Most over-rated film thread!

fozzybear said:
Apocalypse Now is also a vastly over-rated movie. People have got far too excited about it's cinematography rather than the plot.

Couldn't stand this film, held no enjoyment for me whatsoever.

I watched The Manchurian Candidate yesterday after being recommended it. I was disappointed to say the least. Totally over the top plot and for a 2+ hour film, it lacked any real excitement whatsoever.

Enjoyed this film a lot, so did the people I watched it with.

also throw The Matrix into the pot. Totally over-hyped rubbish.

STRONGLY disagree with you there, there was nothing about this film that was over-hyped. If anything, it exceeded the hype.. The Matrix was one of the best action films ever made, I can watch it again and again and stll lap it up. Matrix 2 and 3 however made me want to throw the TV out the window, I was crushingly dissappointed, bit like the first time I watched Star Wars Ep I and II. :(.
the godfather , i love ganster/mafia stuff, i adored goodfellas, it gripped me from the moment i turned it on, wheras i got bored, in fairness to the godfather, i have only seen 30 mins,but i didnt see enough to warrant further viewing

erm what else

il add more later
Richdog said:
STRONGLY disagree with you there, there was nothing about this film that was over-hyped. If anything, it exceeded the hype.. The Matrix was one of the best action films ever made,

just a case of different folks liking different things, to me it is a close call between the Matrix and Jacob's ladder for the worst film I have ever seen

Oh and we can throw Hellboy in with those two
Scarface, Scarface, Scarface. Its rubbish, can't see how anyone could like it.

Apoc. Now. Don't believe the hype.
I quite like 2001, as long as you fast forward the beginning and stop watching before the protracted end, it's a fun hour or so :)

I'm going to add Eraserhead, don't get me wrong I love Lynch's other stuff, and appreciate its wierdness, but I could never get into this film, and thought it was a fairly aimless piece of filmmaking - all style and no substance
The Exorcist.

Watched it when it was re-released onto DVD, just sat through it and laughed. Was like a comedy.


The Matrix (first film only) is my number one favourite film of all time tbh.
Wzd said:
Terminator 2 - Human killing machine, turned into kindergarten cop :rolleyes:

No, they were two seperate movies :p T2 being a very good one ;) Now T3... THAT was ma-hooooos-ivly over rated.
Noxis said:
No, they were two seperate movies :p T2 being a very good one ;) Now T3... THAT was ma-hooooos-ivly over rated.
Terminator 1 f-t-w!!

Sarah connor? yes!...BANG!! ....job done, **** off back to the future :D
The Matrix, Keanu Reeves is just a terrible actor, the only good thing he ever did was Bill & Ted. The idea of the film was good but it relied too heavily on effects for me. The other two are just dire, but not overated as most people think they're pap.

Lord of the Rings, was barely able to sit through them, the third had some good moments but by the end it was just laughable.

Saving Private Ryan, shocking american tripe of the highest order.
The Shawshank Redemption. I like the film, but I just can't grasp what it is that warrants its consistent 'all-time greatest' rating.
Big Kev said:
You're very, very, very weird. :p

I'd say that Battle Royale and Equilibrium are two of the most overrated films ever, I just can't see the attraction of either. :confused:

im sorry but i have to stop you there!
Equilibrium wasnt that well known of a film or popular. it is now, but honestly it is excellent i loved the whole idea.

battle royale was also a good film not perfect but good, it is slightly over rated not a lot though
To be honest, i have to disagree with the majority of peoples replies to this thread, i liked most of the films that have been mentioned, some of them are among my personal favourites.

the_one_deep86 said:
... in fact any tarantino film is i think
I would have to agree with this statement though, Pulp Fiction wasnt bad, but ive not really enjoyed his other films
Welshy said:
To be honest, i have to disagree with the majority of peoples replies to this thread, i liked most of the films that have been mentioned, some of them are among my personal favourites.

I would have to agree with this statement though, Pulp Fiction wasnt bad, but ive not really enjoyed his other films

That reminds me, completely hated Kill Bill (both parts).
Well as people say "each to thier own".

I can personally say that 90% of the films mentioned in the thread so far are by far some of the best films I have seen. I own them all (well, the 90% I like anyway).

I know this is a Most over rated film thread but I would like to say the Godfather is the best. End of..:D
It`s hard to determine what is the most over rated film is because of peoples different opinions and tastes. To me the MORF that I have seen would have to be Final Destination 3. I did buy it on DVD and I thought it was a good film but reading what the press said about it saying it was a real ride and total excitment was far from the truth. Even some people in certain magazines say it was better then FD2. Where as FD2 was a far superior film in my opinion.

So to end with, I think Final Destination 3, to me is the most over rated film.
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