I boot them up for 5mins then want to play something else, they just don't do it for me sadly. :(
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