Most influential PC game since 1990?

famas said:

game set match tbh, it's just the game that everyone know, just about everyone i know first played sonic then moved onto other gaming things

for mroe specific things...
wolfenstein 3d --> doom --> half life for fps, all very important in their own rights

dune2 -- > TA --> starcraft --> cnc etc for rts all just being such kick ass games

for driving, sega rally imho
I'll say Doom as well. Things like EQ mostly appealed to people already playing computer games, but the masterful idea of releasing a freeware version of part one of Doom brought millions into computer games who'd never seen ANY real games before.

Dune 2 was the REAL mother of RTS games for the PC....




3 Sides, each with their own tech tree.

Animated Cut scenes.

The only thing it didnt have was Multiplayer.
Lagmeister said:
Wasnt the Doom Engine a modified version of the engine used in Wolf 3D though?

I dont think so, but if it was then it was one hell of an upgrade lol! Also didnt ID typically make a new engine for every game they made?
skullman said:
I dont think so, but if it was then it was one hell of an upgrade lol! Also didnt ID typically make a new engine for every game they made?

You are right in thinking that Wolf3d and Doom have different engines - for a start Wolfenstein is essentially 2d i.e. flat rather than Doom which can handle 3d as far as level design goes. However id don't always use the same engine - Doom2 is based off of Doom.
skullman said:
I dont think so, but if it was then it was one hell of an upgrade lol! Also didnt ID typically make a new engine for every game they made?

Certainly Quake was a new engine, but each Quake engine was an evolution of the previous in some form or another. The Doom 3 engine is pretty much a complete rewrite from the Quake 3 engine, with the obvious enhancements etc, according to Wiki anyway.
Kreeeee said:
StarCraft. It's the reason that professional gaming kicked off and has become a national sport in south korea. Every RTS since has taken elements from SC in its design but none have ever come close to its balance and popularity.

Other than total annihilation which laid out the Graphical standards for SC to follow, i.e. using polygons, then theres also the massive array of units and Unique resource system in Total Annihilation that really enable you to build BIIIIIIIIG... plus its the most modable RTS ever made :)

it would be as popular as Starcraft is today were it not for infogrames corporate take over of Cavedog and the subsequent closure of BoneYards the worlds first integrated online gaming system.

If supreme commander lives up to its reputation, Total Annihilation may very well have not died in vain.
doom, civilization, total annilalation, ultima online

the rest just stole their ideas from the above
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