Most over-rated film thread!

27 Mar 2004
Post your most over-rated films that most people consider to be decent.

I have a few.

I've never really seen what was considered so good about Raging Bull. The original Rocky knocks it out in the first round.

Apocalypse Now is also a vastly over-rated movie. People have got far too excited about it's cinematography rather than the plot.

I watched The Manchurian Candidate yesterday after being recommended it. I was disappointed to say the least. Totally over the top plot and for a 2+ hour film, it lacked any real excitement whatsoever.

You can also throw The Matrix into the pot. Totally over-hyped rubbish.
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But it's impossible to rate a film in an absolute way. You either like it or you don't.

If you don't like a film that many others do, then that does not make that film over-rated.

Sometimes I just 'don't get' what others see in a particular film. But different folk want different things from their movies. Story telling covers such a wide arc of human experience, and the forms in which they can be told, I see it as a positive thing that I can love / hate a film that someone else loves / hates.
banja said:
But it's impossible to rate a film in an absolute way. You either like it or you don't.

If you don't like a film that many others do, then that does not make that film over-rated.

I'm talking about films that often appear in 'The 100 Greatest Movies of All Time' or similar lists supposedly chosen by experts.

A lot of films seem to be given 'The Classic' label just because they are the first of their genre or have groundbreaking special effects or cinematography.

I also forgot to mention Badlands. That's another film that i'd heard a lot about yet i thought it was very bland.
Have to agree about Apocalypse Now it wasn't a bad film but I didn't think it was exceptional in any way.
ElRazur said:
I think the first matrix is an exception.....but not the other matrixes.

only saw the first one, that was bad enough to make sure I didn't watch any of the others
The godfather trilogy, i onyl say this however as scarface is far superior and its only 1 film!
EasyG said:
The godfather trilogy, i onyl say this however as scarface is far superior and its only 1 film!

You're very, very, very weird. :p

I'd say that Battle Royale and Equilibrium are two of the most overrated films ever, I just can't see the attraction of either. :confused:
All of the Lord of the Rings films, utter utter borefest. I don't think I've managed to watch any of them in their entirety without falling asleep.
I think we had one of these ages ago.

I said it then and i'll say it again. I was forced to sit through the mind-numbing boredom known as Platoon by no other than a film student. What an absolutely tedious film. Dreadfully over-rated! All of my housemates agreed and we never let him live it down. "Yeah, but at least it's not as bad as Platoon"
fozzybear said:
Apocalypse Now is also a vastly over-rated movie. People have got far too excited about it's cinematography rather than the plot.

"Only in men's imagination does every truth find an effective and undeniable existence. Imagination, not invention, is the supreme master of art as of life."

How's about that for cryptic :cool:
i agree with a clockwork orange good but not fantastic.

cast away was mentioned but that is a good film as are the x mens

pulp fiction is over rated, in fact any tarantino film is i think
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