Most anticipated unplayed game

GTA V and Witcher III, I boot them up for 5mins then want to play something else, they just don't do it for me sadly. :(

I have to admit GTA is getting on my nerves. Iv not had a smooth experience with any of it.
Account hacked when I bought the game, struggling to get online, struggling to join friends, glitching everywhere.... Sigh..
Spoiled for choice here and too many to mention them all; I think it was easier when younger - more time and less money, so you actually had to make the most of the games you did get.

Brought Witcher 1, 2 but have only played a little of the first. Hardly played any Skyrim yet (big time sink) and the same for a Dragon Age origins (1st game) bundle and countless others.

Having said that, I never fully completed Half Life 1 & 2 either *runs*. :)
Spoiled for choice here and too many to mention them all; I think it was easier when younger - more time and less money, so you actually had to make the most of the games you did get.

That's exactly it, I made sonic 3 and knuckles last about 3 years :D
You do know you can fast travel in Skyrim once you've found places - pretty much like Fallout.

Oh and there's a sprint button as well.


Fast travelling does take some of the adventure out the game though. There are countless quests I stumbled across by exploring and then running away from OP AI
You do know you can fast travel in Skyrim once you've found places - pretty much like Fallout.

Oh and there's a sprint button as well.


Lol I know, but you do have to do a lot of trudging about to find locations first. :)
Most Rpg's.

Have a bunch in my library but they're all so hefty n' long, can't wait till I find some time (probably summer) to sit one through till the end, side-quests n' all. Last big one I played was Fallout: New Vegas last year. Loved it and can't wait to go back and do the DLC's.

This is my situation exactly too. Except I've not played New Vegas yet (had it for years). Looking forward to feeling I have the time for that one, but also Dark Souls (and the sequel, I guess), and Divinity II (which I've also owned for years and have heard good things about).

Then there're the games I don't own yet: Witcher 3, Shadow of Mordor, Legend of Grimrock II, Pillars of Eternity, Grim Dawn, Endless Legend, GTA V, Far Cry 4, Alien Isolation, Hotline Miami 2.

So many games. So little time.

Have a week off over the summer, and reckon Witcher 3 will be my gaming distraction that week. Unless I decide it's too long and needs to wait for Christmas...
I have a ton of unplayed games in my library, and no desire really to play any of them :p

I'm looking forward to buying more games in the next sale and not playing them, tho.
Haha that's the standard answer isn't it! Although they seem to have slowed down with deals lately. I can see a few big sales coming up. May have to put some money aside just in case :p
Is x com worth a shout would you say? I always see it on sites in deals and on sale and have seen some promising comments but I may have missed the boat with it
Is x com worth a shout would you say? I always see it on sites in deals and on sale and have seen some promising comments but I may have missed the boat with it

If you like the genre then it's a good game. Sometimes it can be completely unfair but that's the nature of that type of game.

It's worth a couple of quid I'd say - I've had about 40 hours out of it at least.

Witcher 3 for me. Just waiting for my second GPU so hopefully can max everything from the get go in time for this weekend :D
Missed the boat? No chance. Pick it up now and play it through in time for Xcom 2 in November :D

Oh dear... This was maybe the wrong thread to start. It should have been a 'bad influeclnces persuade me to buy games'

I'll have a bash because I'm enjoying that genre at the moment. Starting to feel too old for twitch games now!
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