most underated games

The Freespace series - great graphics and good gameplay.

VtM - Bloodlines. Got this and HL2 at the same time, played this first !
I was going to say-

System Shock 2
Thief 2

but of course they're not underrated by anyone who knows their games, and indeed they received excellent reviews. Underrated by the masses maybe though.

I was also going to say Grand Prix Legends, but again it's not underrated by people who know and love racing sims.

SiD the Turtle said:
I remember rescuing some cats from the ship Nostromo. Such a bad idea...
Rofl :)
Most of these games were rated in their time lol.

Most of these are 5-10 years old at least....
HicRic said:
All hail the most unheard of castle-em-up ever made! :D I love that game, I really do. Lovely 2D isometric graphics and really fun gameplay.

I love Stronghold as well :)

Do you know if there is any way to play it at a higher resolution though? About 1600 x 1200 would be nice :(
HicRic said:
All hail the most unheard of castle-em-up ever made! :D I love that game, I really do. Lovely 2D isometric graphics and really fun gameplay.

MAAAAAWNIN' your Lordship! :D

I loved the little tweeks in the menu greeting so when you got it to December it went "only 25 shopping days left until Xmas Sire"

"Merry Xmas Sire"

"Happy Easter Sire."

"Ooh I do say, Happy Birthday Sire"

"You've not played for a long time Sire."
HangTime said:
For the record, games such as Fahrenheit and Vampire: The Mascerade are not really what I would call underrated since nearly everyone who has played them rates them fairly highly - although it is certainly fair to say that they are relatively under publicised.

I was just thinking that, a lot of titles, even ones I've mentioned are quite well known.

It's difficult to think of some genuine good ones that slipped under the carpet.

How about Life Force Tenka?

SnipaMasta said:
They removed some stuff, but it certiantly doesn't suck. It's got an awesome storyline, interesting characters, far more freedom (it's possible to kill more characters, even those seemingly "essential" to the storyline), and it's generally enjoyable.

For a game who's original was a natural evolution of System Shock 2, Invisible War should have been a lot more. It's like Terminator 3, on its own people will say its an okay film (not me, it sucks balls) but compare it to the first two and its a severe let down. This was the case for me and many others with Invisible War.I strongly disagree with you about the freedom thing. I also think they butchered the augmentation system.
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Noticed a lot of these games were never really underrated by the press as such, they just sold really badly. Some are critically acclaimed and sold by the boatload, like Day of The Tentacle.
William said:
Noticed a lot of these games were never really underrated by the press as such, they just sold really badly. Some are critically acclaimed and sold by the boatload, like Day of The Tentacle.
I second that, for example Syndicate Wars as I recall was a total success in terms of both reviews and sales. I don't remember anybody who played games back then not playing that.
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