Motorola Moto G - new budget smartphone champion?

Guys, my dad's got a Moto G and it was all good until it updated to 4.4, now the battery runs down quickly... Looks like something it keeping it awake.

Tried Wakelock Detector, but it says it needs root on 4.4. Any other app That could tell me what is killing the battery?


there's loads of reports that the 4.4.x update screws up the battery stats. just factory reset it, and worst case root it (using the method on modaco) and re-calibrate the battery.
Guys, my dad's got a Moto G and it was all good until it updated to 4.4, now the battery runs down quickly... Looks like something it keeping it awake.

Tried Wakelock Detector, but it says it needs root on 4.4. Any other app That could tell me what is killing the battery?


I had this problem too after 4.4. I resolved it with a factory reset. Not ideal but it worked. I drained then charged my battery first.
Fair play cheers. He's got sod all on it so a factory reset would hardly be much of an issue, will try that. :)
No issues on my wife's. Battery is impressive. 4.4.2 was installed though the second it came out the box and before we got a SIM in it.
Similar issue with a Moto G here. Shocking battery after 4.4.2 update. Reset phone. All sweet again.

Mine as well, although I've improved it a bit by stopping email synch etc. Maybe I'll try the factory reset too, and then slowly install the apps again, and watch for any battery hogs.
My phone has gone totally pear-shaped after I did a factory reset. I entered my google account details, and then it proceeds to try and download apps and updates, and gives loads of error message about failures to download. Grrr !! Error 403.
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My phone has gone totally pear-shaped after I did a factory reset. I entered my google account details, and then it proceeds to try and download apps and updates, and gives loads of error message about failures to download. Grrr !! Error 403.

Phew, all is OK today, the apps are updating and installing error free. Might have been some sort of timing difference, or an issue with the play store last night :)
and then it proceeds to try and download apps and updates, and gives loads of error message about failures to download. Grrr !! Error 403.
I get that sort of error sometimes when I try to install an app via the online app store rather than via the phone... it's completely random too
Only if you keep sensitive data on the sdcard.

You mean the internal storage ? I would have email thought email passwords, google wallet etc were sensitive. iPhones are encrypted by default as soon as you set a lock password. Why would we not enable encryption on our Android phones ?
Is anyone having Poor or no Network signal with their Moto G..when out in the wide open sometimes i get a signal,Sometimes not,In the house no signal today at all wont even send a text..even if i go outside and im not in a built up area or anything..i just seem to have major network signal issues with this phone,with it showing no or little bars.

I'm using Tesco sim card..had this in my previous phone and had NO network issues whatsoever no matter where i was,Im thinking the antenna in this phone is rubbish. :mad:
i had it telling me my simcard was invalid the other day. popped it out, back in and restarted to be met with roaming (in areas i know i get good 3g signal). after about 30 mins it started working again... i assumed it was a problem with 3 in my area, but starting to think this phone has some bugs now...
Same here, past week nothing but drop out connection issues. half the day it was saying no network, was like that for 3-4 days of this week and today slightly better can at least send/receive again.

Strange thing is my bros same identical phone and same sim provider no issues with signal.

Is kitkat perhaps worse for signal quality? Or perhaps these rain/storms and floods causing these poor outages ?
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