Most influential PC game since 1990?

For me it has to be Doom. I remember being gobsmacked when I saw it at ECTS all those years ago. It made me buy a PC (I had an Amiga before). For literally years you'd find the D word mentioned on almost every magazine page where they could find an excuse to put it. I even recall news stories of it bringing down coporate networks because people were playing it in their lunchtimes :D
For me personally it is Age of Empires 1 as it got me into gaming on the PC and started my love for RTS.

On the other note of what I think has been the most influential.

Its Doom, Starcraft, Quake 3: Arena, Ultima Online.

Each in their own genre, but revolutionising or creating it really.

Quake 3 with deathmatch really ushered in the multiplayer era, Unreal never quite had the success at release but no doubt at all it is the stronger title now.

Only a few thousand on Quake. :(
For me it was the original C&C. Was the first real RTS game i played and sparked my addiction for RTS's.

But other than that. Doom.
Wolf 3D
Quake 3
Half Life
Ultima online, without this no-one would be harping on about wow.

As for any game i would have to say Defender took gaming to a new level, you old people will know what im talking about. :p
I would say:


wolf 3d, Doom (ha any ID game) for FPS

Quake3 - Deathmatch & mas mayhem in multiplayer (it was the only game with massive TCPIP tests etc.

Counter strike -team play and closs quarters multiplayer.

Halflife - story, well tbh that can hardly count, due to so many games before it. It is popular but that doesnt mean revolutionary.

Elite, Freespace - space combat sim

MDK 1 & 2 - for complete randomness.
Doom hands down...

I didn't really like it but it kicked off PC gaming in a big way. People felt immersed in a cool and tense 3d-ish enviroment for the first time (Wolfenstein was only a precurser imo) and it spawned the beginnings of the fps revolution. Which, love it or hate it accounts for a great chunk and big driving force of PC gaming nowadays.
I`d have to say Doom and Doom 2 - the first 2 games i played that werent demos - got them off a friend IIRC. Couldnt believe the graphics at the time and the world they created. The minigun (gun 5??) was amazing! (this was more than 10 years ago). Easily the most influencial game for the FPS genre IMO.

RTS i would say C&C/Starcraft were the most influencial and for RPG Diablo (1). These were all the first games i played in each genre that really made me think that the possibilities for PC gaming were immense.
I would say Half Life, it totally changed gaming to become a cinematic experience and a new level of excellence (which arguably still hasn't been beaten).
id say you guys have summed it up pretty spot on

RTS dune 2
- that is it, thats the entire C&C series from westwood (thats been 10 years lol)

- Id software gave us so much and it all follows on from there, basically

- Orogin gives birth to the graphical mud with mind blowing online potential
Another vote for Doom I'm afraid. It certainly wasn't the first fps (maybe that was Operation Wulf in the mid-late 80's?) but, at the time, it was just such a huge leap forward - I remember being totally knocked out by it.....I would stay behind after work when everybody else had gone home to play - or even go in very early to have a quick blast!
Am i being stupid or wasn't Duke Nukem before Doom and Quake?

Anyhoo thats my vote, Duke Nukem because it was the first Fps i played Multiplayer and good god it was good.
b3nj12 said:
Am i being stupid or wasn't Duke Nukem before Doom and Quake?

Anyhoo thats my vote, Duke Nukem because it was the first Fps i played Multiplayer and good god it was good.

The original Duke Nukem 1 and Duke Nukem 2 were pre-quake, but those were both side scrolling shoot em ups, nothing like Duke Nukem 3D, which came out at the same time area as Quake did.
krooton said:
But was based on Warcraft 1/2
What on Earth has that got to do with how influential the game was? You sure you read the topic title?

locutus12 said:
it would be as popular as Starcraft is today were it not for infogrames corporate take over of Cavedog and the subsequent closure of BoneYards the worlds first integrated online gaming system.

No The balance, pace and skill levels are not up to the required level to make it worth broadcasting it on TV and for live tournaments.
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