most underated games

That time of year again is it? :)

Medal of Honor: Pacific Assault:
Very good atmosphere and character/storyline development for that type of game, wide variety of environments.... it's the best WWII FPS apart from CoD imo.

Command and Conquer: Renegade:
Fantastic array of weapons (one of the best I've ever seen in a FPS), varied levels, and a reasonable storyline.

Not without it's faults, but far from the steaming pile of crud many would have you to believe. The cutscenes are very well done and some of the missions quite entertaining too.

Tribes Vengeance:
Suprisingly few people talk about this game, I thought it worked very well. The jetpacks make combat interesting and you get to see the storyline from a few different points of view.

Need for Speed: Porsche 2000
Arguably the best of the series, this strikes a nice balance between pure arcade racer and semi-sim thanks to the persistent damage model and exciting handling.

Deus Ex: The Invisible War
I played this before Deus Ex, so I was able to judge it on merit, not some preconceived view about what the game should be like. I thoroughly enjoyed it, I think the fact that it may have disappointed some people has clouded their judgement into thinking that it is a bad game. Let me put it this way; a game 80% as good as Deus Ex is still a very good game.

For the record, games such as Fahrenheit and Vampire: The Mascerade are not really what I would call underrated since nearly everyone who has played them rates them fairly highly - although it is certainly fair to say that they are relatively under publicised.
Richard Burns Rally without a shadow of a doubt is the most underated game ever.
In my opinion this is the Best ever rally game, Period.
z0mbi3 said:
Disagree on Deus Ex invisible war because it simply sucks in comparison to the first.

They removed some stuff, but it certiantly doesn't suck. It's got an awesome storyline, interesting characters, far more freedom (it's possible to kill more characters, even those seemingly "essential" to the storyline), and it's generally enjoyable.
SiD the Turtle said:
And to all those who say Deus Ex: Invisible War, fie on you! The original was many, many times better.


You've just proved the point I made above - far and away the most common critisism I hear about DX:IW is that it is is much worse than the original. But that doesn't make it a bad game.
HangTime said:

You've just proved the point I made above - far and away the most common critisism I hear about DX:IW is that it is is much worse than the original. But that doesn't make it a bad game.

Oh fair enough. Perhaps as a stand alone game its not so bad. As a sequel though a shockingly bad Xbox port to one of the best PC games of all time really left all the Deus Ex obsessives (including myself) in shock.
HangTime said:
Need for Speed: Porsche 2000
Arguably the best of the series, this strikes a nice balance between pure arcade racer and semi-sim thanks to the persistent damage model and exciting handling.

This is probably one of the games I have played most and I still go back to it and re-complete it probably at least once a year but I don't know if I would call it underrated, like you said about Farenheit and Vampire... it is probably under-exposed rather than underrated and now it is a bit too old for that to be remedied.

I'd probably say Carmageddon II was underrated, the original got massive publicity because of it's 'controversial' content but the sequel seemed to get unfairly slated from what I recall. It was a pretty decent racer with a fair bit of humour yet it never became as popular as I think it deserved. Oh and the less said about TDR2000 the better, the soundtrack was the only redeeming feature if memory serves.
note to the O.P.

cannon fodder

they were massive games, hardly underrated :) stronghold sold very very well in europe although its my beliefe it wouldnt of done as well in U.S. and asian markets but i dont know for sure.

cannon fodder is just a legendary little game ;) everyone at my secondry school used to play it :)

so i wouldnt call them underated... :)

my most underrated game i feel was

DaY Of ThE TeNTaCLE !!!!

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I've just ordered the Cossacks Anthology for £5.99 from 'a site' Ah, the memories are flooding back.

Day of the tenticle was a classic

the Earthworm Jim series anyone? That game introduced me to Beethoven...

And definitly Hostile Waters. One of the best games I've ever played, but killed somewhat by lack of skirmish and absolute impossibility after level 9 or suchlike. Great voice acting if you liked Blake's 7 as well. :D
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