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What, not lazy?
Laziness is one of the worst traits a person can hold and you yourself admitted to currently being trapped by.
Get your revision done and you'll be less lazy and more successful.
GCSEs :trollface:.
I played CS 1.6 during my GCSE 'study-leave', was awesome.
Came away with 2 B's and 7 C's which I was happy with, considering.
My Guide to Get Motivated!
1/. Look in your local papers at what jobs are available and what qualifications are needed for them.
2/. Go into your local city and watch the chavs walking around pushing prams tell the kids in them to ******* shut up.
3/. Walk to the local job centre and watch the genuine detritus of society that sometimes goes in and out.
Know that if you don't meet the criteria set out in 1/. then 2/. and 3/. are your destiny. Is that what you really want from your life?
if I mess up there's no way back.
I don't want to be lazy
but I also don't want to swear at kids when all they're trying to do is get motivated for their GCSE's.
It's not exactly easy, it's a lot of pressure for me because if I mess up there's no way back.
I'm a lazy sod and really can't motivate myself to revise or work. I keep putting revision off and always do homework at the last minute.
So how did you guys motivate yourselves and what was the end result?