Most influential PC game since 1990?

For the PC Tomb Raider1+2, Quake1+2, Unreal1 & Half Life1 really showed the PC world just how much potential 3D gfx cards could deliver.

Since those came out almost 10 years ago the 3D games market has really exploded so now that is all you get.
PC games that stick my head has to be

Commaned & Conquor
Diablo 2
Cannon Fodder = Amiga version was best
Broken Sword = that famous Point and clicker
Lemmings = I know it's a hit but I didn't play it much myself
Worms = Amiga version was best

This is a few that come to mind now. Those that said Sonic yes that's a great game but it debuted on console not PC.
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DaveyD said:
Stop posting Sonic games, if you're going to post silly games, at least give a reason, or don't bother posting.

Sonic was huge back in the day it brought mass-market appeal and gave computer games a "cool" non-geeky image. It was also one of the first games that brought about game merchandise. Sonic was also the poster boy for Sega for over 10 years!

Pretty Influential I'd say, although I'd be tempted to go with Sonic 1 or 2.
WatchTower said:
Like I said ealier Sonic is a MegaDrive game and has nothing to do with PC games.

Well all the main games have been on the PC (Sonic 1,2,3, Sonic & Knuckles, Sonic PC, Sonic 3d etc).

If you only count the format they were originally released for then you can also take out GTA, Metal Gear Solid, Res Evil, Final Fantasy 7 & 8 etc.
Hostile17 said:
Sonic was huge back in the day it brought mass-market appeal and gave computer games a "cool" non-geeky image. It was also one of the first games that brought about game merchandise. Sonic was also the poster boy for Sega for over 10 years!

Pretty Influential I'd say, although I'd be tempted to go with Sonic 1 or 2.

If you look at his posts though, they're all just the titles, 3 posts, one for each sonic. I'm not disputing that the original Sonic was an influential game, but he's just posting for PC+1 or just trying to be annoying.

Plus I'd still call them console games, as they were originally console based, and were only ported years later onto systems, similar to MGS / FF VII, though porting dates were a little tighter.
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Hostile17 said:
Well all the main games have been on the PC (Sonic 1,2,3, Sonic & Knuckles, Sonic PC, Sonic 3d etc).

If you only count the format they were originally released for then you can also take out GTA, Metal Gear Solid, Res Evil, Final Fantasy 7 & 8 etc.

I would take out them games.
kdd said:
Cant believe no one has said Half Life, made a story as important as guns in fps's and was a massive boost for the modding and online gaming scene.

has to be half life for me. just finished episode short is the game :(
the people who say are you on about?

Half-life is one of the greatest games ever, but wouldn't stand a chance of existing if doom hadn't been made like half a decade before it. Understand the point of the thread, rather than coming out with your favourite game ever or whatever compels you to post in this thread.
Sorry chaps, you can't have the likes of Space Invaders or Elite because they are too old :)

I would however rank Elite as probably the most "ahead of it's time" I've ever seen.
devilkazuya said:
the people who say are you on about?

Half-life is one of the greatest games ever, but wouldn't stand a chance of existing if doom hadn't been made like half a decade before it. Understand the point of the thread, rather than coming out with your favourite game ever or whatever compels you to post in this thread.

Half-Life is a fully valid game, as many many reviewers have said in reviews is that it set a milestone for single player FPS storytelling and action, and therefore how many games have you heard compared to Half-Life? Though it's not such a big influence as say Doom or Quake in terms of technical development, it sure was a good development in terms of story, action and general excellence. Though these are of course opinions, but I would cetainly say, and can see why Half-Life is a very influential game in poeple eyes... though not mine compared to ones I have already talked about in the thread.
Couldn't just name one game.. Doom/Quake/Half-Life, Dune2/C&C/TA... they all added many new elements to their genre :)
Wouldn't say you can pick just one - Doom did a lot for its genre as did games like WarCraft/Command and Conquer, Sim City and The Sims for their own. The one I want to mention is Ultima Underworld.

Pre-1990, non-PC I'd go with Space Invaders, Pong etc. and good old Dungeon Master!
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