most underated games

Cronox said:
I second that, for example Syndicate Wars as I recall was a total success in terms of both reviews and sales. I don't remember anybody who played games back then not playing that.

I didn't, purely because my PC was too slow. The second a bomb went off the PC crawled at about 1 frame per minute.
SiD the Turtle said:
I didn't, purely because my PC was too slow. The second a bomb went off the PC crawled at about 1 frame per minute.

Aye, it did that to every PC. It even does it to my current rig.
HangTime said:
Tribes Vengeance:
Suprisingly few people talk about this game, I thought it worked very well. The jetpacks make combat interesting and you get to see the storyline from a few different points of view.

blasphemy !!!!

t:v was utter garbage, it was that badly received by the tribes community that vivendi(*spits*) even cancelled patching it.
everygame has its fair share of cheats and hax's but t:v as an online game ruined the tribes genre.

my fave underated game was Day of sex (dues Ex) , amazing fps with great gfx but tons of gameplay which you could adapt to your own style.
people rave about the original half life but imo this beat it hands down.
Psypher5 said:
Clive Barker's Undying
Yup, That and the guys who previously mentioned Painkiller. Definitely a better engine than the Quake instalments at the time.

Also, Homeworld 2 and Ground Control 2.
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