Most engrossing storyline/atmosphere

2 Sep 2003
Which game do you think has the most involving, interesting storyline? Are there any games you remembered more for the story than the actual game? Also, which games have you found the most atmospheric?

The best storyline in a game I've played is either Knights of the Old Republic or Deus Ex, I'd say.

As for atmosphere, System Shock 2 or Thief - both were so scary I couldn't finish them :o
Story/Acting/Twist + everything else, always has to be Knights of the Old Republic for me personally, but you all knew I'd say that ;)

Certainly Story + Atmosphere, in no order, all amazing:
Max Payne
Max Payne 2
Deus Ex

General atmosphere:
System Shock 2
Freespace II

Mafia - I'll say, just to get in before everybody else :p not played it myself

Then some other general great atmosphere + gameplay games:
Dark Forces II: Jedi Knight
Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast
Has to be Fahrenheit, Deus Ex and Knights of The Old Republic for me too.
I think maybe Fahrenheit slightly pips the others to the post because it really did draw me in that much.
Well my favourites have already been said.

Story + plot twist of Knight of the old republic :)

For atmosphere, you can't beat SS2, no other game has engrossed like that, or made me crap my pants :p
Those damn midwives :eek:
Anyone remember "Sanitarium"? One of the best "involving" games i've played.

Yes its old and looks poo. But hell, it MADE me want to play it. The only other game thats made me want to play is css.

Also, the menu on that game is the best ever, which some strange noise when you rollover an option,and the storyline held me for ages, also some of it was quite a good mind worker :)

I suggest you go download a demo/the game its its been avail to download now (It is stupidly old so they might have put it out).
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Definatly Half Life 2 and IMO to a lesser extent Half Life 1. I really loved GTA San An aswell and still play it today.
It'd have to be:

Deus Ex
Half Life
Max Payne
Half Life 2

I haven't played Max Payne 2 but I've just bought it and by all accounts it should be very good
Psypher5 said:
Anyone remember "Sanitarium"? One of the best "involving" games i've played.

Yes its old and looks poo. But hell, it MADE me want to play it. The only other game thats made me want to play is css.

Also, the menu on that game is the best ever, which some strange noise when you rollover an option,and the storyline held me for ages, also some of it was quite a good mind worker :)

I suggest you go download a demo/the game its its been avail to download now (It is stupidly old so they might have put it out).

i've heard of that game but I played it when I was around 8 years old so i was a bit scared at the time. Did seem darn good though, i'll look for it later
haha! Yeah it scared me too, although I was a bit older so kept with it. Think the pants graphics and odd noises add enourmoussly to the atmosphere, really creepy in some parts.

Looks like you have to buy it still. Hell, I might just do it for old times sake :D
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Final Fantasy VIII.

Ridiculously good game. Better on PS though.

Max Payne series aswell.
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