Motors YouTube Videos

Thing is Harris doesn't really do reviews on tracks or airfields. His main stuff is usually on the road so can't really get up to high speed with crazy angles.

Put them both on the same layout and I think it would be a close match.
I think tiff's lengthy experience would lend the win in his favour really. When watching both talk about the drive when driving in their reviews that's the impression I get anyway, that Tiff has more experience and is a little wiser at squeezing every bit of potential out of a car given the conditions.

Harris has on a few occasions commented himself about his lack of balls to push a car further, for example.

Back to vids!

I think that video shows just how important driver input also is on a GT-R, people always pass comment that the electronics do all the work for you but as this guy shows, you have to be on the ball as well!

Beautiful pearl white colour as well on that.
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That exhaust!!!

Also those alloys are on my must have list for when I do won a car like that one day!

Oh yeah, that C63 is rolling on Vreds :cool::cool::cool:
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