Motorola Moto G - new budget smartphone champion?

The original Moto G is a great example, it was soooo smooth, with such a great screen and battery life, you couldn't believe you'd paid less than £100 for it.

Yes mine is still going strong, although admittedly it hasn't been used a lot - I bought a Windows phone a couple of months after the Moto-G, which became my main phone. The Moto-G is used for different purposes, and has a lot of life left in it still !
Got hold of mine yesterday, the basic 2GB RAM, 16GB storage -

I've pretty much only done this unboxing, not switched over to it as my daily yet, so hard to make comment, but seems very nice for £170.
I would disagree, not tried any of the X's, but this G4 still seems pretty good. You could argue it could do with being £30 cheaper, but I'll reserve judgement until I've used it properly.
Would have been nice if they released phones like the moto g at a price point of 130 or less but good specs like with first gen. Now i think they are just pushing price up with a few upgrades over the 1st gen. Instead of trying to build better phones at the same price point or close. To keep pushing the good budget phones with no frills but good specs where needed i.e screen, a quick android upgrade OS, good battery life etc.
I think Moto have had their day. They are just churning out junk now. I tried the Moto X Pure & it was awful.

Bit harsh! I do wonder how long Moto are for this world. I suspect the Moto name could disapear and be amalgamated into Lenovo phones. Could be wrong - and usually am :p

What was awful about the Moto X you tried? I use one daily and although the camera isn't great the rest I have no issues with. I do find it a bit big and ideally something about 5.2" would be easier to use one handed. Maybe my expectations are low :D
Are you in America ?

Anyway how was the Pure/Style awful, every review I've ever read has rated it quite highly!

Pure is the US version so suppose it's possible. No matter it's the same phone. It may not be as good as the new Samsungs but it's less than half the price? These cheap phones do most things the expensive ones do with maybe not so much style. Makes me stall at paying £500++ for a new phone. Even worse on contract for 2 years.
Any ideas as to why both mine and my sisters 3rd gen Gs are getting so atrociously slow? For example, minimum 10 seconds to open Chrome, 20 to open Maps/Camera. I know its not storage on my phone, I only have the stock apps and then two additional apps (FuelLog and TripleTown, each around 30mb). My sisters has substantially more apps but is still barely 2/3rds full storage wise, but hers is also slower still than mine, taking similar times on Chrome/Camera, but then 30 secs+ on Snapchat, something she uses constantly.
Any ideas as to why both mine and my sisters 3rd gen Gs are getting so atrociously slow? For example, minimum 10 seconds to open Chrome, 20 to open Maps/Camera. I know its not storage on my phone, I only have the stock apps and then two additional apps (FuelLog and TripleTown, each around 30mb). My sisters has substantially more apps but is still barely 2/3rds full storage wise, but hers is also slower still than mine, taking similar times on Chrome/Camera, but then 30 secs+ on Snapchat, something she uses constantly.

Nevermind. I have changed the three animation settings to 0.5 (from 1), and it has had a considerable impact. I might also try clearing the cache partition, as apparently that can also help.
Picked up a 4th Gen Moto G4 for my mum yesterday and there are a couple of minor issues as follows if anyone can shed any light?

- there doesn't appear to be a volume control specifically for notifications!?!
- is there any way of getting rid of the Google search bar at the top of the main screen - I've tried looking at disabling the "Google Now" thingy but the disable button is greyed out!?!?!
- how do you add further home screens?

Thanks for any pointers guys...
Yeah the phone has 3 separate volume sliders - ringtone, alarm and media - surprised there doesn't appear to have a dedicated notification volume!

Managed to get round the Google search bar problem by going for a different launcher!

Thanks anyway...
I got the G4 Plus 16GB today and from a person who swore he would never use Motorola again, I find very little to fault with this phone.

No lag whatsoever, really fast, good screen. Speaker is okay (at least it's front-facing). Fingerprint sensor is really fast.

I fear about the updates but for £199 this thing is a steal.
The thing I miss is the water protection. Everytime I put the phone down or it rains I keep thinking should have bought a 2GB Gen 3.

Anyone recommend a case for the regular Gen4?
Me neither. So it makes no sense I know.

Well the only one I had with a triggered moisture indicator was one where the screen cable broke, known manufacturing flaw, (flip phone) and they refused to fix it under warranty because of the sensor.

Though my OH did drop a brand new nokia in her tea. Dead. And I did spill water on an pre Smart phone Sony once. The Sony started working again after a year in a drawer.
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