Most engrossing storyline/atmosphere

atpbx said:
The Half Life games dont have a story. :confused:

Aah, a textbook 'state an obviously controversial opinion as conclusive fact and feign confusion as to why anyone could ever see it differently' troll. Good work sir! :D

Both halflife games, though particularly the first, were superb at telling a good, if not special, story in a very immersive way. The pacing, sparse dialogue and lack of cutscenes all helped.

KOTOR obviusly gets another nod, System Shock, The Journeyman Project, and for the time I found both Another World and Flashback to tell their albeit limited stoty in an effective, minimalist way.
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F.E.A.R for pure creep-me-out-ness, i've never played any PC game that could make my skin crawl like this game.

For story i would have to go with Dues-ex, i never finished it cos it's soooo long and when i got it when it came out i was on a 1ghz Axia with a Voodoo 4 which really struggled.

Quake 3 for Multiplayer bliss, played solidly for 5 years untill WoW took over my life :(

There are lots of games i like though, the first Unreal single player game looked amazing at the time.
besides the obvious ones which have already been listed i'd say:

Vice City
Warzone 2100
Blade Runner
Silent Hunter 3
Freespace 2
Gavstar said:
Aah, a textbook 'state an obviously controversial opinion as conclusive fact and feign confusion as to why anyone could ever see it differently' troll. Good work sir! :D

Both halflife games, though particularly the first, were superb at telling a good, if not special, story in a very immersive way. The pacing, sparse dialogue and lack of cutscenes all helped.

KOTOR obviusly gets another nod, System Shock, The Journeyman Project, and for the time I found both Another World and Flashback to tell their albeit limited stoty in an effective, minimalist way.


I've gotta agree with the guy. At any point through Half Life 2 I could quite easily save it and quit for a few days. Good action scenes and fun in the vehicles etc but not a game I would class as an 'engrossing' story.

For me though, going to echo what other people have said;

  • GTA: San Andreas
  • Max Payne 2
  • Metal Gear Solid 2

Completed each of them at least 3 times, even though GTA and MGS are massive, massive games.

FEAR without a doubt number one for me.
Still yet to complete it for hardware reasons (damn harddrive dying :()

Half Life 2 doesn't cut it at all for me, didn't think much of the story, only thing that kept me going was the graphics. Oh and the gravity gun :)

Unreal had tonnes of atmosphere too, amazing graphics for the time aswell.

Metal Gear Solid 1 + 2. Don't really need to back them up, expecially the first. still yet to play the third, is it worthwhile?

Farry had me engrossed for ages, couldn't get away from the game.

Oh, and Pokemon blue + silver :o
*** I was a little kid once upon a time (rather than a big one) ***
Brothers in Arms.

The sence of involvment and the feel of things that it gives you is amazing :eek: :)
Gavstar said:
Aah, a textbook 'state an obviously controversial opinion as conclusive fact and feign confusion as to why anyone could ever see it differently' troll. Good work sir! :D

No, i've always held this opinion, and have stated it many times, if you posted a bit more , you would have seen me say it
No they dont ahve a story, you are not told anything at all in the first one "oh no, there has been an accident kill everything"
Thats it.
The second one is pretty much, "the world has been taken over, kill everything" and a couple of cut scenes which dont say a lot, no twists, turns, interaction............ nothing.

And dont call me a troll, its pathetic try coming up with a counter argument and convince me of the errors of my ways, or are you just making a personal attack............trolling in fact?
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Metal Gear Solid
Deus Ex
Thief series (although I've never played 1)
Final Fantasy X
Knights of the Old Republic
... and of course Pokemon Red/Yellow/Silver :D

That's all I can think of for the moment :p
atpbx said:
No, i've always held this opinion, and have stated it many times, if you posted a bit more , you would have seen me say it
No they dont ahve a story, you are not told anything at all in the first one "oh no, there has been an accident kill everything"
Thats it.
The second one is pretty much, "the world has been taken over, kill everything" and a couple of cut scenes which dont say a lot, no twists, turns, interaction............ nothing.

