Most engrossing storyline/atmosphere

Riven was amazingly atmospheric with a great storyline. One of my all time favourites. Not to everybody's taste though I'm sure.

Also loved Max Payne 1
For me it has to be FF X [final fantasy] without a doubt, it kept me interested for 2+ years. absuletly loved every bit of it, the story and characters wer amazing. With those kind of games, you kind of miss the characters as you play the game for so long :o
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The Half Life games dont have a story. :confused:

Especially not the second one which was dreadfull in every way.

Resident Evil.
Resident Evil 2
Resident Evil 4
Tomb Raider 2.
Deus Ex

See, those are the ones i can rememeber thinking, "ive got to keep playing to see what happens next"
DanMc07 said:
For me it has to be FF X [final fantasy] without a doubt, it kept me interested for 2+ years. absuletly loved every bit of it, the story and characters wer amazing. With those kind of games, you kind of miss the characters as you play the game for so long :o

Definetely, it's almost depressing to complete such an emersive game. :(

Also, obligatory mention for Zelda on the nintendo... simply awesome game, I wish there were games like this and FF around nowadays... :(
im sure every1 has said it by now


if you havent played it i DEMAND you go and buy it, sure it can be picked up 2nd hand for like 5 quid, best PC of recent years, better than half life 2 imo, that feeling when you feel like your in a movie, this and metal gear solid are the only games that came close
Damn it...

I sold these games long ago.. I've been inspired to buy em back now :P

Mafia, Kotor and Deus Ex.

Is Kotor 2 worth writing home about?
Forgot to add in Shenmue 1 for Dreamcast, so amazingly cool to just walk around town and go in the arcade all day. And that's before the forklift job at the docks :D Shenmue 2 was also brilliant but it felt slightly more rushed.
Royality said:
Also, obligatory mention for Zelda on the nintendo... simply awesome game, I wish there were games like this and FF around nowadays... :(
Well hopefully FF12 will be out before the end of the year.
If we are talking cross platform I must say Silent Hill I and Parasite Eve II took a look of beating on the PS1. Pretty good storylines and they both scared the Bejesus out of me

PC HL2 and F.E.A.R.
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