Most anticipated unplayed game

Just bought the oddworld collection for 2.50... Another 4 to the list

Fab games. Although apparently a bit easy to find the secrets with the new 3D graphics.

My owned-but-unplayed list includes all the STALKER games, Spec Ops: The Line, most of the Star Wars games, first two Witcher games, and all three Bioshock games. :eek: :( Probably a few years worth with the minimal amount of time I have free.
Fab games. Although apparently a bit easy to find the secrets with the new 3D graphics.

My owned-but-unplayed list includes all the STALKER games, Spec Ops: The Line, most of the Star Wars games, first two Witcher games, and all three Bioshock games. :eek: :( Probably a few years worth with the minimal amount of time I have free.

If you get around to trying Stalker, then I strongly recommend modding them. :)
Just started Bioshock Infinite, I'm looking forward to it. Finally getting around to playing games I've had in my library for ages, only just completed Wolfenstein!

Still got Max Payne 3 to play through too :)
Elite Dangerous
Witcher 2

Two game that I have just played for 5 minutes. I am sort of reluctant to start into them because I know I will be hooked and won't have time to play anything else. Currently playing neverwinter and alien isolation on the xbox one and path of exile on the pc.
Mafia 2 was brilliant. I played it on the Xbox and have since given it a replay on the PC. Cannot wait for the next installment of that series.

I went mad in the sales last year and bought the Bioshock, Crysis and Deus Ex collections and havent started any of them barring a quick blast on Crysis 2. Add Far Cry 3, Watchdogs and Fall Out:NV to that and I'll have a busy Summer!
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