And dont call me a troll, its pathetic try coming up with a counter argument and convince me of the errors of my ways, or are you just making a personal attack............trolling in fact?

I don't post an awful lot any more, but I do read daily, I didn't recollect your previous opinions, I'm sorry. And my goodness, personal attack, its a bit quick to jump straight to that button no?

First off, the comment was really pretty tongue in cheek, but did have a valid point behind it. You did state an opinion that is almost certain to raise eyebrows without any initial argument to support it, and thats just one of the things that annoys me in general. You may have expanded on it greatly in other threads, I obviously missed/don't remember them, but as an isolated post yours semed a bit inflammatory (as inflammatory as a discussion about computer games storylines can get anyway :D) I did put some argument in my post as well, even stating that the stories were nothing special, and that I liked the way the story wasn't spoonfed to you with cutscenes, that there was precious little dialogue, which people tend to skip through anyway.

I'm sorry if I wound you up anyway, it was meant to be a lighter dig than it tuned out to be.

And back to the topic, Guitar Hero really makes me feel like I'm belting out those solos, so much so that I engage star mode by accident just caught up in the moment.
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I agree with atbpbx for the most part. The plot in HL and HL2 isn't up to much. But like Max Payne it's the way it's presented that's good. MP and HL take completely opposite approaches to telling the story but both work quite well. It's good that in HL and to some extent HL2 you don't have a story told to you, you have to figure it out yourself from your environment. You could quite easily play HL1 without knowing there was any story there at all, you have to look for it yourself.
Psyk said:
You could quite easily play HL1 without knowing there was any story there at all, you have to look for it yourself.

Think you might be on to something there, this might be why I like it!
Certainly with Half-Life 1, and less so with Half-Life 2, you were really given a new style of storytelling. You were basically given a lot to figure out on your own, but also giving you a story structure where it was a little more realistic, and you were taking part in the story instead of watching the story progress around you without interaction. It's not to everybodies tastes, but it worked extremely well for me personally, and as Psyk said, it was quite a good game to pick up from anywhere and run around not caring what the hell the story was.
Max Payne 1 and 2 have fantastic storylines, GTA3 is pretty immersive and doesnt seem quite as tacky as the later versions in my opinion.

As a kid I would have to say the Monkey Island games were certainly atmospheric for their genre
Max Payne for just ooozing atmosphere, captures that whole film noir style perfectly. Excellent attention to detail as well.

Deus Ex for the characters and involvement. I still reckon the Hong Kong level is one of the best and most atmospheric from any game.

KOTOR for pure storyline

Freespace 2 for actually making you want to pay attention to the mission briefings/background

Shining Force 2 because it's one of the few RPGs I've completed

Unreal for the sense of scale and adventure combined with fantastic atmospheric setpieces and occasional humour. A huge game and certinainly one of the most satisfying to complete.

Painkiller for sending shivers down my spine. The graphical style suits the game/story perfectly, and the final level is a work of pure genius.

edit: How could I forget Call of Duty & Medal of Honour: Pacific Assault? Both of them have incredible atmosphere, with MOH:PA also helping to build a sense of squad comaradery as the game progresses. I'm suprised more people haven't mentioned CoD on the atmosphere front to be honest, that Stalingrad level is hard to beat.

If I had to pick one game, then Deus Ex would probably just about shade it.
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georges said:
Is Kotor 2 worth writing home about?

An excellent game albeit not as good as KOTOR. It does have some nice things going for it like having your party split and forcing you to use a wider variety of characters.
HangTime said:
An excellent game albeit not as good as KOTOR. It does have some nice things going for it like having your party split and forcing you to use a wider variety of characters.

Yup, it's certainly worth a play, it unfortunately was set up to be an amazing game, great story, probably far more interesting character development than KOTOR I, but the overall finish of the game lacked the certain quality KOTOR I had, riddling the game with bugs and the ending left a lot to be desired, as the production was cut short, leading to a rushed, meaningless ending.
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