
8 Nov 2006
I feel the same way.

What annoys me the most though is I always used to have ambition and drive, was always learning, and I have lost all that.

It's been slowly sucked out of me in my current job. Thing is, it was a very comfortable position for me for various reasons. Thing is there was always the dangling carrot that things would really start moving forward soon with regards to technology used within the company, but it never happened.

I am now just completely de-motivated and dumber than when I started. These days I jsut want to get completely away from any work to do with computers...
13 Jan 2004
South East
Axis64 said:
Over the last few months I have been browsing the forums and have see allot of people having interviews and allot of people getting new jobs.

Now I hate my job with a passion and have from day one but 3 years on I just can’t seem to find the motivation to start looking for a new one, I don’t know if this is because I am in a comfort zone where I know exactly what I am doing know the people who I work with and so on or if I am just a lazy git (I personally think it’s the latter).

I guess my question is how do you guys get the motivation, some in here will say I already have because I hate my job but I just can’t seem to find it :(

My motivation for leaving was because within about 20 minutes of being at work EVERY DAY I would be really REALLY angry. To the point where I wanted to just go home and/or stab someone.

I joined an agency and within a week I had a new job. My last day in this **** hole is next Friday and I can't wait. Also I will finally be working within an industry that I like and have a passion for.
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